Page 357 - 2015 Stllion Register
P. 357
Corona Cartel si 97
Holland Ease si 109
First Down Dash si 105
Dash For Cash si 114
First Prize Rose si 98
Easy Henryetta si 90
Easy Jet si 100
Babys Henryetta si 90
Corona Chick si 113
Chicks Beduino si 104
*Beduino TB
A Classy Chick si 89
Sizzling Lil si 91
Sizzle Te si 106
Lilsalady TB
Lil Bit Rusty si 103
Easily Smashed si 99
Easy Jet si 100
Jet Deck si 100
Lena’s Bar TB si 95
Smash It TB
Foggy Road
Wembley Blue
Rusty Rockette si 102
Rocket Wrangler si 97
Rocket Bar TB si 85
Go Galla Go si 95
Call Her Anything TB
Past Due
cOROnaS lEaving yOu - Race and (Stakes) Record
Age Starts
2 8
3 5
Totals 13
1st 2nd 3rd 7(1) 0 0 2(1) 1(1) 0
9(2) 1(1) 0
Earned $165,252 113,106
at Two: WOn: Firecracker F.-g2 at Delta Downs (350yds., def. Mito Corona, Six Fols Dash, etc.), Firecracker F. Trl. at Delta Downs (350yds., def. Mito Corona Money Follows Money, etc. Qual.), Tx. Cl. F. Trl. at Lone Star Park (400yds., def. The Wizeman, First Down Zoomer, etc. Qual.), All American F. Trl. at Ruidoso Downs (440yds., def. Petriflying, Heavenly Corona, etc.), Heritage Place F. Trl. at Remington Park (350yds., def. Cartel Lady, Bloom N Dale, etc.), Dash For Cash F. Trl. at Lone Star Park (400yds., def. Noches Caliente, Funparty, etc.), a maiden race at Remington Park (250yds., def. Alittlemoremagic, Stellar Shay, etc.); 5th: Tx. Cl. F.-g1 (400yds.).
at Three: WOn: 6666 Ranch H. at Lone Star Park (400yds., def. El Zapatista, Vodka With Ice, etc.), Tx. Cl. D. Trl. at Lone Star Park (440yds., def. Quickid Corona, Coronas Easy Dash, etc. Qual.); 2nd: Tx. cl. D.-g1 at Lone Star Park (440yds., to DMNV Mountable, def. Romancing Mary, Easy Dashin Sixes, etc.); Fnl.: The Champ. at Sunland Park-g1 (400yds).
FEMalE linE
Foals of Racing age Starters
131 Stakes Winners 104 Stakes Placed
Champ.-g1, Los Al Winter D.-g1, Los Al Winter Champ.-g1, etc. cOROnaS lEaving yOu si 103 (c. by Corona Cartel). Subject Stallion. WHOlElOTa DaSH si 103 (g. by Dash For Cash). 6 wins to 6,
Total Earnings
Total current year Earnings
cOROnaS lEaving yOu HaS SiRED
4 71 $22,005
59 $2,288,512
Total ROM Earnings/Starter
$109,986, MBNA Am. Mex. Chal.-g3, TQHA Sires’ Cup S., etc. BEDuinOS RuSTy si 106 (f. by Chicks Beduino). 4 wins at 2,
Park Winter F-g2, 3rd Higheasterjet H.-g3, 4th Harrah’s Ent. F.-g3. ScOOPiES lEaving yOu si 99 [c., Toast To Dash]. 7 wins to 3, 2014,
$57,153, 2nd O. B. Cockerell H.
Rustys Flyer si 103 (g. by Strawfly Special). 5 wins to 5, $39,863,
$104,300, La. Juv. S., LA. Chap. Day Juv.-Rg2, James Isaac Hobbs S.-g2. BEER anD PEanuTS si 96 [g., Streakin La Jolla]. 2 wins to 4, 2014, $58,301, LQHBA Brds.’ Invit., fnl. Lee Berwick Mem. La. Brds.’ F.-Rg1,
2nd 6666 Ranch H.-g3, 3rd Gulf Coast S.
Beat This chick si 88 (f. by Tres Seis). 2 wins at 2, $24,997, 2nd Ed
La. Champ. Day Juv.-Rg2.
Princess lil Bit si 102 [f., Toast To Dash]. 4 wins to 3, $57,059, 3rd Gov. S. lD Streakin n leavin si 94 [g., Streakin La Jolla]. 3 wins to 3, 2014,
Burke Mem. Juv., 3rd Pat Hyland Mem. H.
Sheza Lilbituino si 96 (f. by Takin On The Cash). 4 wins to 3, $30,346, fnl.
$50,360, 3rd LQHBA Invit. S.
im a lucky corona si 93 [g., Dash For Perks]. Winner at 2, 2014,
Petey Wheat si 101 ($38,703), etc.
Way Down Town si 96 (c. by First Down Dash). 2 wins to 4, $31,959,
$48,072, 3rd Okla. F.-g2.
Jess leaving you si 87 [g., Mr Jess Perry]. Winner to 4, 2014, $39,154,
2nd Delta Dash, fnl. El Primero Del Ano D.-g1, etc.
Lil Bit Dutch si 89 (f. by Holland Ease). Winner to 3, $6,089. Dam of
3rd Mardi Gras D.
Downtown Corona si 98 [g., First Down Dash]. 2 wins to 3, 2014,
KOOl HanD DuTcH si 104 (g. by First N Kool). 4 wins to 5, $100,980, Great Lakes S., 3rd Jack Brooks S.-Rg3, etc.
$55,650, 4th Mardi Gras F.-Rg2, fnl. La. Brds.’ Laddie F.-Rg2, La.
aPOllO DuTcH Man si 97 (g. by Apollo TB). 5 wins to 7, $47,054, Ia. Dbl. Gold D.-Rg3, 3rd Ks. Jackpot D.-Rg3, etc.
Champ. Day Juv.-Rg2.
Truley Leaving You si 92 [f., This Snow Is Royal]. 3 wins to 4, 2014,
ncc Ditch Witch si 102 (f. by Stoli). Winner to 3, $17,136, in Mex., 2nd The Prize Cl., Mexicano F., etc.
Logans Leaving You si 97 [f., Somekindadash]. 2 wins to 3, $45,240. SW Rocket Man si 98 [g., Mr Jess Perry]. 4 wins to 4, 2014, $45,150 Reba All In si 98 [f., Fishers Dash]. 3 wins to 4, 2014, $44,770.
ncc Slam Dunk si 94 (c. by Separatist). Winner to 4, $6,518, 3rd North Dakota Horse Park F.
MalE linE
HiS SiRE, cOROna caRTEl si 97: 6 wins to 3, $557,142, Los Alamitos Million F.-g1, Kindergarten F.-g2, Tiny’s Gay H., etc. Sire of 1,361 QH, APHA & ApHC race age foals, 1,184 starters, 827 winners, 1,048 ROM, 288 blacktype horses, 8 Champions, with earnings of $47,404,710, from 14 crops to race.
BluES giRl TOO si 105 [f., dam by Sixarun]. World Champion, Champion 2 Year Old, Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, Champion 3 Year Old, Champion 3-Year-Old Filly. 8 wins to 3, $2,032,328, Los Alamitos Two Million F.-g1, Champ. of Champ.-g1, Golden State D.-g1, Mildred N Vessels Mem. H.-g1, etc., ntr LA 400yds., ntr LA 440yds.
Shenoshespecial si 91 (f. by Special Effort). Winner to 3, $3,622. Granddam of Calif.Hi-Pt. Dist. Horse FavORiTE caRTEl si 104 ($607,669), SHEScHEcKinuMOuT si 97 ($105,075), Henoshersecret si 88 (2014, $166,751), Hes Regal si 110 ($88,493), Slump Buster si 98 ($13,416), Bigtime Cartel si 110 ($83,793, ntr), etc.
1st Dam:
lil BiT RuSTy si 103 (1986) by Easily Smashed. Calif. Hi-Pt. Aged Mare.
15 wins, $215,395, QHBC Distaff Cl.-g1, etc. An All-Time Leading
Dam of ROM. Dam of 26 foals, 20 starters, 14 winners, 18 ROM, WHOSlEavingWHO si 105 (g. by Chicks Beduino). World Champion, Champion 3-Year-Old Gelding, AQHA Supreme Race Horse. 23 wins to 8, 10 SW, $1,334,842, Champ. of
OPEn ME a cOROna si 105 [c., dam by Mr Eye Opener]. 6 wins to 4, 2014, $521,242, LQHBA Brds.’ F.-Rg1, Mr Jess Perry LAD S., Gentilly Dash S, fnl. Delta Downs La. Bred D.-Rg2, La. Brds.’ Laddie F.-Rg2. ntr FG 250yds.
Gelding. 6 wins to 7, $120,865, B F Phillips Jr H.-Rg3, Live Oak H., etc. RuSTyS QuicKiD si 101 (f. by Royal Quick Dash). 7 wins to 4, $87,693, Cypress H., etc. Dam of QuicKiD cOROna si 114 ($173,590, ntr), JESSa liTTlE RuSTy si 99 (2014, $115,471), MaESTRO cOROna si 101 ($26,255), Paint Me Quickid si 108 ($125,130), Quickid Perry si 99 ($56,579), The Eagle Express si
DaSH FOR cOROnaS si 105 [c., First Down Dash]. 4 wins to 4, 2014, $267,916, Okla. F.-g2, 2nd Retama Park D.-g3, 4th Heritage Place F.-g1. WaSTing nO cOROna si 99 [g., Stoli]. 4 wins to 4, 2014, $140,674, Sunland
94 (2014, $50,066), etc.
BRiMFul si 96 (f. by Brimmerton). 2 wins to 4, $80,229, Hialeah Lassie F. Sweetened vanilla si 108 (g. by A Regal Choice). 5 wins to 5, 2014,
$57,695, Sam Houston F.-g1. Dam of
HESa lil BiT HigH si 103 (g. by On A High). Tx. Hi-Pt. 3-Year-Old
Sam Houston F.-g1. Dam of JESS a lil BiT MORE si 108 ($145,165),
Lil Bit Dash si 85 (f. by Dash For Cash). Winner at 2, $2,576. Dam of BOKnaai si 116 (c. by Mr Jess Perry). 6 wins to 4, $177,575, Corona
Cartel S., Lovington H., 2nd All American S., etc.
lil Bit cuervo si 88 (c. by Chicks Beduino). Placed to 3, $8,616, 3rd
Four Corners F.-g3. Sire.
Lil Bit Strawfly si 80 (f. by Strawfly Special). Placed to 3, $1,670. Dam
of gOOD luvin si 110 ($57,423, ntr), etc.
Babyigotchamoney si 82 (f. by Takin On The Cash). Unplaced to 4.
Dam of RW Red Wave si 89 ($12,973), Hawkin The Money si 95
($10,902), etc.
Rustys Lil Lady (f. by Fredricksburg). Unraced. Dam of
valianT lil laDy si 103 (f. by Valiant Hero). 5 wins to 4, 2014, $517,604, Tx. Cl. F.-g1, fnl. Heritage Place F.-g1.