Page 106 - The World's Best Boyfriend
P. 106

to the ledge and squinted her eyes.
                  Dhruv waved the bundle of the assignments in the air. ‘FUCK YOUR
               ASSIGNMENT! FUCK YOUR ASSIGNMENT!’ shouted Dhruv.

                  Dhruv kept the stack of assignments on the edge of the roof. He poured Vodka
               out of a bottle over it even as Sanchit kept saying, ‘Enough, enough, don’t waste
               it!’ and lit it up.

                  Aranya screamed in disbelief.
                  ‘FUCK RAGHUVIR. GO FUCK HIM!’ shouted Dhruv and started to walk
               away from the fire.

                  ‘That was a bit extreme even for me,’ said Sanchit. ‘Why did you do it?’
                  ‘Because I hate her.’
                  ‘Hate doesn’t push you that far, only love does.’

                  ‘I’m sure you haven’t heard of ISIS.’
                  ‘Oh. Political references. Respect! But your reference is incorrect because the
               ISIS guys love Islam.’

                  ‘Fuck off.’
                  ‘But tell me something, why didn’t you do the assignment?’
                  ‘My mother’s a bitch and my father’s an alcoholic. Doing assignments is out

               of my domain,’ Dhruv said and walked back to his room.

                  I Love u Rachu
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