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P. 2

English Material For XII Graders (Senior High School)

                                                       NEWS ITEM

               Basic Competence

               3.30 Analyze social functions, text structure, and language to express and ask about the

               importance, in accordance with the context of its use

               4.30 Arrange oral and written texts to express and ask about, taking into account the social

               form, text structure, and not language that is correct and in accordance with the context.

               Lesson Objective

               From this lesson, students are expected to be able to:

                   1.  Analyze social functions, text structures, and language about obligation and necessity

                   2.  Understand about the use of obligation and necessity
                   3.  Applying obligation and necessity in oral or written

               Character value

               From this lesson, students are expected to be able to develop character :




                       Peaceful love
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