Page 55 - The Book Thief
P. 55


               Come on, you two, Kurt (the oldest of the Steiner children) called back, and
               Rudy and Liesel walked quickly toward him.

               At school, Rudy made a special point of seeking Liesel out during the breaks. He
               didnt care that others made noises about the new girls stupidity. He was there for
               her at the beginning, and he would be there later on, when Liesels frustration
               boiled over. But he wouldnt do it for free.

                                        THE ONLY THING WORSE THAN
                                             A BOY WHO HATES YOU
                                                 A boy who loves you.

               In late April, when theyd returned from school for the day, Rudy and Liesel
               waited on Himmel Street for the usual game of soccer. They were slightly early,
               and no other kids had turned up yet. The one person they saw was the gutter-
               mouthed Pfiffikus.

               Look there. Rudy pointed.

                                           A PORTRAIT OF PFIFFIKUS
                                               He was a delicate frame.
                                                   He was white hair.

                        He was a black raincoat, brown pants, decomposing shoes, and
                                          a mouthand what a mouth it was.

               Hey, Pfiffikus!

               As the distant figure turned, Rudy started whistling.
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