Page 81 - The Book Thief
P. 81
At the end of the school day, Liesel walked home with Rudy and the other
Steiner children. Nearing Himmel Street, in a hurry of thoughts, a culmination of
misery swept over herthe failed recital of The Grave Diggers Handbook, the
demolition of her family, her nightmares, the humiliation of the dayand she
crouched in the gutter and wept. It all led here.
Rudy stood there, next to her.
It began to rain, nice and hard.
Kurt Steiner called out, but neither of them moved. One sat painfully now,
among the falling chunks of rain, and the other stood next to her, waiting.
Why did he have to die? she asked, but still, Rudy did nothing; he said nothing.
When finally she finished and stood herself up, he put his arm around her, best-
buddy style, and they walked on. There was no request for a kiss. Nothing like
that. You can love Rudy for that, if you like.
Just dont kick me in the eggs.
Thats what he was thinking, but he didnt tell Liesel that. It was nearly four years
later that he offered that information.
For now, Rudy and Liesel made their way onto Himmel Street in the rain.
He was the crazy one who had painted himself black and defeated the world.
She was the book thief without the words.
Trust me, though, the words were on their way, and when they arrived, Liesel
would hold them in her hands like the clouds, and she would wring them out like
the rain.