Page 95 - The Book Thief
P. 95

Both he and the paint fumes turned around. Was wuistz? Now this was the

               roughest form of German a person could speak, but it was spoken with an air of
               absolute pleasantness. Yeah, what?

               Would I be able to write a letter to Mama?

               A pause.

               What do you want to write a letter to her for? You have to put up with her every
               day. Papa was schmunzelinga sly smile. Isnt that bad enough?

               Not that mama. She swallowed.

               Oh. Papa returned to the wall and continued painting. Well, I guess so. You
               could send it to whats-her-namethe one who brought you here and visited those
               few timesfrom the foster people.

               Frau Heinrich.

               Thats right. Send it to her. Maybe she can send it on to your mother. Even at the
               time, he sounded unconvincing, as if he wasnt telling Liesel something. Word of
               her mother had also been tight-lipped on Frau Heinrichs brief visits.

               Instead of asking him what was wrong, Liesel began writing immediately,
               choosing to ignore the sense of foreboding that was quick to accumulate inside
               her. It took three hours and six drafts to perfect the letter, telling her mother all
               about Molching, her papa and his accordion, the strange but true ways of Rudy
               Steiner, and the exploits of Rosa Hubermann. She also explained how proud she
               was that she could now read and write a little. The next day, she posted it at Frau
               Dillers with a stamp from the kitchen drawer. And she began to wait.

               The night she wrote the letter, she overheard a conversation between Hans and

               Whats she doing writing to her mother? Mama was saying. Her voice was
               surprisingly calm and caring. As you can imagine, this worried the girl a great
               deal. Shed have preferred to hear them arguing. Whispering adults hardly
               inspired confidence.
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