Page 137 - 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself
P. 137

clarity needed for self-motivation.

               98. Read yourself a story

                    Abraham  Lincoln  used  to  drive  his  law  partners  to  distraction.  Every
               morning he would come into his office and read the daily newspaper aloud to
               himself.  They  would  hear  him  in  the  next  room  reading  in  a  booming  voice.
               Why  did  Lincoln  do  his  morning  reading  aloud?  He  had  discovered  that  he
               remembered and retained twice as much when he read aloud than when he read

               silently. And what he did remember, he remembered for a much longer period of
               time. Perhaps it was because Lincoln was employing a second sense, the sense
               of  hearing,  and  a  second  activity,  the  activity  of  speaking,  which  made  his
               readings  so  memorable  to  him.  Any  time  you  have  an  opportunity  to  read
               something that is important to you, try reading it aloud and see if you don’t make
               twice  the  impression  on  yourself.  When  you  discover  something  you  want  to
               remember, and draw upon in the future, read it aloud.

                    Steve Hardison, one of the most successful business consultants I have ever
               known,  credits  one  origin  of  his  success  to  a  time  when  he  was  a  struggling
               young man without money or a clue about where he wanted to go. Then one day
               he came across Napoleon Hill’s enormous book, Law of Success, and read the
               entire volume aloud.

                    My favorite piece of writing to read aloud is Chapter 16 of Og Mandino’s
               The Greatest Salesman in the World. Here’s a part of it, which you may now
               read silently to yourself. However, if you want a real shot of adrenaline to your
               spirit, I recommend you mark this page and when you’re alone, read it aloud like

                    I will act now. I will act now. I will act now. Henceforth, I will repeat
                    these words again and again, each hour, each day, every day, until the

                    words become a habit as my breathing and the actions which follow
                    become as instinctive as the blinking of my eyelids. With these words I
                    can condition my mind to perform every act necessary for my success.
                    With these words I can condition my mind to meet every challenge.

               99. Laugh for no reason
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