Page 387 - 2015 Stllion Register
P. 387

                                 Corona Cartel si 97
 Holland Ease si 109
    First Down Dash si 105
   Dash For Cash si 114
  First Prize Rose si 98
  Easy Henryetta si 90
  Easy Jet si 100
  Babys Henryetta si 90
  Corona Chick si 113
    Chicks Beduino si 104
    *Beduino TB
  A Classy Chick si 89
  Sizzling Lil si 91
  Sizzle Te si 106
  Lilsalady TB
 Special Queen SA si 102
  Strawfly Special si 97
    Special Effort si 104
    Raise Your Glass TB
  Go Effortlessly si 98
  Fly In The Pie si 99
  Pie In The Sky si 101
  Flying Rockette si 91
  Queen Of Appeals si 99
    First Down Dash si 105
   Dash For Cash si 114
  First Prize Rose si 98
   Totally Illegal si 105
  Tolltac si 113
  Azures Marge si 103
fantaStic cOROna jR - Race and (Stakes) Record
 Age Starts 1st
2 6 3
3 9 3
4 2 1 0 0 $8,588
Totals 17 7 4(2) 3(2) $541,896
at two: WOn: Ed Burke Million F. Trl. at Los Alamitos (350yds., def. Loved Her First, The Shazoom Alliance, etc. Qual.), Los Alamitos Two Million F. Trl. at Los Alamitos (400yds., def. Hawkins Cash, Celtic Classic, etc. Qual.), a maiden race at Los Alamitos (300yds., def. Loffs Bay, A Very Good Check, etc.); 3rd: Los alamitos two Million f.-G1 at Los Alamitos (400yds., to Tres Passes, Foose, def. Suger Mama, A Tempting Dash, etc.), Golden State Million F. Trl. at Los Alamitos (400yds, to Suger Mama, Lummis, def. A Regal Secret, Royal Snow Job, etc.); 5th: Ed Burke Million F.-G1 (350yds.).
at three: WOn: All American D. Trl. at Ruidoso Downs (440yds., def. One Diamond Kitty, Stolis Winner, etc. Qual.), Los Alamitos Winter D. Trl. at Los Alamitos (400yds., def. Downrodeo, First Magical Dash, etc. Qual.), Los Alamitos Super D. Trl. at Los Alamitos (400yds., def. Jessanotheraffair, Tres Passes, etc. Qual.); 2nd: all american D.-G1 at Ruidoso Downs (440yds., to Inseperable, def. Royal Proclamation, One Diamond Kitty, etc.), Los alamitos Winter D.-G1 at Los Alamitos (400yds., to A Tempting Dash, def. Jimmy Delivers, BF Regal Rage, etc.), Southern Calif. D. Trl. at Los Alamitos (400yds., to Royal Proclamation, def. Hulapai, Sixish, etc. Qual.), an allowance at Ruidoso Downs (350yds., to Corona And Cuervo, def. Tiztime, Double Feature Jess, etc.); 3rd: Southern calif. D.-G1 at Los Alamitos (400yds., to Hulapai, Saturday Nite Fever, def. Sixish, Jessanotheraffair, etc.); 5th: Los Alamitos Super D.-G1 (400yds.).
at four: WOn: Vessels Mat. Trl. at Los Alamitos (400yds., def. Blues Man Too, A Tempting Dash, etc. Qual.); fnl. Vessels Mat.-G1 (400yds.).
fROM 1 cROP tO RacE
fantaStic cOROna jR is the sire of multiple winners from his first crop to
race, including Phenomenal Jess si 86 ($44,585), etc.
HiS SiRE, cOROna caRtEL si 97: 6 wins to 3, $557,142, Los Alamitos Million F.-G1, Kindergarten F.-G2, Tiny’s Gay H., etc. Sire of 1,361 QH, APHA & ApHC race age foals, 1,184 starters, 827 winners, 1,048 ROM, 288 blacktype horses, 8 Champions, with earnings of $47,404,710, from 14 crops to race.
BLUES GiRL tOO si 105 [f., dam by Sixarun]. World Champion, Champion 2 Year Old, Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, Champion 3 Year Old, Champion 3-Year-Old Filly. 8 wins to 3, $2,032,328, Los Alamitos Two Million F.-G1, Champ. of Champ.-G1, Golden State D.-G1, Mildred N Vessels Mem. H.-G1, etc., ntr LA 400yds., ntr LA 440yds.
Deere S., fnl. Golden State D.-G1, Los Al. Winter D.-G1.
aPPEaLS KinG SPEciaL si 109 (c. by Strawfly Special). 6 wins to
caLiSta cOROna APHA si 97 [g., Treasured APHA]. World Champion Running Breeding Stock Paint, Champion Running Breeding Stock 3 Year Old, Champion Running Breeding Stock 2 Year Old, Champion Running Breeding Stock 2-Year- Old Gelding, Champion Running Breeding Stock 3 Year Old Gelding, Champion Breeding Stock Aged Horse, Champion Breeding Stock Aged Gelding. 15 wins to 7, $252,967, Graham F.-G1, Masterpiece D.-G1, Natl. Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum S.-G1, OHA D.-G2, OHA Pt. Mat.-G1, Pioneer D.-G3, etc.
3rd Paul B Ford Mem. H.
First Jess Appeal si 90 (c. by Mr Jess Perry). Winner at 2, $74,775,
tELLER caRtEL si 108 [c., Easy Jet]. Champion 2-Year-Old Colt. 3 wins at 2, $1,212,471, All American F.-G1, 3rd Golden State Million F.-G1, fnl. Los Alamitos Million F.-G1.
Excalibur King SA si 98 (g. by Strawfly Special). 3 wins to 6, $21,803.
fiVE BaR caRtEL si 91 [c., by Dash Ta Fame]. Champion 2-Year-Old Colt. 6 wins to 3, 2014, $1,068,825, Ed Burke Million F.-G1, 4th Los Alamitos Two Million F., 5th Golden State Million F.-G1.
3rd Dam:
tOtaLLY iLLEGaL si 105 (1991) by Tolltac. 4 wins to 3, $147,160,
caRtERS caRtEL si 103 [c., Tolltac]. Champion 2-Year-Old Colt. 6 wins to 3, $659,146, Ed Burke Million F.-G1, Kindergarten F.-G1, 3rd Vandy’s Flash H.-G3, etc., ntr LA 350yds.
15 foals, 13 starters, 9 winners/ROM, including
iLLEGaL fiREWORKS si 98 (f. by Walk Thru Fire). 6 wins to 4,
tiME fOR a ciGaR si 111 [g., Timeto Thinkrich]. Champion 3-Year- Old Gelding. 9 wins to 7, $468,921, Ruidoso D.-G1, Sunland Park Winter D.-G2, Turf Paradise Champ. Chal.-G3 (twice), Mr Jet Moore H.-G3, etc.
F.-G3, 5th Tx. Cl. F.-G1, fnl. Tx. Cl. D.-G1, etc.
RUMOR HaD it si 103 (f. by Dashing Val). 10 wins to 4, $68,552,
YOU R MY SUnSHinE ApHC si 105 [f., Easily Smashed]. 2-Time Horse of the Year, Supreme Champion 2 Year Old, 2-Time Supreme Champion 3-Year-Old & Older, Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, Champion 3-Year-Old Filly, 3-Time Champion 4-Year-Old & Older Filly. 19 wins to 6, $157,671, Okla. Frontier F., Supreme App. F., Lewis Wartchow Mem. S., etc. nWR/ntr FMT 330yds., nWR/ntr FMT 350yds., ntr WRD 330yds.
Ruidoso D.-G1, Hobbs Am. D.-G2.
Totally Hawkinson si 102 (f. by Hawkinson). 2 wins to 4, $19,164,
2nd 3rd 0 2(1) 4(2) 1(1)
Earned $310,160 $223,063
1st Dam:
Special Queen Sa si 102 (2000) by Strawfly Special. 6 wins to 4,
$229,720, 2nd Ed Burke Mem. F.-G1, Golden State D.-G1, 3rd Calif. Brds.’ Matron S.-RG3, 3rd Calif. Brds.’ Matron S.-RG3, etc. Dam of 16 foals, 15 of race age, 11 starters, 8 winners, 9 ROM, including
fantastic corona jr si 97 (c. by Corona Cartel). Subject Stallion. Gran Special Sa si 94 (g. by Check Him Out). 3 wins to 5, $48,245,
3rd Los Alalmitos D. Chal.
Hermes Bryan si 93 (g. by Aladim Bryan SA). 4 wins to 5, $36,202. Idol Special Dash si 94 (c. by First Down Dash). Winner to 3,
$37,310, fnl. Gov. Cup F.-RG2.
Katrina SA si 94 (f. by Carters Cartel). 3 wins to 3, 2014, $25,020. Easy Separate SA si 90 (c. by Separatist). Winner to 3, $13,263.
2nd Dam:
QUEEn Of aPPEaLS si 99 (1996) by First Down Dash. 3 wins to 3,
$83,988, Charger Bar H., 2nd PCQHRA Brds.’ F.-G1, etc. Dam of
16 foals, 14 of race age/starters, 12 winners, 13 ROM, including GOOD REaSOn Sa si 102 (c. by Favorite Trick TB). Champion Aged Horse, Champion Aged Stallion. 7 wins to 4, $1,446,727, Los Alamitos Two Million F.-G1, Golden State D.-G1, Champ. of
Champ.-G1, Los Alamitos Winter Champ.-G2, etc.
jaBUti EaGLE Sa si 96 (c. by One Famous Eagle). Calif. Hi-Pt.
3-Year-Old Colt. 5 wins to 3, $92,041, S. Calif. D.-G1, 2nd John
5, $54,736, Jack Clifford S., 2nd PCQHRA H., etc.
impassion Queen si 84 (f. by Snowbound TB). 4 wins to 4, $21,930,
fnl. Golden State Million F.-G1.
Gemini Special SA si 101 (g. by Looking For Chicks). 4 wins to 3,
Get Him Out SA si 97 (g. by Check Him Out). Winner to 3, $37,874,
fnl. Gov. Cup F.-RG1, Golden State D.-G1.
Charlotte Bryan si 88 (f. by Blazen Bryan). 2 wins to 4, $23,250. Dam of
jaKE GOLD BR si 89 (c. by Gold Medal Jess). Winner to 4, 2014, $38,058, S. Am. Champ. Chal.
QHBC Juv. Cl.-G1, Gov. Cup F.-RG2, San Mateo H., etc. Dam of
$181,847, Bill Hedge Mem. S., Juno’s Request S.-G3, 3rd Okla.
Idaho Cup D.-RG3, Portland Meadows D., etc. Dam of
Hawk Had It si 101 (f. by Hawkish). 3 wins to 4, $40,426.
Hawkin Had It si 97 (g. by Hawkinson). 3 wins to 5, $32,234, fnl.
fnl. Calif. Brds.’ Matron S.-RG2, etc.
LaWfUL si 113 (g. by First Down Dash). W/SW Hi-Pt. 3-Year-Old
Colt. 9 wins to 8, $68,043, El Moro De Cumpas S.-G3, Santa
Cruz Cnty. D., etc., ntr DG 330yds.
finallylegal si 104 (g. by First Down Dash). Winner to 6, $38,695,
2nd Pomona Champ., 3rd Brotherly H.
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