Page 88 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 88

were together. She must have realized it after I left.

                   I  assert,  ‘It  is  always  one  person  who  decides  to  move  on  in  a
                   ‘Yes. And why did you not move on?’

                   ‘Did not feel the need to. If we hadn’t gotten married, we might have
                broken up. If we had, we might have gotten divorced. And even if we had
                decided to stay together forever, one of us would have died before the other.
                But you are mine today. This today is forever. Nothing means forever like
                the tiny moments in which we live a lifetime. I’m happy in this momentary

                bond. I have felt forever so many times.’
                   ‘Is one-sided love a bond?’

                   ‘Yes. Some people keep loving without getting anything in return. Some
                people keep loving getting a lot of hatred and disrespect in return. Love is a
                messed up thing. Relationships are messy, aren’t they?’

                   ‘Can a bond become bondage?’
                   ‘Not  for  me.  It  has  helped  me  become  a  better  version  of  me.
                Vulnerability is my strength. Intimacy impacts individuality. You can’t do
                this. That. I am free from all that nonsense.’

                   Fit in or fly away. I choose the latter.
                   ‘Strength  and  weakness  are  not  separate  from  each  other.  What  is

                strength today could be a weakness on some other occasion, for some other
                   ‘I can never win an argument with you.’ I laugh out loud.

                   ‘I love that,’ she says.
                   ‘And him,’ I add as I shrug and whisper underneath my breath. ‘I can
                never be him. You can never be mine. But, I can still be myself, and there is

                nothing better to be.’
                   ‘Wake  up,  Ricky!’  I  hear  someone  shouting  in  the  background.  I  turn
                back and the voice gets louder, but there is no one to be seen. Then, I see
                Sheen. She’s panting and running towards me. ‘Ricky, you will be the death

                of me. Why are you so careless and selfish?’
                   In  a  moment  I  realize  that  I  am  wide  awake  from  a  dream  and  not
                standing but lying on the shore. The place is just about the same, except
                there’s no Elisha to be seen.
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