Page 143 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 143

possible. Elisha’s story has brought us together and helped us move in a
                new direction.’

                   I adjust my mic as I say jokingly, ‘All the questions for the pretty lady.
                You  guys  have  nothing  to  ask  me?  I  have  played  the  drums.’  The  hall
                echoes with laughter.
                   ‘Is it true that you were in love with Elisha?’

                   ‘Yes. Can you ask me questions that make sense? Why are you focusing
                on our personal lives only?’ I shout back.

                   Alara holds my hand firmly and gestures at me to tone down.
                   ‘With your  first album being such  a huge hit even prior to its release,
                what does the future hold for you?’

                   I reply, ‘This is just the beginning. We will be working on many more
                original compositions together.’

                   ‘Alara, you recently met RR Maan, a stalwart of the music industry. How
                was your experience?’
                   ‘It was so engrossing to listen to his songs and stories around recording
                and performing. When I asked him what has been his greatest learning from

                a singing career spanning across decades, all he summed up for me was,
                listen to everyone but follow your heart. He told me that while everyone
                suggested  that  he  should  release  a  sad  song  as  his  debut  single,  he  went
                against the common idea and released it as an upbeat music number instead.
                We all know that it rose to the top of the charts, and the rest is history.’

                   After an hour of playing question and answer with them, and signing for
                innumerous fans, Alara and I head to the airport.
                   On the flight, while we sit quietly next to each other, and without looking

                at me, Alara starts to talk.
                   ‘Ricky, I am so at peace today. Six months ago, for a moment I thought I
                had lost my purpose, my dream, my mother. But now I realize that her life

                is far bigger than what she lived. Her songs bring her alive in me, in us.’
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