Page 79 - PH_Masonry_Final_Ver 1_July 2020
P. 79

F 4  – One brick thick wall - T junction English bond
                           Name                   Batch               Roll No           Allotted Time

                                                             Permitted     Observed
                 S.No               Standards                                            Assessment
                                                             Tolerance  Variations

                  1.      Overall Length of Wall            ± 4 mm
                          Length of the perpendicular
                  2.                                        ± 4 mm
                  3.      Regular joint thickness           ± 3 mm

                  4.      Level to top course               ± 5 mm
                          Internal corner square – on
                  5.                                        ± 4 mm
                          fair face
                          Internal corner square – on
                  6.                                        ± 5 mm
                          other side
                  7.                                   a    ± 5 mm

                  8.                                   b    ± 5 mm

                  9.      Plumb to over all height     c    ± 5 mm

                  10.     at point                     d    ± 5 mm

                  11.                                  e    ± 5 mm

                  12.                                  f    ± 5 mm
                                                            ± 5 mm in
                  13.     Wall alignment
                                                            3 m
                                                            No visible
                  14.     Surface neatness
                                                            mortar spill

                          Pointing – ― Weather Struck‖      Acceptable
                          to both faces                     finish

                  16.     Date

                  17.     Time of Commencement

                  18.     Time of Completion

                  19.     Time Taken

                          Overall Assessment  ( Pass /
                  21.     Demonstrator

                  22.     Instructor

         Participant Handbook : Masonry                                                                       79
   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84