Page 85 - August 2015
P. 85

   Color profile: Disabled Composite
 Dam is $63,411 G1 Finalist and full sister to G1 Runner-Up
THE AUGUST HEAT SI 93, 2015, $424,996!  
30106178  March 23, 2014 Sorrel Colt
 
lor profile: Disabled mposite
 
 
  
 
 Co Co
 Dam is $48,114 G2 earner and full sister to 2-Time New Record Setter JESSTIFIABLE SI 114, $73,635!
American Runaway
   1st dam
30186183  1618308 BOVET SI 95, by Corona Cartel. 3 wins to 4, $63,411, finalist in the Rainbow
Futurity [G1], Los AFleabmriutoasryW2i0n,te2r0C1h4aGmrpa.y[GF1ill]y. Sister to The August
Heat SI 93. Dam of 1 foal of racing age, a 2-year-old currently racing.
2nd dam
  
JESS GENUINE SI 102, by Mr Jess Perry. 4 wins in 7 starts at 2, $195,175,  
  Retama Park Futurity [G1], 2nd Sam Houston Futurity [G1]. Dam of 16
 
foals to race, 12 ROM, including– 
 
The August Heat SI 93 (g. by Corona Cartel). 3 wins to 5, 2015, $424,996,
  2nd Los Alamitos Two Million Futurity [G1], 3rd Dash for Cash Futurity
lor profile: Disabled
mposite [G1], Golden State Derby [G1].
   Co Co
Oceanik SI 93 (g. by Ocean Runaway). Winner to 3, $151,143, 3rd Ed Burke Million Futurity [G1].
 Azoomin With Jessie SI 108 (f. by Azoom). 2 wins to 3, $31,266, 2nd Sam This filly is half-sister to G2 Heritage Place Runner Up
Houston Derby [G2], finalist Sam Houston Derby Challenge [G3]. Dam of– ZoomiliciousSI92.C3AwPinOsinD5EstCarAtsP,I$2S4I,120880,f$in2a4li4s,t6K4in7d!ergartenFut.[G2].
American Runaway
Howbad Do Youwantit SI94(f.byFDDDynasty). Placed to 4, 37,271
360 360
16189  
PCerarrybpuhreartoyrSII947, (bAyzMoor mJe)s. s6 Pweinrsryt.oW6,in$n8e3r,9a1t 25, $fin4a8l,i1s1t K4,in2dnedrgTaQrHteAn FSuirte.s[G’ C1u].p
1st dam
Pesos, in Mexico, 3rd Clasico Chirina Glorys.
BoFguatrutrSityI 9[R3]([cG. 2b]y, 3CrodrRoAnepatarCiml a1ar5tPe,al)2r.k0W1Fi4untnuSeroirtyrtro[eG3l 1,F]2i.l0lSy1is5t,e$r7to2,J0E0S3,SfTinIFaIlAisBt iLnEthSeI
1L1o4s. DAalamoitof s4 TfowaolsMofillriaocninFguatugreit,y2[Gto1r]a. ce, both winners–
  NJeasdsaMTaokPinraWdavSeIs9S0I 9(f1. b(fy. bIvyoWryaJvaemCeasr)v. eWr)i.n2newrintos3to,$49,,$24608,.914,finalist in
Ivotrhyse ISnutenrllaunddePSaIr8k6W(fi.nbteyrIFvourtyurJitaym[Ges2)]. Winner at 2,$5,530. 
   Genuine Cartel SI 99 (c. by Corona Cartel). Winner at 2, $14,819.
2nd dam
 
Undaunted (c. by Corona Cartel). Winner in 2 starts at2,2015,$5,918.
K P A X S I 8 7 , b y F i r s t D o w n D a s h .  3   w  i  n  s  t o    3  ,  $  1  4 , 0 0 4 , f  i n a l i s t i n t h e A l l A m e r i -  
JecsasnBCriomnmgrinesTsoDGeorb(yf.[bGy3B].riSmismterrtonA). DUOnrWacNedR.IDGaHmT RofU–NAWAY SI 108.
W D o a l m f g a o n f g 1 7 J a f o m a e l s s t S o I r 1 a 0 c 2 e . , 3 1 6 w i R n  O s   Mt  o  ,  3  i n ,   $ c   l 3 u   5 d  ,  i  1 n  6 g  7 – , f i n a l i s  t i n t h e H e r i t a g e P l a c e
lor profile: Disabled mposite Derby [G2].
 
  Co Co
JESSTIFIABLE SI 114 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). 5 wins to 7, $73,635, Hasta La 3rd dVaismta S.-NTR, 220y in 0:11.720, El Moro de Cumpas S.-NTR, 350y in GEN0U:1IN7E.13R0E,W3rAdRHDasStIa8L4a,bVyisFtairsSt.D,ofiwnanliDstaisnht.hPelaRcueidoinso2Fstuatrutrsitayt[2G,1fi]n.alist
    PeinrrtyhpehKearnysSasI 9F4ut(ufr.itbyy[GM1r].JSesisstePretorrFy)a.bWulionunesrRaets2u,lt$s4S8I,19184. ,H2anlfdsiTstQeHr tAo This colt is half-brother to Multiple G1 Runner-Up THE PRINTING PRESS
DSAirSeHs’INCuDpEFEuDtuEriEtyS[RI 1] 0[G52($],236r6d,4R5e3ta[mG1a]P),aSrUk SFIuEtuSriGtyIR[GL1S].ALLY SI 104
1“0D6o,c$”1S3a2n,3d6e2rs).SD.a,m3rdofS9onfooaitlastRoarnacchee,r6sRBOonMu,sinCchluadllienngg–e S. 
16174  16174 AGSeHvnOeuniTnileACTBhoGattLllieOcneRgllYei ,S[GbI y39]7S. t(rca.wbfylySSppeecciaial lT. aUsnkr)a. cWedin.nSeirsteor4t,o$T1o6u4,g1h82t,o2Bnde
365 365
1sJYtEudSrmaSmaGnESNI U94IN(gE. SbyI 1B0ig2ti(mf.ebFyaMvor rJites)s. WPeinrnrye)r. aStt2a,k$e1s2w,9in3n2e, r3,radbRouvied.oso Ju-
A pHoRulietmimcbainl l egPtSaoIcn1S0FI9u9.tu6Dr(ai tfmy.Jba[oyGnfuA17a]pf,orofyalilnil1tsaic7loias,fltr2Jai0nec1sitnhs4g)e.Ba4Agrolwel wA,inanmsl l eCstortoaic3lrat,t en2d0F,15u5tR,u$rOi7t yM6,[,3Gin1 1c7]l,.ufdSi ni inraegl i.–s t
SCpAeiPncOitahDleERHeCewrAiatPargIdSesIPS1l0Ia8c9e4(cF(.fub. tybuyCritoSyrto[rGanwa1]fCl,yaOSrktpelael)hc.oi6amlw)a.inPFsluatotcue3rdi,ty$a2[tG4242,,]6$.4171,4H1e9r,it2angde
 
S t r eOP al kakl cai nehgoDMme r rabJJyeus[ vGse2Sn] iI, l e9S3Cp (ehgae. ldbl ehynoMgr ser eJ[ GDe se3sr] b. Py e[ rGr y3) ]. , 32 wn di n Os kt ol a 4h,o 2m0 a1 5D, e$r 6b  0y  , , 2f i 9n 4a , l i fsi -t
S p e n i n c a i t l a i h s l e t A i R n n d e t h m G e i n e H g n o u t o b i n n b e s P . A a D r m a k m e F r u i o c t f u a Wr F i t y u h t a [ u G t r i G 1 t y ] i . v [ S G e i s 2 r e ] S . . I 9 8 ( $ 2 8 , 3 7 3 ) .  
  Carnegie Haul SI 92 (c. by Corona Cartel). Winner at 2, 2015, $39,870, 3rd 3ErNdGdAaGmEMENTS: AQHA Challenge, All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut.,
 
Kindergarten Futurity [G2].  
RLuonsawAlaymDitoeseTDweoeMSiIlli1o0n5F,ubty.,RGuonldaewnaSytWateinMneilrl.io3nwFiunts. to 3, $25,068, 2nd
 
2ndCdoalomrs of the Wind S., Sundowner S. [R], finalist [G2]. Half sister to OH NO U Embryo transfer RGP 6/15
BEDSIODNMTERSIR9Y6S($I7160,35,8b5y),SMtrOeaKkAinSSSiOx.S6Iw1i0n5s(in$ 599s,6ta3r0ts[Gat32]),,$R2e6a,3l1E7a,sAyQDReAe
DLaesesSieIS10.,4J,oIveoBrayssDeattsFhuintuSritIy9[6R,]M, 2isnsdMQuHrBraCyF(ArePsHhmA)aSnIC8l7as(dsaicm[Gof3M],I3SrSd
    SPUrePsEcoRttDDEoEw[nAsPHFAut]uSrIit1y0[1G, 3A]P. HSAistCehr atmo pAioSnT, $R1E1A6K,71O4)F. OCuAt SofHDSAISH11IN4
 ( D $ E 1 E 8 1 D , 3 E 4 E 6 S [ GI 1 1 0 ] 5 ) , ( L $ O2 6 T 6 S , 4 O 5 F 3 [ F G L 1 A ] ) R . DE a 5 S m I 9 o 9 f 1 ( $ 9 1 s 6 t a 8 r , t 6 e 7 r 5 s , ) ; 1 a 7 h R l f O s i M s t , e i n r c t o l u T d r i n o g t – F o r S:\ACTIVAECDSaAOLsEWhS\SNVPIR9F6IGL(E$HS\4TR0U,IR19U5S7NEL[AG11W1.]VA)P.YDaSmI 1o0f820(FfoirasltsDtoorwanceD,1a8shR).O1M1,iwnicnlusdtiong6–,
AB$1W0H9,A05T3,AAlRl AUmNNerEicRanSCI o1n0g9res(fs. MbyatuRriotya[lGQ3]u, iOckil CDapsihta).l DCehrabmy,pDion 2B-oYyedaSr.-,OBlldu,eCRhivaemr Dpeiorbny 2[R-Y],e2anrd-OAlldAmFiellryic,aCnhCaomngprieosns D3-eYrbeya[rG-O3l]d, WFinlldyy,
Saturday, July 04, 2015 12:12:07 PM
American Runaway
1C1itywDinashinS.1[5Gs3t]a,rBtsratdofo4rd, $S1.,,3In4d2ia,3n8a9D, oAwllnAsmCelarsicsaicnSF.,uetutcri.tySe[tGN1T],RL.os
RIDADlaICmKitoSsID1e0r0b(yIn[Gvi1s]ib, ClehIanrjugne)r.B3awr iHn.s[tGo13], $M6il7d,r5e9d8V, BesesneEls. HK.e[iGth1S],.N[Ro]r,thfi- 1st dam
wn a e l s i s t t C i n h a t h m e p T . C e x h a a s l l e C n l g a s e s [ i G c 2 F ] u - N t u T r i R t y , 4 [ G 4 0 1 y ] . i n 0 : 2 1 . 1 8 0 . S e t N W R a t R u i d o s o FIRST FERVOR, by First Down Dash. Placed at 2, $4,300. Sister to FIRST TO
DoFDmLoAinwSynHusn,S3SI5I1010y064i,nF(M0IR:r1SJ7Te:0sT5sO7P. eSrHryI)N. E5 wSiIn1s0to4,3F, i$r3s3t 6to,1A81d,o2rnedSRI u9i5d.oDsoamDeorfb7y Wfo[hGaal1st]ao, Cf3roadrcoAinllgaAaRmguenr,inc6eatrnoSFrIau1ct0ue3r,i.t5y5R[wGOin1Ms],,toDin5ac,sl$uh3df7ion,r1g8C–6a,s2hndFuGtuorlditeyn[GSt1a]t.eSJiurev.e- TB hr i em Pmrni i ni nl eTt ,i on3 gPr daP Lsr soe s sS sAI 9Sl a1I m. 1W0i t o4i ns( ngDe. erb rtyob Fy4e,Ca$ht 3ua0r l el , e0 Mn2 g2r e,J ,f ei Kns asi pl ) i .sD2t i Rdweui nri di sc okt os s oe4 nF, $uO2t uv5 re9i rt , yn7 i [0gG3h 1,t 2]H. n. d FlLaiDstheaisnMhDyfeoFeryCDreaeseShSI F1I 8u08t5u.(rFWitiyrisn[tGnTe1or],FtoTlae3sx,ha$)s.2P2Cl,al2ac8se0sd,ic2aDnt 2de.rEDblyakom[GCo1of]B,uAnetlalycADhmeRerburiync,anenetrcJ.Su-I Kv9De9nS(itloear4S,.2,I 09351rd5. 3,S$wa8mi6n,s6H6to0u)3,s,Bt$oe2na0cC,5h0aC3m,a2prtn.edCl SLhaI l9Ple5an(cgtioefic3[aG, 2H10.],15fi,n$a1lis9t,7in80t)h.e All
) 594-8317
o, An
, l AG
SAtramwefrliycLanadDyeSrbI 9y3[.GW1]in. ner to 3, $5,972. Dam of CAPTAIN STRAWFLY SI
Imdan1c0i2nw($it1h6t8h,e5s2t9ar[Gs S2]I)1, 1O7N(Ef. bFyAFMuOryUofSthSewTRinAd)W. 4FwLYinsStIo967,.$45,646, 3rd Embryo transfer. RGP 7/15
l , RM
 KWDeZsotoTmexSaIs1J0u5Mv. e2inkwileienTsInutvor.,4nH,e$ar1,rr1Aa,4hs1’s9isD.tDanashmt. Mof Aanpaoglietirca•l LZoeoslmieSTI u86rn(teor,3,DVM, Resident Veterinarian 2015, $47,402, 2nd Los Alamitos Winter Derby [G1]).
r R•
• uP
   2nd dam
Temerity Wrangler SI 96 (g. by The Signature). 4 wins to 5, $276,749, 2nd
MARCY DARLING SI 100, by Six Fortunes. 7 wins to 4, $40,429, Bandera
Los Alamitos Million Futurity [G1], Southern California Derby [G1], 3rd Los Derby [G2], 2nd Heart of the Hills Derby, 3rd Bandera Six Flags Derby [G3].
   83   84   85   86   87