Page 42 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 42

We keep walking only to reach my shack. The board at the gate reads a
                new thought every day. It’s a typical black board that is looked after by my
                manager, Sheen. She puts her creativity and fondness for colors to the best

                use right on this board.
                   Today, it reads:


                   Long Drive. Hair let loose out of the window
                   A bunch of crazy friends

                   Dish :
                   A perfect life

                   Noor  alerts  her  team  to  take  a  close  shot  of  the  board.  She  continues,
                ‘What’s special about Ricky’s Beach Shack?’

                   ‘My  dream  project,  Ricky’s  Beach  Shack  bustles  with  people,  sounds,
                and festivity. The only rule is to switch off your phones when you’re at the
                club. I stayed away from a normal habitat and mobile phone networks for
                so many years that it now suffocates me to the last bit. I find pleasure in
                little things. Like I find peace in helping newbies learn diving and surfing. I

                also help young people achieve their goals. When you scuba dive into the
                ocean you generally have an instructor who guides you all the way to the
                bottom, hand-holds you, not because you are not capable of reaching the
                bottom, but to make you realize, when you lose track midway, that you can
                still achieve it. I am one of those people you meet. Most lost millennials
                who visit my cafe are living in the FOMO. Somebody got the dream job,
                somebody got married, somebody is travelling the world, or somebody won

                an award. It has always been happening. It’s just that social media brings it
                to  your  notice  and  you  worry  for  no  reason  at  all.  FOMO  is  useless,
                unnecessary,  and  counterproductive.  I  tell  them  to  stop  comparing,  start
                living! But they are more risk-taking and relentlessly pursue their passion,
                unlike my generation. I envy them for the fact that I was never free. I feared
                a lot of things in life and, therefore, I was always the follower. People from

                across the world come to watch my muses perform and get inspired to find
                their true selves, live meaningful lives, and strive hard to become the best
                version of themselves.’
                   ‘What do sunsets feel like at Ricky’s?’
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