Page 57 - The World's Best Boyfriend
P. 57


               Aranya wrote furiously in her register, the nib of her pen making an angry noise

               against the paper, to avoid looking at the gorgeous boy. She had noticed his
               roving, sleepy eyes over the occupants of the first two benches, evaluating them,
               and then turning towards her. She found herself thinking why the face looked so
               familiar and, more importantly, why did she feel an inherent hatred towards it.

               She reminded herself of the task at hand—be a pet student of every professor,
               secure the scholarships, get a project under the famed Dr Raghuvir, get a plush,

               overpaying job abroad, and have a great fucking life. Possibly a liposuction as
                  ‘Sir? It should be three neutrons, shouldn’t it? Or is it four?’ asked Aranya,
               acting confused, chewing her pen.

                  She had noticed the mistake right when Mr Tripathi made it. But she waited
               for a perfectly timed moment to point it out, her voice modulated to make her

               sound like a curious, dedicated, unsure student.
                  Prof. Tripathi noticed the mistake. ‘Oh yes, thanks for pointing that out! At
               least someone is paying attention.’ Tripathi smiled and Aranya smiled back.
               Mutual admiration was the first step towards a healthy and fruitful relationship.

                  The professor continued to teach nuclear physics to a bored class till the clock
               struck nine-thirty. Tripathi dictated the names of a few reference books and the

               serial numbers of the questions they had to finish before the next class.
                  ‘I need someone to volunteer as a class representative,’ Tripathi said,
               wrapping up the class. Many hands went up.

                  Sir, I’m willing to be the volunteer. I’m your best choice. I will be a good
               student and will always be by your side. You can trust me. In moments of despair
               when you feel like your best days as a college professor are over, I will stand up

               and tell you how you changed my life as a professor.
                  Aranya could have said this but she gingerly raised her hand and kept her
               mouth shut.

                  ‘What’s your name?’
                  ‘Sir, Aranya,’ she mumbled softly.
                  ‘Aranya is your class representative. All of you will report to her from now

               on,’ said Prof. Tripathi. Aranya offered to help the professor carry his books
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