Page 53 - Perfect English Grammar: The Indispensable Guide to Excellent Writing and Speaking
P. 53
■ ■ Wrong: ladie’s night Right: ladies’ night Possessive pronouns (see
section 10.0, Pronouns) never take an apostrophe.
■ ■ hers his
■ its
■ ■ ■ ■ ours theirs whose yours
Its versus it’s is a confusing possessive pronoun, because it looks so much like
the contraction it’s.
The best way to decide which word to use is to ask yourself, if I replace
its/it’s with “it is” or “it has,” does the sentence still make sense? If so, then use
it’s. If not, then use its.
■ Wrong: dog can’t catch it’s tail.
■ Right: It’s a long way to Tipperary. It’s been a pleasure speaking with
4.8 Dates
In the United States, dates are formatted a little differently than in the rest of the
world. Typically, the United States puts it as month-day-year, like so: July 4,
1776, or 7/4/1776
■ March 19, 2007, or 3/19/2007
■ May 17, 1954, or 5/17/1954
In the rest of the world, you are far more likely to see basic dates written as
■day-month-year: 4 July 1776, or 4/7/1776
■ 19 March 2007, or 19/3/2007
■ 17 May 1954, or 17/5/1954
If you regularly encounter both ways of writing the date, it’s easy to get