Page 355 - 2015 Stllion Register
P. 355

                                    Corona Cartel si 97
      Holland Ease si 109
  First Down Dash si 105
 Dash For Cash si 114
 First Prize Rose si 98
 Easy Henryetta si 90
 Easy Jet si 100
  Babys Henryetta si 90
 Corona Chick si 113
 Chicks Beduino si 104
 *Beduino TB
 A Classy Chick si 89
 Sizzling Lil si 91
 Sizzle Te si 106
  Lilsalady TB
     Dash Fast Girl si 90
      Heza Fast Man si 111
 The Signature si 107
 Noholme II TB
 Mable Chick Too si 95
 Fast Copy si 103
  Fast Jet si 98
 Can’t Copy si 81
 First Prize Rose Too si 94
  Dash For Cash si 114
 Rocket Wrangler si 97
  Find A Buyer TB
 First A Rose si 101
  Mr Master Bug si 110
 First Prize Rose si 98
 COROnAS FAST DASH - Race and (Stakes) Record
 Age Starts 1st 2nd
2 7 2 2
3 5 2 1(1)
4 3 0 0
Totals 15 4 3(1)
3rd Earned 1 $83,318 1 69,294 0 3,800
2 $156,412
 At Two: WOn: All American F. Trl. at Ruidoso Downs (440yds., def. Sycamore Lane, Just Remember This, etc. Qual.), Dash For Cash F. Trl. at Lone Star Park (400yds., def. Swingin Jess, Eternal Destiny, etc. Qual.); 2nd: Heritage Place F. Trl. at Remington Park (350yds., to Hijo De Villa, def. Panther Purr, Brady Macnabb, etc.), Rainbow F. Trl. at Ruidoso Downs (400yds., to Corona For Two, def. Dashin Cartel, Lady Farnsworth, etc.); 3rd: Remington Park F. Trl. at Remington Park (350yds., to Oh Cherokee Rose, Ima Eyesa, def. De Headbanger, DM Peace Maker, etc.); Fnl.: All American F.-G1 (440yds.), Dash For Cash F.-G1 (400yds.).
At Three: WOn: Heritage Place D. Trl. at Remington Park (400yds., def. Furrtreeous, WRS Leading Edge, etc. Qual.), Rainbow D. Trl. at Ruidoso Downs (440yds., def. Possum Fust, Shelbys Surprise, etc. Qual.); 2nd: Heritage Place D.-G1 at Remington Park (400yds., to DMNV Mountable, def. Hijo De Villa, Megas Way, etc.); 3rd: Remington Park D. Trl. at Remington Park (400yds., to Eyesa Candy Maker, Snow Burn, def. Oh Cherokee Rose, Our Trace Of Smoke, etc. Qual.); 5th: Remington Park D.-G1 (400yds.); Fnl. Rainbow D.-G1 (440yds.).
At Four: 5th: Leo S.-G2 (400yds.); Fnl. Eastex H.-G2 (350yds.), Higheasterjet H.-G3 (350yds.).
2nd Dam:
1st Dam:
Dash Fast Girl si 90 (1999) by Heza Fast Man. Winner to 3, $17,321, 2nd
QHRA of Indiana D. Dam of 3 foals/starters/winners/ROM, including VACHETTA si 96 (f. by Corona Cartel). 3 wins from 3 starts at 2,
$142,928, Kindergarten F.-G1.
Coronas Fast Dash si 102 (c. by Corona Cartel). Subject Stallion. Dash Fast Injun si 98 (g. by Invisible Injun). 3 wins to 8, 2014, $26,975.
FIRST PRIzE ROSE TOO si 94 (1991) by Dash For Cash. Winner to 3, $3,470. Dam of 9 foals, 6 starters, 5 winners/ROM, including
 Foals of Racing Age 49 Starters 29 Winners 9 Total Earnings $185,452
Total Current Year Earnings
First Black Rose si 108 (f. by Heza Fast Man). 4 wins to 4, $50,075, 2nd OHA D.-RG3, 3rd Okla. Bred D., QHRA of Indiana D. Dam of FIRST BLACk WAGOn si 95 (g. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 8
Stakes Winners Stakes Placed Total ROM Earnings/Starter
4 14 $6,395
wins to 5, $87,283, John Deere S. Div. 1, Anaheim H., etc.
Wild Ryde si 95 (g. by One Famous Eagle). 3 wins to 4, 2014,
FAST FIRST DASH si 101 (g. by Heza Fast Dash). 7 wins to 8, $102,250, Manor Downs H. III, 2nd Expo Square S., etc.
 SIGn OF COROnA si 111 [g., dam by Vital Sign]. 4 wins to 3, 2014, $39,574, Rocky Mtn. Spring Cl., Les Bois D. Chal, Easter Idaho State Fair Bonus., fnl. AQHA D. Chal. Champ.-G3. ntr BOI 400yds.
$27,649, ntr FTP 250yds.
Red Corona Warrior si 89 [g., Dashin Is Easy]. Winner at 2, 2014, $43,637, 2nd TQHA Sires’ Cup F.-RG2, Gillespie Cnty. Fair F.
QHBC Soph. Cl.-G2, 3rd QHBC Sunbelt D. Dam of 4 foals/starters,
Coronas Child si 92 [f., Chicks Beduino]. 3 wins to 3, 2014, $12,573, 2nd Evergreen Park Juv. Chal.
3 winners/ROM, including
First Shiloh si 96 (g. by Dash For Perks). 8 wins to 7, $45,594.
Oh What A Rose (f. by Disco Jerry TB). Unplaced from 1 start at 2. Dam of
Tequila Tuesday si 88 [g., Dash To Chivato]. 2 wins at 2, 2014, $8,857, 3rd Alberta Bred F.-RG3.
Oh Perks Go si 94 (g. by Dash For Perks). 7 wins to 3, $33,338, 3rd Portland Meadows D., Apprehend H.
Heza Corona Man si 85 [g., Proudest Effort]. Placed at 2, 2014, $3,005, 3rd Bitterroot Juv. Invit.
Gitana Azteca si 95 (f. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). Winner to 4, 2014, $10,035, 2nd Elko Cnty. Fair D.
Coronas Dawn si 91 [f., First Down Dash]. Winner at 2, 2014, $22,585. Coronas Runaway si 92 [f., Runaway Colors]. 2 wins at 2, 2014, $12,720. Steffis Fast Dash si 90 [f., Proudest Effort]. Placed to 3, 2014, $9,525.
Oh What A Perks si 92 (f. by Dash For Perks). 2 wins from 2 starts at 2, $3,120. Dam of OH JESS FLY si 98 (2014, $150,689), OH CHEROkEE ROSE si 106 ($112,001), SPIT CuRL TEn si 95 (2014, $73,593), Oh What A Prize si 102 ($32,386), etc.
HIS SIRE, COROnA CARTEL si 97: 6 wins to 3, $557,142, Los Alamitos Million F.-G1, Kindergarten F.-G2, Tiny’s Gay H., etc. Sire of 1,361 QH, APHA & ApHC race age foals, 1,184 starters, 827 winners, 1,048 ROM, 288 blacktype horses, 8 Champions, with earnings of $47,404,710, from 14 crops to race.
4th Dam:
First Prize Rose si 98 (1976) by Gallant Jet. 6 wins to 4, $22,754, 2nd
BLuES GIRL TOO si 105 [f., dam by Sixarun]. World Champion, Champion 2 Year Old, Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, Champion 3 Year Old, Champion 3-Year-Old Filly. 8 wins to 3, $2,032,328, Los Alamitos Two Million F.-G1, Champ. of Champ.-G1, Golden State D.-G1, Mildred N Vessels Mem. H.-G1, etc., ntr LA 400yds., ntr LA 440yds.
FIRST DOWn DASH si 105 (c. by Dash For Cash). World Champion, 2-Time Champion. 13 wins to 3, 8 SW, $857,256, Dash For Cash F.-G1, etc. The #1 All-Time Leading Sire.
TELLER CARTEL si 108 [c., Easy Jet]. Champion 2-Year-Old Colt. 3 wins at 2, $1,212,471, All American F.-G1, 3rd Golden State Million F.-G1, fnl. Los Alamitos Million F.-G1.
First Prize Dash si 101 (f. by Dash For Cash). 5 wins to 3, $77,465, 4th All American D.-G1, etc. Dam of FIRST PRIZE LEESA si 106 ($488,270), FIRST CAROLInA si 106 ($415,047), FIRST PRIZE ROBIn si 103 ($295,147), FAST FIRST PRIZE si 102 ($244,929), HEZA FAST DASH si 103 ($136,123), FIRST PRIZE DOC si 108 ($73,700), First Prize Perry si 102 ($243,946), First Prize Paris si 108 ($92,910), First Prize Timber si 102 ($56,018), etc. Granddam of MS FIRST PRIZE ROSE si 100 ($550,105), IM A FAnCY PYC si 92 (2014, $454,765), COROnADO CARTEL si 98 (2014, $416,178), FAST PRIZE ZOOM si 112 ($192,375, 2-nWR/ntr’s), FAST PRIZE MIkE si 100 ( $134,605), FIRST PRIZE SHAunDA si 103 ($127,832), etc.
EYE FOR COROnA si 99 [f. Mr Eye Opener]. 4 wins to 3, $1,100,121, Golden State Million F.-G1, 2nd Ed Burke Million F.-G1, Los Alamitos Two Million F.-G1, PCQHRA Brds.’ D.-G2, etc.
FIVE BAR CARTEL si 91 [c., by Dash Ta Fame]. Champion 2-Year-Old Colt. 6 wins to 3, 2014, $1,068,825, Ed Burke Million F.-G1, 4th Los Alamitos Two Million F., 5th Golden State Million F.-G1.
$35,355, 3rd Two Rivers S.-G3.
Love Me Madly si 101 (f. by FDD Dynasty). 2 wins to 3, 2014,
$34,300, 3rd Altoona D.
First Black Corona si 107 (g. by Corona Cartel). 3 wins to 5,
3rd Dam:
FIRST A ROSE si 101 (1986) by Mr Master Bug. 4 wins to 3, $31,926,
Three Bars H., 3rd Sunland Park Fall D. From the family of 2007 Broodmare of the Year Run The Dash si 97 ($50,013, dam of World Champion, 4-Time Champion BLuES GIRL TOO si 105, $2,032,328, 2-ntr’s), Champion HEZA CHARGER si 109 ($300,916, 2-ntr’s), etc. Dam of 7 foals/starters, 6 winners, 7 ROM,

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