Page 83 - August 2015
P. 83

   Color profile: Disabled Composite
This colt is a full brother to Multiple G3 Winner JD BACCARAT SI 117, $247,240!
22106169 
lor profile: Disabled mposite
 
March 28, 2014 Sorrel Colt
 
 
 
 
 
 
 Co Co
 Dam is $105,956 G2 earner and also the dam of Stakes Placed BIGTIME CONNOISSEUR SI 96, 2015, $32,600!
Mr Jess Perry
   1st dam
22186170   228 SIZZLING LOLA, by First Down Dash. Unraced. Sister to CORONA KOOL SI
104, CORONA COFCeKbTrAuIaLryS2I69,42.0D1a4mGorafy17Filfloyals of racing age (two 2-year-olds, both started), 16 to race, 11 ROM, including–
 
JD BACCARAT SI 117 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). 7 wins to 5,$247,240, KOFX H.
[G3], Higheasterjet H. [G3], 2nd Lovington S. [G2],3rdRuidoso Derby
   [G1], James Isaac Hobbs S. [G2], finalist All American Fut. [G1].
 
TICKLE UR FANCY SI 97 (f. by Dominyun). 2 wins in2startsat2,2015,
  $12,660,Pot O’Gold Futurity.
  Sizzlin Mr Perry SI 105 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). 4 wins to 4, 2015, $40,189, 2nd
lor profile: Disabled
mposite Prairie Meadowns Derby Challenge S., 3rd John Deere S.
   Co Co
Sizzling Perry SI 98 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). Winner to 5, $35,488, 3rd Hialeah Derby, finalist in the Sunland Challenge Champ. [G2].
 Political Debut SI 92 (f. by Apollitical Jess). 2 wins to 3, 2015, $12,045, 3rd Dam is $309,503 G1 Winner and also the dam of G1 Winner
Will Rogers Juvenile Challenge.
ZOOMIN WITH EASE SI 104, $388,299! First Down Dash
2nd dam
Sizzling LilSI91,bySizzleTe.BroodmareoftheYearin2001;winnerat2,$7,212,
250 250
16159 
SCinOuRouOsNSAI K9O9,ObLy SMIr1J0e4s(sf.PbeyrrFyi.rs4t DwoinwsntoDa3s,h$)1. 0C5h,a9m56p,io2nd2-DYaesahr-OfolrdCFailslyh,
2nd Moon Deck S. [R]. Dam of 15 starters, 13 ROM, incl.–
1st dam
DCehrbaym[pGio2n], A3grdedHMeraiFtraeg,be1r4uPawlarinycse2inD8,2e72rb0syt1a[4rGtsB1t]oa, y6fi,nC$a1oli,sl2tt9i6n,7th9e7,RLeosmAinlagmtoitnosPMarilk-
DlieornbFyu[tGur2it]y, q[Gu1a]li,fietdc.toDaTmexoafsTCRlIaFsFsLicEDSeIr1b0y1[G($19]2.,D52a0m[Gof34]),foFailltshyofFrasctinSgI
 
a1g0e1, i(n$c1l0u5d,i5n4g8a),2C-ayretealr-SoilzdzcleuSrrIe9n8tl(y$r3a3c,9in7g6,)3, MtourdacSek,ip2pweirnSnIe9rs5,(i$n2c8lu,3d9in5g[R–]
[G3]); granddam of KOOL MILLION SI 86 (4 wins in6starts,$106,315), Bigtime Connoisseur SI 96 (g. by Bigtime Favorite). 2 wins to 3, 2015,
 
STOLIS KOOL CHICK SI 103 ($45,763 [G3]), Double Kool SI 98 ($46,342).
$32,600, 3rd Sam Houston Juvenile S., TQHA Sires’ Cup Derby [R].
 
CORONA CHICK SI 113 (f. by Chicks Beduino). Champion2-Year-Old,Cham- Silk Stocking Street SI 87 (f. by Ivory James). Winner to 3, 2015, $9,684.
 
p i o  n    2  -  Y   e   a  r  -  O   l  d    F  i l l y , C h a m p i o n 3 - Y e a r - O l d F i l l y , B r o  o   d  m   a    r e    o  f  t  h   e   Y   e a r i n
2nd dam
1 9 9 7 , 1 5 w i n s i n 1 8 s t a r t s t o 3 , $ 5 9 1 , 3 2 6 , E d B u r k e F u t . [ G  1  ]   ,  D   a  s    h    f  o  r   C  a  s h F u t .
NOFEESSI94,byRunawayWinner.6wins in6startsto3,$166,320,TQHA
lor profile: Disabled
mposite [G1], Kindergarten Fut. [G1], etc. Set NTR twice. Dam of CORONA CASH SI
  Co Co
Sale Futurity [R] [G1], Texas Juvenile Challenge, Miss Houston S. [R], qual- 101 (Champion at 2 & 3, 19 wins in 32 starts, $1,542,880 [G1]), VALIANT
ified to Sam Houston Futurity [G1]. Dam of 17 foals to race, 14 ROM, incl.– HERO SI 105 (7 wins in 14 starts, $668,633 [G1]), CORONA CARTEL SI 97
  Sinuous SI 99 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). Stakes placed winner, above.
  ($557,142 [G1]), CORONA CZECH SI 93 ($125,759), Mighty Corona SI 99 Andorite SI 95 (f. by First Down Dash). 2 wins at 2, $77,342, 3rd Remington ($309,216 [G1T])h, CisafpiltlayinisC3o/u4r-asigseteSr It1o0M0 (u$l2t1ip3l,e25G13[GW1]i)n; gnrearnddam of LILLY
Park Futurity [G1], finalist in the Dash for Cash Futurity [G1].
IS FIRST SI 94 (2 wins in 2 starts at 2, 2015, $144,022 [R] [G3]), LOUISANA JD BACCARAT SI 117, $247,240!
HeavCyoCronozaerCSaI r1t0e6l (g. by Panther Mountain). 2 wins to 3, $37,876, 2nd CORONA SI 102 ($186,206 [G3]), HEZ FAST AS CASH SI 106 ($79,359 [G3]). Heartbeat of America H.[R][G3].  CORONA COCKTAIL SI 94 (First Down Dash). 5 wins to 3, $214,718, Evening 1sZtednearmgy SI 94 (f. by First Down Dash). 2 wins to 3, $42,326, finalist in the Dash
261Snow S., 3rd Golden State Fut. [G1], Ed Burke Fut. [G1]. 261 16161   16161 ALLfoArBCOaUshTFEuAtuSriEty S[GI 19]8. , by First Down Dash. 6 wins in 12 starts to 3,
Corona Lite SI 88 (f. by Gabacho). 2 wins to 3, $19,068, 3rd PCQHRA Breeders’
$309,503, Ruidoso FMutaurcithy [1G91,]2, 03r1d4WBerostwTnexFailslyFuturity [G1]. Dam of 26 3rd dam
Derby [R] [G3], finalist [R] [G2]. Dam of Stinebaugh SI 86.
f o a l s o f r a c i n g a g e ( t w o 2 - y e a r - o l d s , b o t h s t a r t e d ) , 2 1 t o  r  a   c  e   ,  1   9   R  O   M   ,   i n  c l . – FEEFEES CELEBRATION SI 98, by Takin On The Cash. 2 wins in 2 starts at 3,
C o r o n a K i n g S I 9 6 . P l a c e d , $ 3 8 , 8 0  9  ,  2  n d   C  a l  i  f  .  C h l g . C h  a m p . [ G 2 ] . ZO$O7,M76IN0.WDIaTmHoEfA9SfoEaSlsI t1o0r4a(cge.,bayllARzOooMm,)i.n2cluwdininsgt–o 4,$388,299,R ainbow
Corona Blue SI 91. 2 wins. Dam of LA ESPECIAL CORONA SI 104 ($433,327 [G2]). 
 
Futurity [G1], 3rd Dash for Cash Derby [G2], finalist All American Derby [G1]. NO FEES SI 94 (Runaway Winner).Stakeswinne r, above.
ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge, All American, Rainbow&RuidosoFut., ALL ABOUT TORQUE SI 93 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 3, $92,809, Fee Lion SI 91 (Panther Mountain). 2 wins at 2, $15,576, finalist in the Retama
LosAlamitos Two Million Fut., Golden State Million Fut.
Hobbs America Derby [G3], finalist in the Zia Park Champ.S.[G1].
Park Futurity [G1]. Dam of–   
AAcclgreodriithemdiOckSlaIh9o9m(ga.BbryedIv;oerymJbarymoetsra).n4sfewrins to 5, $319,408, 2ndRTGePx6a/1s5 ZIP KODE SI 97. 7 wins to 4, 2015, $88,831, Ontario Jackpot Fut., Ajax Derby
C l a Cs sh i l cg . F, uA t j ua r x i t Jy u [ vGe 1n ] i , l e f i nC ah l l i gs . t , i  Mn    at  h p e l e  D  La e  sah f f Fo ur t . C, a2 sn hd F A ul l t uC r ai t ny a [ dGi a1 n] . F u t .
All N The Jeans SI 97 (f. by Corona Cartel). 3 wins at 2, $120,036, 3rd Kinder- 4th dam
    garten Futurity [G1], finalist in the Ed Burke Million Futurity [G1]. FITTING CELEBRATION SI 110, by Ronas Ryon. Broodmare of the Year in
 Mount Ararat SI 96 (g. by Panther Mo13untain). 3 wins to 3, $42,777, 2nd Ma- 2004, 8 wins in 10 starts,to 4, $47,775, Speedhorse Derby [R] [G2]-NTR.
Dam of 17 foals to race, 13 ROM, including–
Saturday, July 04, 2015 3:07:50 PM
Charleston SI 99 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). 6 wins to 7, 2015, $69,401. BRIMMERTON SI 104 (First Down Dash). Champion 3-Year-Old Colt, 7
All [AGb1o]u, tTJexsassieDSeIrb1y01Ch(fa. lbleynMger J[Ges3s].PSeirery.). 3 wins to 4, $26,643.
1sGTtaOdkNoarEmadCiESLIE8B1R(cA.TbIyNIGvoSryI 1J0a9m(eMse).teWriMnneeGr oinn2e)s.t8arwtsinastt2o,62,0$1356.4,068, The
SIZZCLhINaGmpL.OaLt AS,ubnylaFnidrs.t [DGo1w],nSDaamshH. oUunsrtaocneCd.laSsisitcer[Gto2C],OeRtcO. NA KOOL SI 2nd dam
De Mille SI 91 (g. by Corona Cartel). Winner to 3, 2015, $29,071.
wOinsnien 1F2asmtarotsutos3E, $a5g1l9e,538, All American Derby [G1], Rainbow Derby
EMFFI1TO0FR4O,TRCLDEOSRSIO1N0A9AG(AIvCIoNOry,CJbKayTmSAepIsLe).c7SiawIl i9nE4sff.toDr4t.a, m$U1n0op6fla,71c37e2d,f.AoSalelisxstPeoircf otrovaCcEihnLagAmNapgS.-eNST(PtRwE.o- 2-year-olds, both started), 16 to race, 11 ROM, including–
BeCnIzASLIS9I19.82, SwPinEsCtIoA3L,E$L1A3,N19S0I,938r.dDAaQmHoRf 3AsAtagrtedrsS, e2rwieisnnCehrsa,minpc.luSdpirningt–. JD BACCARAT SI 117 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). 7 wins to 5, $247,240, KOFX H.
MALidLniAteBCOeUleTbrEaAtioSnESSI I8948. W(f.inbnyerF.iDrsat mDowf CnEDDaAshR).CSRtaEkEeKs SwIin9n9e($r,5a7b,6o5v8e).. [G3], Higheasterjet H. [G3], 2nd Lovington S. [G2], 3rd Ruidoso Derby
FEint tTruosCt SeIle8b6ra(tfe. .bDy aRmelaogf aINteTTEBR)E. S2TwINinGs tMo A3,N$S4,I29070.($D1a4m0,6o9f–0 [G3]).
[G1], James Isaac Hobbs S. [G2], finalist All American Fut. [G1]. EXECUTIVE BRASS SI 107. 6 wins to 4, $382,282, Ruidoso Derby [G1], ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge, All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut.,
) 594-8317
2nd Four CornersBFilultuMritye,lfsio
Los Alamitos Two Million Fut., Golden State Million Fut.
,s t G
l e sM
Mt Ta
•u r P
 Embryo transfer RGP 6/15
Mike Turner, Assistant Manager • Leslie Turner, DVM, Resident Veterinarian
Sizzlin Mr Perry SI 105 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). 4 wins to 4, 2015, $40,189, 2nd 2nd Sunland Distance Challenge [G3].
r u t•
r. ,
  TICKLE UR FANCY SI 97 (f. by Dominyun). 2 wins in 2 starts at 2, 2015,
$12,660, Pot O’Gold Futurity.
EXECUTIVE TRUST SI 97. 6 wins to 4, 2015, $130,017, King Rick Rack S.,
 Prairie Meadowns Derby Challenge S., 3rd John Deere S.
Outta Texas SI 89. Winner to 3, 2015, $23,355, 2nd All American Juv. [R].
Sizzling Perry SI 98 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). Winner to 5, $35,488, 3rd Hialeah 3rd dam
Derby, finalist in the Sunland Challenge Champ. [G2].
                                DASH AGAIN SI 93, by Dash For Cas4h. 3 wins at 2, $254,068, Kindergarten
   81   82   83   84   85