Page 8 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 8


                First and foremost, to my readers who make me live my dream. All the love
                you’ve showered upon me gave me the courage to sail through this bumpy
                entrepreneurial journey.

                   A special one for my younger brother, Swapnil Changle, for helping me
                develop  the  snippets  of  stand-up  comedy.  I  felt  that  the  journey  of  a
                comedian would be incomplete without some of his performances. While I
                could  write  the  songs  on  my  own,  this  one  would  have  been  incomplete
                without you. You’ve spared time from your late night shifts and it really
                means a lot to me.

                   Kushal Nahata, the love of my life, whom I met in Goa exactly where
                this story is set. We tied the knot recently. I  can’t thank him enough for
                believing  in  me  and  my  love  for  storytelling.  He  is  a  successful
                entrepreneur and I really look up to him as a guide and a mentor.

                   Mom and Dad, for bringing me into this world and not abandoning me
                despite my unconventional career choice. My dreams would not have seen
                the light of day without your love.

                   My in-laws, my new family, who support me as their very own daughter.
                I am fortunate to have precisely four parents take care of me now.

                   My Naniji, only living grandparent, for loving me unconditionally and
                teaching me to live life to the fullest.
                   Lucky, my dog who I lost in the summer of 2014, for teaching me the
                meaning of love. After you passed away I came to know that there are some
                voids which can never be filled. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.

                I wish you were here to see me as a successful author.
                   Vivek Ranjan, my selfless and hustler manager, who takes care of all the
                other things so I can focus more on my creative work. This book wouldn’t

                have been complete without you.
                   Awatar Kishan and Pushkar Singh, who give an added dimension to my
                stories through enthralling book covers. I am so in love with your work that
                I want to say, ‘Let’s start working on the third book’s cover right away.’

                   Amit  Singhal,  for  giving  me  the  opportunity  to  host  my  first  ever  TV
                show. I have learnt so much in this new journey while interacting with one
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