Page 109 - 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself
P. 109

“Just close your eyes,” said Margie, “and picture yourself on a diving board.

               Can you see yourself standing up there?”

                    “Yes,” said Michelle.

                    “Okay good!” said Margie. “Now, I want you to get an even better picture.
               What kind of bathing suit are you wearing? Can you see it?”

                    “It’s red, white, and blue,” said Michelle, her eyes still closed. “It’s like an
               American flag.”

                    “Great,”  said  Margie.  “Now  picture  yourself  diving  off  the  board  in  slow

               motion, just like in a dream. Can you see that?”

                    “Yes I can,” said Michelle.

                    “That’s  great!”  shouted  Margie.  “Now  you  can  do  it.  Because  if  you  can
               dream it, you can do it! Let’s go over here and do it.”

                    Michelle followed her slowly to the end of the pool. I was looking over the
               top of my book but not letting them know I was listening. I was amazed. I had
               no idea what would happen next, but I noticed a number of people around the

               pool area watching and listening with fascination, while pretending not to.

                    Michelle walked up to the edge of the water and looked very scared. She
               looked at Margie, and Margie said, “Michelle, I want you to keep saying, very
               softly, ‘If I can dream it, I can do it’ and then I want to see you dive in.”

                    Michelle kept repeating “If I can dream it, I can do it,” and all of a sudden,
               surprising  even  herself,  she  dove—a  near-perfect  dive  into  the  deep  end  with
               almost no splash!

                    Margie  was  jumping  up  and  down  and  clapping  when  Michelle  came  up
               from  the  water.  “You  did  it!”  she  shouted,  and  Michelle  was  grinning  as  she
               climbed up to do it again.

                    Could it be, I thought to myself, that this system is this simple?

                    The  principle  is  this:  You  won’t  do  anything  you  can’t  picture  yourself
               doing. Visioneering is just another word for picturing yourself. Once you make
               the picturing process conscious and deliberate, you begin to create the self you

               want to be. We dive into the pictures we create.
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