Page 5 - Heritage Place WM Sale
P. 5
Apollitical Blood - Jess Racy Eyes, by Mr Jess Perry
Big Daddy Cartel - Dashin Belladona, by Fishers Dash
Favorite Cartel - Sheza Shy Shahayla, by First Down Dash
Good Reason SA - Extremely Racy, by Corona Cartel
Good Reason SA - Sheza Shy Shahayla, by First Down Dash (2)
Good Reason SA - Shy Ann Cash, by Takin On The Cash
Hez Our Secret - Gotcha Bella, by Mr Jess Perry
Kiss My Hocks - Watch Linda Ballet, by Mr Jess Perry
One Famous Eagle - Dashin Belladona, by Fishers Dash
One Famous Eagle - Kiss N Toll, by Tres Seis
One Famous Eagle - Watch Linda Ballet, by Mr Jess Perry
PYC Paint Your Wagon - Jess Jets, by Mr Jess Perry
Tempting Dash - Gotcha Bella, by Mr Jess Perry (2)
Tempting Dash - Watch Linda Ballet, by Mr Jess Perry
FOALS OF 2018:
UNNAMED, 4-2-18 c.
(Apollitical Jess - Lady Tenaya by Sixarun)
UNNAMED, 4-3-18 c.
(Big Daddy Cartel - Jess So Sixy by Mr Jess Perry)
UNNAMED, 1-14-18 f.
(Dashair - Kiss N Toll by Tres Seis)
UNNAMED, 4-28-18 c.
(Favorite Cartel - Swingin Miss Jess by Mr Jess Perry)
UNNAMED, 3-19-18 c.
(Favorite Cartel - Paris Prize by PYC Paint Your Wagon)
UNNAMED, 3-12-18 f.
(Hez Our Secret - DM Flirtin With Fire by Walk Thru Fire)
UNNAMED, 2-28-18 f.
(Kiss My Hocks - Vain Eagle, by One Famous Eagle)
UNNAMED, 2-27-18 f.
(Lota PYC - Britts Special Eyes, by Strawfly Special)
UNNAMED, 3-16-18 c.
(Lota PYC - Pure Dash by First Down Dash)
UNNAMED, 2-7-18 f.
(Lota PYC - Rousing Encore by First Down Dash)
UNNAMED, 2-4-18 c.
(One Fabulous Eagle - Mischievous Player by Corona Cartel)
UNNAMED, 1-14-18 c.
(Pappasito - Wandering Illegally by Walk Thru Fire)
UNNAMED, 3-29-18 c.
(Pappasito - Shyann Cash by Takin On The Cash)
UNNAMED, 1-31-18 f.
(TemptingDash-RunawayAtNoon, byMrJessPerry)
Inquiries to: Butch Wise/Matt Witman - 9601 Lazy E Dr., Guthrie, OK 73044 - 405/282-3437 -