Page 33 - How To Analyze People: 13 Laws About the Manipulation of the Human Mind, 7 Strategies to Quickly Figure Out Body Language, Dive into Dark Psychology and Persuasion for Making People Do What You Want
P. 33
all the other persuasive tactics out there. That’s why it’s not referred to as
persuasion instead, even though the two methods rely on more or less the
same approach.
In the end, it all comes down to your intent. The intention that lies behind
your actions is what separates persuasion from manipulation. If your
intentions are good, and there is a genuine desire to create a situation that
benefits the other
party, that’s persuasion. If your intention is to do well, that’s persuasion. If
you’re honest from the very beginning about what you’re trying to do, that’s
persuasion. If you can say wholeheartedly that you have the other person’s
best interest at heart, that’s persuasion.
Needless to say that manipulation produces a far less desirable outcome. If
your intent is to confuse, ridicule, blame, instill guilt and use them for your
own benefit, regardless of whether they get hurt by your actions along the
way, that’s manipulation. If you knowingly engage in behavior that you
know might cause someone else to get upset or look bad, yet you do it
anyway, that’s manipulation. If you don’t care about the consequences of
your actions and what they might do to someone else as long as your own
agenda is served, that’s manipulation.
At the end of the day, it is intention which determines if your actions make
you a manipulator or not.
Understanding the Dark Triad
Just when you thought manipulation was bad enough, here comes an even
darker side of psychology, known as the Dark Triad. The triad is made of up
three very distinct, yet interrelated personality types, which are narcissism,