Page 45 - The World's Best Boyfriend
P. 45
to come to her and tell her that she’s beautiful.
Ashamed at her regressive thoughts, she blamed fairy tales, nice boyfriends,
happy endings, red hearts with arrows through them, and she said, ‘Fuck you,
fuck you, boys! I don’t need you,’ and closed her eyes and saw the boy who was
the first person ever to call her ugly, a burden she’d carried all these years. The
boy she loved. The boy named Dhruv.
She bore no guilt about what had happened years ago, about the lie she said to
save herself from her parents and a life full of misery. It was a desperate attempt
of a young ostracized girl at self-preservation. What could she have done? Dhruv
should have got that. Instead he hit back like a coward and single-handedly
wrecked her life. He was the first one to tell the world she was ugly, unwanted,
repulsive. It was he who had sown the seeds of self-doubt that had torn her apart
for years now. He snatched away what little normalcy she had hoped for from
life. She wished he were dead now, or at least as unhappy as she was with her
life. She hated him with all her might.
I Love u Rachu