Page 11 - OAD 2023 First Monday Digital Journal
P. 11


                                          RICARDO JIMENEZ

        Ricardo “Ricky” Jimenez was born and raised in the Bronx.  He was brought up by his aunt, Matilda
        Jimenez, whom he has always regarded as his mother.  Mr. Jimenez is a father to three adult sons, Ricardo
        Jr., Edwin, and David, and young son, Zayden, with his wife Demetria.  Mr. Jimenez and Demetria also have
        a baby girl, Amora, born in July; he was overjoyed to be able to attend Amora’s birth and to be a hands-on,
        diaper-changing father to her.  Mr. Jimenez also has two stepchildren, Diamond and Nathaniel.

        Now 55 years old, Mr. Jimenez spent over 16 years in prison for a murder he did not commit.  He was arrested
        in 2006, nearly 17 years after a cold-case homicide had been resurrected when the police were contacted
        by a highly incentivized man serving a lengthy sentence in federal prison.  Despite the initial description of
        the shooter being vastly different than Mr. Jimenez’s appearance and ethnicity, and conflicting accounts
        of how the shooting occurred, Mr. Jimenez was convicted and sentenced to 22 years to life in prison.
        He recalls the devastating impact of hearing the jury’s verdict and the sense that the world had come
        tumbling down on him.  He felt like giving up then and at various points throughout the long history of this
        case.  The unwavering support of his mother and, more recently, his wife Demetria allowed him to retain
        hope for a just result.

        OAD began representing Mr. Jimenez in 2008.  After his direct appeal was affirmed by the Appellate
        Division in 2010, Mr. Jimenez’s case was taken up by OAD’s newly formed Reinvestigation Project.  Anastasia
        Heeger, then-director of the Project, spearheaded a wide-ranging investigation that encompassed witness
        interviews in six states and resulted in a post-conviction motion alleging Brady violations.  After the
        motion was denied, the Appellate Division ordered a remand for a hearing on one of the Brady claims.
        After a hearing, the motion was again denied.  OAD extensively supplemented Mr. Jimenez’s pro se habeas
        corpus petition, which was granted in July of 2022. The federal district judge ordered the Bronx DA to
        retry Mr. Jimenez within 120 days or release him.

        Mr. Jimenez was released last November.  After more than 16 years in state prison, the nightmare was
        finally over, and Mr. Jimenez went home to his family.  A few months later, all charges against him were

        Returning to life at home has not been without its challenges.  Mr. Jimenez has trouble sleeping and finds
        himself repeatedly checking the locks on his door to keep his family safe.  He plans to return to work as a
        barber, with a dream of owning his own barbershop.  Mr. Jimenez describes how he missed seeing sunlight
        from his prison cell and how he now enjoys waking up every morning to see the sun shining through the
        window of his family home.

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