Page 385 - 2015 Stllion Register
P. 385
Dash Ta Fame si 113
First Down Dash si 105
Dash For Cash si 114
Rocket Wrangler si 97
Go Galla Go si 95
First Prize Rose si 98
Gallant Jet si 102
Rose Bug si 96
Sudden Fame si 98
Tiny’s Gay si 106
Tiny Watch si 100
Gay’s Delight si 95
Bar Dearie si 90
Lake Erie TB
Barred Girl si 95
Casino Lights si 99
Sixarun si 106
Streakin Six si 104
Easy Six si 97
Miss Assured si 95
Chickarun si 93
Chck’s Deck si 92
Ida Run si 81
Ease On Down si 103
Easy Jet si 100
Jet Deck si 100
Lena’s Bar TB si 95
Miss Past Due si 95
Past Due TB
Bar Y Lady 51
EDDiE StinSOn - Race and (Stakes) Record
Age Starts 1st 2nd
2 7 3(1) 0
3 5 1(1) 2(1)
4 8 1 2
Totals 20 5(2) 4(1)
3rd Earned 1 $45,150 2(2) 100,770 1(1) 54,096
4(3) $200,016
At two: WOn: JJ’s Shotglass S. at Zia Park (400yds., def. Sheza Crazy Eight, Real Bullet, etc.), an allowance at Zia Park (350yds., def. Real Bullet, Glorias Miracle, etc.), a maiden race at Ruidoso Downs (350yds., def. Crime Scene, Con Act, etc.); 3rd: a maiden race at Ruidoso Downs (300yd., to Arealstraitheart, Martinis In Phoenix, def. Coles Dino, Sing Me A Tune, etc.); Fnl.: Galobar S. (350yds.).
At Three: WON: Zia D.-G2 at Ruidoso Downs (400yds., def. Arealstraitheart, Runawaywiththegold, etc.); 2nd: The Down Side S. at Zia Park (350yds., to Gotta Get, def. Duke Of Houston, By By JJ, etc.), Zia D. Trl. at Zia Park (400yds., to Runawaywiththegold, def. Holy Coaly, Open Range Miracle, etc. Qual.); 3rd: Jess Burner Mem. H.-G1 at Sunland Park (400yds., to Gotta Get, Bullys Runaway, def. Runawaywiththegold, Stormys Miracle, etc.), NM Classic Cup Champ. at Zia Park (440yds., to Gotta Get, Run Mr, def. Dash Ta Moon, Chicks Rimen Native, etc.).
At Four: New Mexico Hi-Point Aged Stallion. WOn: an allowance at Sunland Park (400yds., def. Ongoing Ta Fame, Tom E Six Hawks, etc.); 2nd: an allowance at Sunland Park (350yds., to Runawaywiththegold, def. Whata Lucky Man, Our Talisman, etc.), an allowance at Sunland Park (400yds., to Dueling Juan, def. Chicks A Dashin, Gem Talker, etc.); 3rd: James Isaac Hobbs S.-G2 at Zia Park (350yds., to Look For Wranglers, Bringinsomecash, def. Mr Chivato To You, Gotta Get, etc.); 5th: NM Cl. Champ.-G1 (440yds.); Fnl.: Mesilla Valley Speed H.-G1 (350yds.).
EDDiE StinSOn is the sire of multiple winners from his first few starters.
HiS SiRE: DASH tA FAME si 113: 7 wins to 3, $290,812, Golden State F.-G1, El Primero Del Ano D.-G1, Vandys Flash H.-G3, etc. ntr LBT 300yds. Sire of 2,557 AQHA, APHA & ApHC race age foals, 1,229 starters, 654 winners, 899 ROM, 210 blacktype horses, with earnings of $18,818,752, from 20 crops raced; a 14-Time Leading Barrel Sire & the #1 Leading Barrel Sire in 2014, with $12,575,354 in Lifetime Barrel Earnings.
EDDiE StinSOn si 111 (c. by Dash Ta Fame). Subject Stallion. CASinO DASH si 105 (c. by Dash Ta Fame). 4 wins to 4, $141,473, NM Cl. D.-RG1, 2nd KOFX-FM H., 5th Jess Burner Mem. H.-RG1,
DASH tO FAME ApHC si 95 [f., dam by Beduino TB]: Supreme Champion 2 Year Old, Champion 2-Year-Old Sprint Filly, Bronze Medallion Winner, Appaloosa Triple Crown Winner, S/Central Regional Champion. 7 wins to 4, $44,098, Cricket Bars F., Okla. Frontier F., Supreme F.
Meadows Yrlg. Sale F.-RG3. Dam of
The Willie Way si 95 (g. by Willie Wanta Dash). 7 wins to 4, $56,623. Six Star Willie si 88 (g. by Willie Wanta Dash). 2 wins to 4, $9,379.
JL DASH tA HEAVEn [c., Special Feelins]. AQHA World Champion Jr. Pole Bending. $191,673.
3rd Dam:
FM RADiO [g., On A High]. AQHA World Champion Jr. Barrel Racer. $104,451.
MISS PAST DUE si 95 (1965) by Past Due TB. 4 wins to 3, $6,199. From the family of MiSS SiX FORtUnE si 96 ($47,751), etc. Dam of 11 foals, 10 starters, 8 winners/ROM, including
WHAt FAME si 90 [g., Murrtheblurr TB]. AQHA World Champion Jr. Barrel Racer. 2 wins to 3, $101,480, in race & show competition.
SHESWRIGHT si 103 (f. by Alamitos Bar). 12 wins to 4, $109,258, Buttons & Bows S. (twice), Three Bars H., etc. Dam of
FAMOUS ED [g., Reminics Cowboy]. 2-Time AQHA World Champion Jr. Barrel Racer, AQHA World Champion Sr. Barrel Racer. $101,169.
Mr Speed Boat si 89 (c. by Hempen TB). 4 wins to 4, $25,675. HES’WRIGHT si 92 (c. by Alamitos Bar). 3 wins to 4, $16,424, Laddie
AtLAS PEAK si 94 [g., Streakin Dash]. AQHA World Champion Sr. Barrel Racer. 3 wins to 4, $63,330, in race & show competition.
H., 3rd Los Ninos H.
Amber Due si 99 (f. by Alamitos Bar). 14 wins to 7, $59,492, 3rd St
ROCKEttE tA FAME [f., Sharp Rodney]. AQHA World Champion Sr. Barrel Racer. $27,054.
Nicholas Express, Bart Express. Dam of
Truck Due si 96 (g. by Mr Trucka Jet). 5 wins to 6, $20,485.
Prime Power si 103 (g. by Easy Jet). 5 wins to 9, $15,911.
Ambers Lane (f. by Azure Te TB). Unplaced at 2. Dam of Vicious
GUN BATTLE si 110 [g., On A High]. NM Hi-Pt. Aged Gelding. 9 wins to 5, $669,449, Zia F.-RG1, 2nd All American F.-G1, Zia H.-RG2, Mesilla Valley Speed H.-RG2, Hard Twist S.-RG3, NM Cup F., etc.
Voyage si 105 ($14,469), etc.
Pass N Call si 102 (g. by Easy Jet). 2 wins to 4, $28,871.
Dual Miss si 96 (f. by Duplicate Copy). 5 wins to 5, $27,727. Dam of
ONGOING TA FAME si 115 [g., Pyromaniac]: 12 wins to 6, $644,746, Shue Fly S.-RG1, Jess Burner Mem. H.-RG1, Mesilla Valley Speed H.-RG2, Zia D.-RG3, NM State Fair Senor F.-RG3, NMHBA S.-RG3, NM Brds.’ H.-RG3, NM Cup Champ., 2nd NM H.-RG3, NM Brds.’ Champ., 3rd Zia F.-RG2, etc.
Dual Lady si 92 (f. by Rocket Wrangler). 4 wins to 5, $34,715.
Real Easy Gold si 89 (f. by Real Easy Jet). Winner to 3, $2,636. Dam of 2-Time NM Hi-Pt. Aged Stallion REAL BAR FORtH si 106 ($206,895, ntr), Dear Dad si 108 ($66,835, ntr), Your Wildest
KEnDALL JACKSOn si 114 [g., Lanes Leinster]: 14 wins to 7, $420,539, MBNA NM Chal.-G1 (twice), W. Tx. D.-G3, Sunland Express H.-G3 (twice), 2nd Ruidoso D.-G2, etc., nWR/ntr SUN 400yds., nWR/ntr SUN 440yds.
Dream si 95 ($15,738), etc.
Pay Your Dues (f. by Easy Jet). Placed to 3. Dam of
DASH tA MOOn si 108 [f., Major Rime]: NM Hi-Pt. 3-Year-Old Filly. 6 wins to 4, $351,680, Lubbock S.-G2, Ruidoso Horse Sale F., Sunland NM Bred Invit., NM Distaff Champ., 2nd NMHBA S.-RG2, etc.
Due To Blush si 91 (f. by Blushing Bug). 2 wins to 4, $21,477, 3rd Malibu Beach H. Dam of First Clone si 92 ($23,879).
in FAMOUS CAPER si 108 [g., Kipper Kelly TB]. 10 wins to 9, 2014, $327,416, Mesilla Valley Speed H.-RG2, etc., nWR SUN 300yds.
Pay The Chief Dues si 104 (c. by Spark Chief TB). 2 wins to 3, $13,598, 3rd Wine Country D. Dam of Casino Chicks si 101 ($26,992), etc.
1st Dam:
CASINO LIGHTS si 99 (1994) by Sixarun. Winner to 3, $7,192. Dam of 11 foals, 6 starters, 4 winners, 6 ROM, including
fnl. Shue Fly S.-RG1, Zia D.-RG2.
Casino Bambino si 93 (c. by Dash Ta Fame). 2 wins to 3, $39,162. Chicks In Lights si 82 (f. by Chicks Beduino). 2 wins to 3, $4,198. Dam of
Firstchickinlights si 105 (g. by First To Shine). 8 wins to 7, $102,253, ntr EVD 220yds.
Ladys Corona Lite si 90 (f. by Coronas Prospect). 3 wins to 5, $44,460.
In Lights First si 98 (g. by First To Shine). 4 wins to 6, $41,440. Pure D Mitchell si 94 (g. by Pure D Dash). 3 wins to 4, $21,719.
2nd Dam:
EASE On DOWn si 103 (1979) by Easy Jet. 6 wins to 6, $46,402,
Marco Smolich H., 2nd PCQHRA Invit. H. Dam of 17 foals, 10
starters, 7 winners, 9 ROM, including
First Easy Buck si 95 (g. by Dash To Chivato). 2 wins to 3, $8,680,
2nd Utah Sires Fall F., 3rd Dixie Downs D.
Ryons Man si 104 (c. by Ronas Ryon). 4 wins to 5, $8,319, 3rd Heart
of the Hills D.
Sixastar si 93 (f. by Sixarun). 4 wins to 5, $31,022, 5th Trinity
Sixajet si 97 (g. by Sixarun). Winner to 3, $12,721, fnl. Kansas Jackpot F.-RG1.