Page 152 - 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself
P. 152

“That’s  because  you’re  not  applying.  That’s  why  you  have  a  hard  time


                    If somebody says, “I just joined a new health club but the problem is I have
               a hard time getting myself to go.” My answer would be, “Well, go.” Go to the
               club. There isn’t really a lot in between wanting to go to the club and going to
               the club. We think there’s a lot between those two things, but we are wrong, and
               we pay a terrible price for that miscalculation. We put phony barriers between
               wanting it and doing it, and that’s where the hypnosis of circumstance comes in.

                    That’s why I believe coaching is such a powerful profession, because if you
               know you’re going to go see your coach in a week, and if you know that you and
               your  coach  agreed  that  you’d  take  certain  actions  this  week  to  see  how  they
               turned out, you’re going to make sure you take those actions. Because when you
               sit down with your coach again, you’re going to be reporting in on how they

               worked. It introduces the accountability, the game element. The word “coach”
               comes from sports, it doesn’t come from any kind of psychological or spiritual
               field. Once you see all of this you can become the director of the movie of your
               life. You choose your activity, and then you yell, “Action!”

               108. Do what you can do today

                    Sometimes people e-mail me to see if they can work with me for a year to
               have me be a coach and partner to their big dream that they have committed to
               just now. I’m not against dreaming big, but a problem emerges when this big
               goal is all you’ve got and there’s no way you can have a great day because as
               you live through your day, and you’ve made so little progress toward the big
               dream, it feels like a bad day. Or it feels like a hopeless ambition, and the goal
               ends up actually hurting your self-esteem. It ends up reminding you, every time
               you look at it, of how far away you are from where you want to be.

                    Then the goal starts to reinforce the idea that you’re not enough, or you’re
               not there yet, or you haven’t arrived. You haven’t made it. You’ve got a long
               way to go. All of those thoughts are demotivating and demoralizing. They don’t
               help. So, here I’ve got this beautiful goal; I’ve put it on my wall, and it only
               reminds  me  that  I’m  not  there  yet.  I’m  not  enough.  The  air  goes  out.  I  am
               deflated by what was meant to inspire me. And, so, if my programming or my
               identity becomes I’m not there yet, it’s hard to fire up and have a great day from
               that position.
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