Page 110 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 110

worked on myself and discovered my love for comedy. It happened for the
                good. Let bygones be bygones.’

                   ‘Why did she have to remind you of your passion? What held you back
                   ‘I am the youngest kid in the family. My parents decided to have me ten
                years after my elder sister. My father is going to retire before I complete

                college. I just have some responsibilities and so the internship at the bank is
                something I continue to keep.’
                   ‘Do you still love her?’

                   ‘I loved her until I met you.’ My feet go cold and my head goes numb. I
                am not ready for another rejection yet. But I let out the truth in the nick of

                   She moves her face closer to mine and closes her eyes. This moment is
                something I have been waiting for days now. I move forward and kiss her.
                A perfect kiss seldom happens under the perfect circumstances. A perfect
                kiss is unplanned, extremely passionate.

                   As I lie next to her, I ponder upon every inch of her body. She does not
                look perfect. I discover. There are scars on her back. But it’s utterly crazy
                how none of it matters to me. I still want to kiss her - especially the scars,
                each one of them, one by one. There is something so intense I feel for those
                scars. I can almost feel the pain that she must have gone through when she
                got them in the first place. I want to whisper it into her ears, ‘None of it

                matters to me.’
                   And I know that they’re not the only scars. There are some that she hides
                behind that smile. I know they did hurt her at a point in her life, and some

                of them continue to haunt her. I whisper into her ears, ‘None of it matters to
                   This is what love does to you. It makes you look beyond what you see.
                Above all, it makes you look beyond what others can see!

                   As she directs me while we make love, her voice isn’t soothing, but often
                commanding and strong. Unlike her, I sing awfully. But the conversations
                that we have, you and I, stay in my head, beautiful like the images ingrained
                on stones of a heritage building. Your words are like pieces of art that cling

                to the walls of my heart. And yes, I want you to talk to me all this time.
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