Page 136 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 136

And now, the most practical people like my papa would also cry and feel
                good about me when they see my capacity to make people laugh and cry.

                   I point to each one at Ricky’s, my new home. There is no greater joy than
                falling back on those who will always be there for you. Maybe that’s the
                reason why your heart belongs to your loved ones, your home, even if you
                are miles apart.

                   I love you all. You make me complete. The passion, the fear, the struggles,
                the setbacks; it is yet a dream - to become a standup comedian! This is me.
                   That’s my time folks! Happy New Year!

                   As I walk down the stage, the salty breeze of the sea resonates with claps.
                Alara kisses me on the cheek.

                   ‘You’re a rockstar!’ she says.
                   ‘You have always been one,’ I reply as she makes her way to the stage.
                My dad walks up to me and hugs me. ‘I am proud of you, beta !’ he says

                and apologizes through his expressions.
                   ‘I love you, dad!’
                   ‘Is  she  your  girlfriend?’  he  asks  teasingly,  like  a  typical  middle-class

                Indian man in his sixties.
                   ‘Kind  of!’  I  say  and  dodge  the  question.  We  aren’t  so  comfortable
                speaking of our relationship in front of our families yet, you see.

                   Alara walks up the stage with our emotional Ricky and says:
                   It’s beneath the blue sky and by the deep ocean where I looked for you.

                It’s in the period after sunset and before sunrise when I looked for you. It’s
                at my home and on islands far off where I looked for you. I could never find
                you elsewhere until I discovered you within. Oh! Happiness, it’s been a long
                journey  seeking  you.  I  wish  you  were  as  simple  to  stumble  upon  as  the
                clouds of sorrow in my heavy heart. Now that you’re here, I will never let
                you go. You were as good as taking a decision and now I shall choose to be

                   This one is dedicated to my mother.

                   She loves the mountain.
                   He loves the sea.
                   They decide to travel
                   twice together every year.
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