Page 15 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 15

‘Time,’ I say, wondering if she would even understand the depth of the
                concept. Time it is, the one thing that has never been on my side. Time is
                what ruined my game early on. Time is what I challenge as I hope to find

                my mom, or perhaps, an answer.
                   ‘You have not published a new song in months. What keeps you busy
                these days?’ she inquires. ‘You don’t even have a day job,’ she adds.

                   Yes,  this  is  where  I  draw  the  line.  Relatives  can  get  so  unbearable  at
                times. I am facing a writer’s block, I write my own songs after all. What
                would she know of it? She is of the kind who would seek Irena’s help to
                write even an email.

                   ‘Soon,’  I  smile  wide.  Curt.  Short.  Sweet.  She  deserves  to  know  that
                   It’s been quite some time since I last published a song on YouTube . I
                wish to release my first album. But I have run out of ideas, literally. I know

                deep within my heart that leaving this place would help me ideate and write
                songs. Here, I am consumed with much more than writing and performing
                at  cafes.  I  have  to  attend  customary  functions  like  today.  My  dad  is
                respected in the community, and that’s the thing about rich people. They
                never get bored of partying and socializing. Me? I told you, right? I struggle

                with a sense of belonging.
                   I  long  to  be  myself  sans  all  the  responsibilities  and  sensibilities  I  find
                myself compelled to fit into. I long to meet you, mom. Let me tell you, your
                mother would perhaps be the most overlooked person by you, trust me. You
                might  not  even  appreciate  the  food  that  she  cooks  with  all  the  love.  But

                there are people like me who don’t even know what food cooked with love
                tastes like. I have only heard about it from other people.
                   I walk up the stage, set my guitar, and start to sing:

                   I wish to go back in time
                   and meet you
                   when you had not met her!

                   I wish to hold you and say
                   pack your favourite things

                   we are hitting the road, baby!

                   I wish to kiss you and say
                   you’re everything that
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