Page 154 - 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself
P. 154
Technology, Steve Sanghi, is that the world is a collection of systems. When I
was asked to come into that company to coach and train its people, they shared
their culture with me and I was awakened. Every result in life is produced by a
system. And every system is perfect for the result it gets. So if you are not
getting the result you want, look at the system that is producing that result. What
system do you want to replace it with?
If eating a high-carb diet and exercising infrequently is producing the result
of my being 30 pounds overweight, I first want to recognize that it’s a perfect
system for doing that. By seeing the system as perfect for the result it gets, I no
longer have to make myself “wrong” or “weak.” It’s simply a system. By
replacing that system with a regular exercise program and a balanced diet, I find
I have lost the 30 pounds. I made the old system obsolete through superior
methods. That’s the only way anything ever changes.
110. Enjoy your resistance training
How much weight do you give to circumstance? Do you allow it to pull you
down? Take you out of action? Does the weight of circumstance leave you with
no chance at a courageous surge of creativity?
If you lifted the circumstance, would you not grow stronger? Some people
call it resistance training, and they love it. They hire a personal trainer to show
them how to take on more and more of this invigorating training.
We run from it in real life, but then we sign up for a gym membership to
engage in it big time. You can do resistance training every day, everywhere. You
can think of it as lifting circumstance. Or you can curse and avoid circumstance
and grow weak. Use it (that arm of yours, that big heart) or lose it.
The softest and easiest way to live is to simply suffer, to let the sight of
rocks hypnotize you. You are growing sleepy now. Your arms and legs are
growing weaker and weaker with every breath you take.
If you wanted a hole in your back yard and I brought you a shovel, that
would be all you needed. You wouldn’t need to trust the shovel or believe in the
shovel. The most effective thing would be to leave your mind out of it, and just
use it. If you called me to say there is still no hole in the back yard, and you
don’t know why, I would say it was because you haven’t used the shovel.