Page 427 - 2015 Stllion Register
P. 427
Corona Cartel si 97
Holland Ease si 109
First Down Dash si 105
Dash For Cash si 114
First Prize Rose si 98
Easy Henryetta si 90
Easy Jet si 100
Babys Henryetta si 90
Corona Chick si 113
Chicks Beduino si 104
*Beduino TB
A Classy Chick si 89
Sizzling Lil si 91
Sizzle Te si 106
Lilsalady TB
Dashing Phoebe si 104
Dash For Cash si 114
Rocket Wrangler si 97
Rocket Bar TB si 85
Go Galla Go si 95
Find A Buyer TB
To Market
Hide And Seek
Phoebe’s Moon Bug si 91
Lady Bug’s Moon si 100
Top Moon si 100
FL Lady Bug
Phoebe Dial si 95
Johnny Dial si 100
Phoebe Ak si 95
Starters 199 Stakes Placed 13 winners 1m12AlE ltiontaEl ROm 149 total Earnings $4,592,613 Earnings/Starter $23,078 HiS SiRE, fuRyOftHEwinD si 96: 3 wins to 4, $70,554, Calif. D.
tCohtal.l-CGu3r,retnct. ySeiraer oEfa2rn6i5ngrasce age f$o1a,l0s8, 91,9291starters, 112 winners, 149 ROM, 25 blacktype horses, with earnings of $4,592,613, from 5 crops raced. mAlE linE
fuRyOftHEwinD - Race and (Stakes) Record
Age Starts 1st 2nd
2 5 0 2
3 10 3(1) 3
4 4 0 0
Totals 19 3(1) 5
3rd Earned 1 $5,452 0 63,601 0 1,501
1 $70,554
At two: 2nd: a maiden race at Los Alamitos (300yds., to Adriannas Dasher, def. Jess Takeoff, Noble Coyote, etc.), a maiden race at Los Alamitos (300yds., to El Ponchito, def. Same Ole Game, Corona On The Rocks, etc.); 3rd: Ed Burke Mem. F. Trl. at Los Alamitos (350yds., to One Corona, Dragon Night, def. AB Whos Your Daddy, Royal Six Man, etc.); fnl.: Calif. Juv. Chal.-G3 (350yds.).
At three: wOn: Calif. D. Chal.-G3 at Los Alamitos (400yds., def. Strength In Numbers, Christie Jo Dash, etc.), an allowance at Los Alamitos (300yds., def. Pure Corona Magic, Four Six Cartel, etc.), a maiden race at Los Alamitos (300yds., def. Same Ole Game, Corona Ace, etc.); 2nd: El Primero Del Ano D. Trl. at Los Alamitos (400yds., to Jumpn Chic, def. Redwood Creek, Shalimar Roger, etc. Qual.), Calif. D. Chal. Trl. at Los Alamitos (400yds., to Jess A Princess, def. Strength In Numbers, Christie Jo Dash, etc. Qual.), Golden State D. Trl. at Los Alamitos (400yds., to Redwood Creek, def. Finding Nemo, He Could Be Streakin, etc., Qual.); 4th: El Primero Del Ano D.-G1 (400yds.); 5th: D. Ch. Ch.-G1 (400yds.); fnl.: Golden State D.-G1 (400yds.).
At four: fnl.: Calif. Chal.-G2 (440yds.), Whosleavingwho H. (350yds.). fROm 5 CROPS tO RACE
fEmAlE linE
QuAtRO mEnuDOS si 104 [g., Dash Ta Fame]. 6 wins to 4, $300,386, Shue Fly S.-RG2, NM Cl. D.-RG2, 2nd Jess Burner Mem. H.-RG1.
($61,906), etc. Grandam of Skinny mike si 96 ($62,437), etc. Allamericandreamgirl si 103 (f. by Strawfly Special). 2 wins to 4,
fuRy Of tHE StORm si 92 [g., Sail On Bunny]. NM Hi-Pt. 3-Year-Old Gelding. 6 wins to 3, $292,291, NMHBA S.-RG2, NM Brds.’ S.-RG2, Zia D.-RG3, 2nd Shue Fly S.-RG2, fnl. NM Brds.’ F.-RG2, etc.
$35,671, fnl. Ford NM Chal.-G3. Dam of
AmERiCAn RunAwAy si 105 (c. by Ocean Runaway). Champion
RivER winD si 104 [g., First Wrangler]. 4 wins to 4, 2014, $147,858, 2nd AQHA Chal. Fhamp.-G1, Remington Champ. Chal.-G2, Will Rogers D. Chal., Will Rogers Juv. Chal.
Ruidoso F.-G1, 2nd Tx. Cl. F.-G1, Remington Park F.-G1, etc. fEAtuRE DREAmGiRl si 95 (f. by Feature Mr Jess). 2 wins to 3,
AnnA DElOvEly si 98 [f., Pritzi Dash].2 wins to 3, 2014, $104,687, FQHRA Stallion S. F., 2nd W. Tx. F.-G1.
$27,827, N. Dak. Horse Park D., etc.
Bodacious Dream si 97 (f. by Corona Cartel). 2 wins to 3, $26,078, fnl
lOOkinGfORAGOODtimE si 105 [g., Takin On The Cash]. 7 wins to 6, 2014, $79,954, Battle of the Breeds Summer S.
Hobbs Am. D.-G2, Sunland Park Winter D.-G2. Dam of
Bodacious Eagle si 96 (g. by One Famous Eagle). 3 wins at 2, 2014, $281,900, 3rd Ruidoso F.-G1, 4th Rainbow F.-G1, 5th All American F.-G1. PJ Flying Phoebe si 94 (f. by Strawfly Special). Winner to 4, $15,250. Dam of AzSHECAnfly si 95 (f. by Azyoucansee). Calif. Hi-Pt. Aged Mare.
uRAfuRylADysi97[f.,TakinOnTheCash].2winsto3, $76,640, NM SF Senorita F.-RG3, 2nd SunRay Park Firecracker S. wOntCHADAnCEwitHmE si 99 [f., Tolltac]. 2 wins to 4, $75,431,
4 wins to 5, $105,772, Prissy Fein H., etc.
PJ Phoebes Flying (f. by Strawfly Special). Unraces. Dam of tiny
Balloon City S.
nCC fiREfly si 101 [f., Afleet TB]. 3 wins to 3, 2014, $60,315, Rocky
flyinG COROnA si 103 ($54,927), etc.
This Dreams Flying si 91 (f. by Strawfly Special). 2 wins to 4, $13,109,
Mountain D.
RDuStyS fuRy si 103 [f., Strawfly Special]. 3 wins to 3, 2014,
fnl. Altoona D.-G3. Dam of
HES RElEntlESS si 107 (c. by One Famous Eagle). 8 wins to 3, 2014,
$53,973, Mockingbird S., fnl. Decketta S., ntr HIA 250yds.
fuRyS fOlly si 98 [f., Shazoom]. 4 wins to 3, 2014, $50,712,
$531,380, Hobbs Am. D.-G3, etc. ntr RP 350yds.
Dreamnwideopen si 98 (f. by Feature Mr Jess). 5 wins to 4, 2014,
Minnesota D., 2nd Bob Morehouse S.
nAnny mCfEEBE si 102 [f., Streakin La Jolla]. 3 wins at 2, 2014,
$78,822, 2nd Race For Hope Bonus Chal.
flying to the Dash si 101 (g. by Fishers Dash). 3 wins to 4, 2014,
$44,324, Kansas Jackpot F.
$59,425, 2nd Mile High D.
Powerful Performance si 94 (f. by Power Train). 2 wins to 3, $7,640.
mAlE linE
HiS SiRE, COROnA CARtEl si 97: 6 wins to 3, $557,142, Los Alamitos Million F.-G1, Kindergarten F.-G2, Tiny’s Gay H., etc. Sire of 1,361 QH, APHA & ApHC race age foals, 1,184 starters, 827 winners, 1,048 ROM, 288 blacktype horses, 8 Champions, with earnings of $47,404,710, from 14 crops to race.
Dam of Dashing Strawfly si 108 ($69,078, ntr), etc.
Fresh Approach (f. by Special Task). Unplaced to 3. Dam of fAmOuS PHOEBE si 102 ($189,272), Major Bunker Buster si 110 ($128,115), etc. Phoebe Ryon (f. by Bills Ryon). Unraced. Dam of COROnA EASE si 129 ($209,820, nwR ZIA 400yds.), Runaway Corky si 102 (2014,
1st Dam:
DASHinG PHOEBE si 104 (1983) by Dash For Cash. 2-Time
Champion, AQHA Supreme Race Horse. 11 wins to 4, $609,553, Kansas F.-G1, etc. Sister to BRACE si 101 ($107,587), etc. From the family of PHOEBES OtOOlE si 103 ($370,976), COROnA CRyStAl si 99 ($163,463), etc. An All-Time Leading Dam of ROM. Dam of 22 foals, 18 starters, 15 winners, 16 ROM, including
foals of Racing Age
265 Stakes winners
SPECiAl PHOEBE si 104 (f. by Special Effort). Champion Aged Mare, NM Hi-Pt. 3-Year-Old Filly, NM Hi-Pt. Aged Mare. 12 wins to 4, $139,963, World’s Champ. Cl.-G2, etc. Dam of
BRACE fOR BERnAl si 104 [c., Shazoom]. Champion 3-Year-Old Colt. 9 wins to 3, $322,326, Heritage Place D.-G2, Will Rogers Juv. Chal., Bill Hedge Mem. S., Remington Park Okla. Brd D., etc.
fuRyOftHEwinD si 96 (c. by Corona Cartel). Subject Stallion. DASHinGfORDEStiny si 97 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 3,
tuRBulEnt timES si 94 [c., dam by Streakin La Jolla]. 5 wins to 3, 2014, $564,146, Golden State Million F.-G1, 4th Ed Burke Million F.-G1, etc.
Pride of Tx. H.-RG3.
Especially Phoebe si 92 (f. by Special Effort). Winner to 3, $24,842,
HEARtSwiDEOPEn si 104 (f. by Feature Mr Jess). 4-Time Champion, AQHA Supreme Race Horse. 11 wins to 3, $1,885,283, All American F.-G1, Ruidoso F.-G1, Ruidoso D.-G1, Rainbow D.-G1, etc.
A SPECiAl SnO flO si 96 (f. by This Snow Is Royal). 5 wins to 4, $117,171, Corona Chick H.-G3, Bayer Legend Calif. Chal.-G3, etc. Dam of Heza motor Cruiser si 94 ($69,817), etc.
Streakin Phoebe si 95 (f. by Ronas Ryon). Winner to 3, $24,737, fnl. Prescott Downs F.-G3. Dam of DuElinG JuAn si 120 ($475,594), ill Getcha Good si 106 ($60,086), etc.
$56,961, TQHA Sires’ Cup D.-RG3, fnl. Ed Burke Million F.-G1. SOliD DEmAnD si 102 (g. by Special Effort). 3 wins to 5, $35,285,
2nd Ruidoso Horse Sale F.-RG3. Dam of lodi tom si 93
2 Year Old, Champion 2-Year-Old Colt. 4 wins to 3, $686,355,
$82,528), etc.