Page 135 - 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself
P. 135

96. Build your power base

                    Knowledge is power. What you know is your power base—it’s the battery
               you run on. You need to charge it constantly and consciously. Who do you want
               to be in charge of what you know? News directors? Radio disc jockeys? The
               office gossip? Tabloid newspaper editors? A pessimistic family member? Unless
               we  consciously  decide  to  build  our  own  knowledge  base,  with  a  sense  of
               direction to it, then we will be programmed, totally, by random input. Feeling
               miserable and alienated from life is caused by not being in control of what we

                    “Misery and alienation are not laid upon us by fate,” wrote Colin Wilson.
               “They  are  due  to  the  failure  of  the  ego  to  accept  its  role  as  the  controller  of
               consciousness.  All  our  experiences  of  happiness  and  intensity  force  the  same
               conviction upon us, for they involve a sense of mastery.” You can be the master
               of your own fate. You can make choices all day long about what you are going
               to learn and what you are not going to learn.

                    “What  are  you  reading  over  there?”  someone  may  ask  you.  “Oh,  it’s  just

               something  I  found  in  the  trash,”  you  might  say.  And  it  might  seem  harmless
               enough  to  read  something  you  found  in  the  wastebasket  because  there  was
               nothing else nearby, but whole lives are shaped that way. The computer term
               “GIGO”—garbage  in,  garbage  out—is  even  truer  for  the  human  biocomputer
               than it is for mechanical computers.

                    Take control of what you know. The more you know about what motivates
               you, the easier it is to motivate yourself. The more you know about the human
               brain, the less trouble you have operating it. Knowledge is power. Respect yours
               and build on it.

               97. Connect truth to beauty

                    I  hate  reading  motivational  material  that  thunders  at  me  about  the
               importance of integrity and honesty for their own sake. Somehow, that always
               seems  to  turn  me  off,  because  the  writers  come  off  like  angry  preachers  and
               teachers—hardly inspiring.

                    I’m always more inspired by things that are made to look interesting and fun.
               I’m always taken in by a promise of life being more beautiful and rarely taken in
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