Page 6 - Heritage Place WM Sale
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                                    Hip #28 • Conceived March 7, 2018
(One Dashing Eagle-Wickedly Sweet TB, Mr. Greeley) Out of WICKEDLY SWEET TB ($87,314), half-sister to TIZ DANGEROUS ($40,691). 2nd dam is a full sister to FOREST DANGER ($423,000, Ntr). 3rd dam is STARRY ICE ($209,300, Ntr), half-sister to CHAMP’S STAR ($681,897).
Hip #115 • February 25, 2018 Black Filly
(Hez Our Secret-It’s Saturday Nite TB, Put It Back)
Out of IT’S SATURDAY NITE TB ($156,175), half-sister to INDIAN GRACEY ($154,360), ORATION ($124,914), BARISOFF ($76,633). 2nd dam is a half-sister to the dams of WARBLING ($352,293), BIG SCORE ($217,739).
Hip #309 • 2012 Gray Mare
(Ocean Runaway-A Tempting Chick, Chicks Beduino)
She has two 2018 foals by FDD DYNASTY & PYC PAINT YOUR WAGON. She is a half-sister to Champion TEMPTING DASH SI 112 ($673,970, 2-Ntr’s), A TEMPTING DASH SI 104 ($541,959). Out of 2009 Broodmare of the Year A Tempting Chick SI 99 ($36,953).
Hip #316 • 2011 Bay Mare
A PRICELESS GAL SI 97, $36,584
(Feature Mr Jess-A Southern Gal, Corona Cartel)
A 3-Time winner & winner producing, half-sister to DOUBLE EAGLE SI 94 (2018, $68,224), APOLLITICAL GAL SI 93 ($44,297). Out of a winning full sister to SOUTHERN CARTEL SI 108 ($360,361), CC POLICY SI 99 ($85,422, dam of BP VALIANT POLICY SI 96, $106,854, BP Tres Seis Policy SI 120, $71,014, Ntr), to the dam of PRICELESS FEATURE SI 111 ($641,668, Ntr). Bred to FDD DYNASTY in 2018.
Hip #324 • January 14, 2018 Bay Colt
(FDD Dynasty-Boundless Ocean, Ocean Runaway)
Out of Boundless Ocean SI 92 ($27,039), full sister to Ocean Won Away SI 93 ($41,008), half-sister to Champion TEMPTING DASH SI 112 ($673,970, 2-Ntr’s), A TEMPTING DASH SI 104 ($541,959). 2nd dam is 2009 Broodmare of the Year A Tempting Chick SI 99 ($36,953).
Hip #335 • Conceived March 23, 2018
(Hes Relentless-Wickedly Sweet TB, Mr. Greeley)
Out of WICKEDLY SWEET TB ($87,314), half-sister to TIZ DANGEROUS ($40,691). 2nd dam is a full sister to FOREST DANGER ($423,000, Ntr). 3rd dam is STARRY ICE ($209,300, Ntr), half-sister to CHAMP’S STAR ($681,897).
Hip #357 • Conceived April 24, 2018
(Kiss My Hocks-It’s Saturday Nite TB, Put It Back)
Out of IT’S SATURDAY NITE TB ($156,175), half-sister to INDIAN GRACEY ($154,360), ORATION ($124,914), BARISOFF ($76,633). 2nd dam is a half-sister to the dams of WARBLING ($352,293), BIG SCORE ($217,739).
Hip #381 • 2012 Dark Bay or Brown Mare
FAB FOX TB, $111,844
(Yes It’s True-Ayala Strand, Tiznow)
3-Time winner & 2-Time Stakes Placed half-sister to FORE MARY (2018, $45,490), BIG HOOK ($36,505). Out of a half-sis- ter to HIGH STRIKE ZONE ($716,280, Ntr), SECRET BEAUTY ($59,610), to the dams of CLOSE TO THE EDGE ($358,532), CONGO KAYE ($64,400), Westwood Pride ($128,684), Mambo With G ($104,877). Not Bred for a 2019 foal.
Hip #401 • February 21, 2018 Sorrel Colt
(Prospect To The Top-Wickedly Sweet TB, Mr. Greeley) Out of WICKEDLY SWEET TB ($87,314), half-sister to TIZ DANOut of WICKEDLY SWEET TB ($87,314), half-sister to TIZ DANGEROUS ($40,691). 2nd dam is a full sister to FOREST DANGER ($423,000, Ntr). 3rd dam is STARRY ICE ($209,300, Ntr), half-sister to CHAMP’S STAR ($681,897).
Hip #438 • February 3, 2018 Black Filly
(PYC Paint Your Wagon-Boundless Ocean, Ocean Runaway) Out of Boundless Ocean SI 92 ($27,039), full sister to Ocean Won Away SI 93 ($41,008), half-sister to Champion TEMPTING DASH SI 112 ($673,970, 2-Ntr’s), A TEMPTING DASH SI 104 ($541,959). 2nd dam is 2009 Broodmare of the Year A Tempting Chick SI 99 ($36,953).
     4887 Broad Acres Rd. • Norman, OK 73072 • Phillip M. Stewart (405) 818-6077
(405) 329-8571 • Fax (405) 447-2858 • •

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