Page 87 - August 2015
P. 87
Color profile: Disabled Composite
Dam is $120,036 G1 earner and half-sister G1 Rainbow Futurity Winner
ZOOMIN WITH EASE SI 104, $388,299!
February 4, 2014 Sorrel Colt
lor profile: Disabled mposite
Co Co
This filly is half-sister to Multiple Graded Stakes Winner & a Leading First Year Sire FAVORITE CARTEL SI 105, $607,669!
40176186 407 All N The Jeans SI 97, by Corona Cartel. 3 wins to 3, $120,036, 3rd Kindergar-
1st dam
ten Futurity [G1], finaMlisatrinchth2e0E,d2B0u1r4keSMoirlrlieolnFilulyturity [G1]. Dam of 3 foals
of racing age, all ROM, including–
G o i n g V i r a l S I 8 7 ( f . b y B r i m m e r t o n ) . P l a c e d t w i c e i n 2 s t a rt s a t 2 , 2 0 1 5 , $ 9 , 0 3 1 .
Domaine SI 91 (f. by Dominyun). Placed in 1 start at 2,2015.
2nd dam
ALL ABOUT EASE SI 98, by First Down Dash. 6 wins in 12 starts to 3,
$309,503, Ruidoso Futurity [G1], 3rd West Texas Futurity [G1], finalist
T e x a s D e r b y C h a l l e n g e [ G 3 ] . D a m o f 2 1 f o a l s t o r a c e , 1 9 R O M , i n c l u d i n g –
lor profile: Disabled mposite
Co ZOOMIN WITH EASE SI 104 (g. by Azoom). 2 wins to 4, $388,299, Rainbow
Fut. [G1], 3rd Dash for Cash Derby [G2], finalist All American Derby [G1]. ALL ABOUT TORQUE SI 93 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 3, $92,809,
Hobbs America Derby [G3], finalist in the Zia Park Champ. S. [G1]. Dam is $86,353 G1 earner and also the dam of G3 Runner Up
Algorithmic SI 99 (g. by Ivory James). 4 wins to 5, $319,408, 2nd Texas Dominyun MR PERRY CARTEL SI 98, $140,809!
Classic Futurity [G1], finalist in the Dash for Cash Futurity [G1].
AllNT he Jeans SI 97 (f. byCoronaCartel).3wins at 2, $120,036, 3rd Kinder-
427 427
SMHEoNunOtSAHraErRaCt SOIR96O(NPAanStIh9e1r ,MboyuCnotaroinn)a. 3Cwairntes,l.$W42in,7n7e7r ,to2n4d, $M1a6p,3le1L8e. DafaDmboy.f
Ch1a1rlfeosatlosnoSf Ira9c9in(g.abgyMe,Ma1r0cJhteos1sr2a,Pc2e0,rr71y)4w. 6Binrnwoeiwnrsn,tiConco7ll,ut2d0in1g5–, $69,401.
3rFdAdVaOmRITE CARTEL SI 105 (c. by Favorite Trick TB). 9winsto4,$607,669,
EFFOAQRTHLAECShSaAlleGnAgIeN,[Gia1l]E,fLforst.AUlanmplaitocesdC.hSaismtepr.tCohEaLlleAnNgSe S[GP2E]-,
C P I A a u L l S B I F 9 o 8 r , d S MP E e mC I o A r i L a l E S L . A , 3 N r d S R I 9 a 8 i n . D b o a w m F o u f t 3 u f r o i t a y l [ s G t o 1 r ] a , S c e l m , 2 B w i g i n D n a e d r s d , y i n S c . l , . – f i -
n a l i s t i n t h e A l l A m e r i c a n F u tu r it y [ G 1 ] , A l l A m e r i c a n D e r b y [ G 1 ] , e t c . S i r e .
ALL ABOUT EASE SI 98 (First Down Dash). Stakes winner, above.
SHESCHECKINUMOUT SI 97 (f. by Check Him Out). 4winsto5,$105,075, Entrust SI 86 (Relagate TB). 2 wins to 3, $4,200. Dam of–
La Pacifica S., 3rd Calif. Distaff Chlg. [G3], Los Alamitos Distaff Chlg. [G3], Cal- EXECUTIVE BRASS SI 107. 6 wins to 4, $382,282, Ruidoso Derby [G1],
ifornia Breeders Matron S. [R], finalist Golden State Derby [G1]. Dam of– lor profile:2nDdisFaboluedr Corners Futurity,finalistinthe West Texas Futurity [G1].
mpositeFoose Is Loose SI 94 (g. by Foose). 2 wins to 3, $112,170, 2nd Governor’s Cup
Co Co
EXECUTIVE TRUST SI 97. 6 wins to 4, 2015, $130,017, King Rick Rack S., Dby [R] [G3], finalist Ed Burke Million Fut. [G1], Golden State Dby [G1].
2nd Sunland Distance Challenge [G3].
Henoshersecret SI 90 (c. by No Secrets Here). 4 wins to 5, 2015, $170,051,
Outta Texas SI 89. Winner to 3, 2015, $23,355, 2nd All American Juv. [R].
2nd El Primero Del Ano Derby [G2], finalist in the Golden State Million Fu- 4th dam
Dam is $331,703 Stakes Winner and also the dam of G2 Winner turity [G1], Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1].
DASH AGAIN SI 93, by Dash For Cash. 3 wins at 2, $254,068, Kindergarten HesRegalSI110(c.TbRyAESROegFalLCIhNoDiceA).S4Iw9in2s,$to156,7$,8684,04!93,2ndTomTucker
FuItvuroitryy. OJuat omf EeLsAN AGAIN SI 102 (Champion). Dam of 12 ROM, incl.–
S., 3rd Kindergarten Fut. [G1], finalist Los Alamitos Winter Dby [G1]. ELANS SPECIAL SI 98 (Special Effort). 11 wins in 22 starts to 4, $1,186,540,
16192 16192 Arapahoe Derby Challenge.
All American Futurity [G1], etc. Dam of REALLY SPECIAL (APHA) SI 90 477 477
Slump Buster SI 98 (g. by Walk Thru Fire). Winner to 3, $13,388, 3rd 1st dam
Miss Lena Perry SI 92, by Mr Jess Perry. Winner to 3, $86,353, 2nd Ruidoso (APHA World Champion, Champion 2-Year-Old, $93,580 [G1]),
2ndFGduaOtumTriOtyT[HGE1M].ODUaNmTAoIpNf r5SilI2f9o58a,(l2s$06o15f4,9r7Ba1rcoi[nRwg]n[GaCg2oe])l,t,BinrculubdeicnkgSaIn99u(n$s5t4a,r3te6d8
SHE2N-yOeaSrH-oEldS,P4EtCoIrAaLceS,Ia9ll1R, bOyMS,pinecliuadl Einfgfo–rt. Winner at 2,$3,622.Dam of 7 [R] [G3]); granddam of CATCHMEINYOURDREAMS SI 106 (Champion
M r f o 3 P a e y l s r e r t y a o r C s r a a , c r $ t e e 1 , , l 5 0 S 4 R I 0 9 O , 8 9 M 2 ( g 9 , . i b n [ G y c l C 1 u ] d a ) i , r n t Oe g r – N s E C a V r t A e L l ) I . A 3 N w T i n s H t E o R 3 O , $ 1 S 4 I 0 1 , 8 0 0 2 9 ( , t 2 o n 4 d , H 2 o 0 b 1 b 5 s ,
Hen$Ao3ms8e8Hr,ie1cs7ap4De),ecNriabElySW[IG1L30O]6, Of(icnK.ablSiysItF9Air3lsl At($Dm2o5ew0rin,c7aD8na7Fs[uhGt).2[4]G)w.1i]n,sRtuoid7o, $s2o8D,4e1rb9y, i[nGU1.]S. .,
RTiEmfAionCtahHleiseTt iOSnIGt9hE0eT(CHga.EnbRtyeSrFbIou1or0sy1eP.).a82rkwwiDniness,rb$tyo19[3G3, ,3$2]26.01,,0H11o.ward Johnsons Fall Fut.
FAlryieinl CLiazraterdl (Sf.Ib9y3C(go.robnyaFCooasrte)l.).2Uwnipnlsactoed3,in2021s5t,ar$t1s6.,D6a0m3.of–
ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge,AllAmerica n, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut.
2nd dam
AccreditedO klahoma Bred; embryo transfer RGP 7/15
Bigtime Cartel SI 110. 6 wins to 5, $83,793. Set NTR 250y.
3PrUdRdEamDASH SI 89, by First DownDash.Winnerat 3, $14,403. Sister to CO-
t M a i f g f [ h G t y 1 ] C , o P r a o t n H a y S l a I n 9 d 9 , H C . o [ Gc o 3 ] C , o S r t o N n i a c h S o I l 1 a 1 s 5 E . x D p a r me s o s f H 9 . f o [ Ga l 3 s ] t , o C r a o c o e r s , 4 F R u t O u Mr i t – y , MiRsesaLl eWniandPSer.,ry2nSdI A9n2n(ef. BbuyrMnertJt eHs.s[1GP1e]r,ryL)a.sSDtaakmesaspHla.c[eGd1w],inSnuenrl,aanbdoFvael.l
S:\ACTIVEDSeALrEbSy\V[PG3FI]L,ELSe\tRcU.I1D5aSEmL1o1.fV1P8 ROM, including–
Black Cherry Rose (f. by Mr Jess Perry). Unplaced. Dam of–
Saturday, July 04, 2015 12:12:07 PM
WNHCORSOLESAEVSIIN9G7.W2HwOinsSaI t120,5($(7C4h,i7c9k3s UBSedAu),inFou)t.uWritoyrGldarCahnaomnepsio[Rn],[CGh3a].m- pion 3-Year-Old Gelding, 23 wins to 8, $1,334,842, Champion of Cham-
PureTDraDzzales(hf.ebry Mr Jess Perry). Unplaced. Dam of– pions [G1], Los Alamitos Winter Derby [G1], etc.
Pure Dazzling Corona SI 96. 2 wins to 3, 2015, ($11,099 USA), in Mexico, 1sCtOdRaOm3NrdACSlaLsEicAoVJIoNdGysYGOloUryS, IFu1t0u3rit(yCMoreoxnicaanCoa.rtel). 9 wins in 13 starts,
LIND$A2S78D,3A5S8H, FEiRreScrIa1c0k0e,rbFyuCt.h[iGck2s],B2enduTineox.a5swCinlasstsoic5,D$e3r3b1y,[7G013],.Hunting- 3rd dam
WtHoOn LBEeLaOchTSA.,D2AnSdHEdSIB1u0r3ke(DMaesmh oFroiar lCFausthu)r.it6y w[Gin1s],toG6o,v$e1rn0o9r,’9s8C6u, Mp eFxuitcuo- CORONA CHICK SI 113, by Chicks Beduino. Champion 2-Year-Old, Cham-
riCtyh[aRm] p[G. C1]h,aPllCenQgHeR[AG3B]r,eTeQdeHrA’sSFiuretusr’itCyu[pG1S].,[GRo].vernor’s Cup Derby [R] pion 2-Year-Old Filly, Champion 3-Year-Old Filly, Broodmare of the
BE[GD1U]I,NLOasSDRaUmSaTsYHS. I[G1026],(3CrhdiCckasliBfoerndiuainBor)e.e4dwerinss’ Mina5trsotnarSts. [aRt]2[,G$25]7, ,f6in9a5l-, Year in 1997: 15 wins in 18 starts, $591,326, Ed Burke Fut. [G1], Dash for
isStaCmhaHmoupisotnonoFf Cuth.a[Gm1p]i.oDnasm[Go1f]H, ELoSsAALlaILmBitIoTsHSIuGpHerSDI1e0rb3y($[G1210],,8M6i5ld)r.ed Cash Fut. [G1], Kindergarten Fut. [G1], Governor’s Cup Derby [R] [G1],
Vessels H. [G1], Southern California Derby [G1], Golden State Derby [G1]. ENGetAcG. SEeMt NENTRTS. S: iAsQteHr tAo ChoarollennagKe,inAgll SAIm9e6r,icCaonr,oRnaiBnbluoewS&I 9R1u(idaomsooFf uLtA.,
) 594-8317
LoEsSAPlaEmCiItAosL TCwOoRMOilNlioABniSFlluI tM1.,0Ge4l,osl$o
Dam of 6 foals of racing age, 5 to race, all ROM, 4 winners, including–
TRES OF LINDA SI 92 (f. by Tres Seis). 6 wins to 4, $167,640, Charger Bar H. KOOL SI 104 (Champion 2 years, $1,296,797 [G1]), CORONA COCK- Embryo transfer RGP 6/15
, 7 S, G
l ] o ) ; nM
[G2], Los AlamMitoiskDeeTrbuyrnCehra,lleAnsgseis,tGaanrtdeMn aGnroavgerO•veLrneisglhiet ST.,u3rrndeLro,sDVM, Resident Veterinarian TAIL SI 94 ($214,713). Out of Sizzling Lil SI 91 (Broodmare of the Year in
rr •
•t o P
, AT
Alamitos Distaff Challenge [G3], Miss Princess H. [G3], Independence 2001). Dam of 14 foals to race, 13 ROM, including–
Day S., finalist in the Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1].
CORONA CASH SI 101 (First Down Dash). Champion 2-Year-Old, Cham-
Lynda With A Y SI 102 (f. by Snowbound TB). 2 wins to 4, $8,759.
pion 3-Year-Old, Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, Champion 3-Year-Old