Page 429 - 2015 Stllion Register
P. 429

                                    Chicks Beduino si 104
      *Beduino TB
   *Romany Royal
  Grey Sovereign
 Romany Belle
   Quick Eye
  A Classy Chick si 89
   Chick’s Deck si 92
   Three Chicks si 100
 Decketta si 100
 Mayshego TB
   Aegean Goddess
    Fire And Nice si 102
       First Down Dash si 105
   Dash For Cash si 114
   Rocket Wrangler si 97
 Find A Buyer TB
  First Prize Rose si 98
   Gallant Jet si 102
 Rose Bug si 96
  Short And Fleet si 95
    Sold Short si 97
  Go Man Go si 100
   Carlotta 2 si 97
 Fleet Anne si 94
   Fleet Kirsch TB
 Hopes Clabberlou si 85
  GAME PAtRiOt - Race and (Stakes) Record
 Age Starts
2 8
3 7
Totals 15
1st 2nd 3rd 5(1) 1(1) 1(1) 2 2(2) 2(1)
7(1) 3(3) 3(2)
Earned $160,771 64,325
 At two: WON: Retama Park F.-G1 at Retama Park (350yds.), Longhorn F. Trl. at Manor Downs (350yds., Qual.), Retama Park F. Trl. at Retama Park (350yds., Qual.), Sam Houston F. Trl. at Sam Houston (400yds., Qual.), Dash For Cash F. Trl. at Lone Star (400yds., Qual.); 2nd: Longhorn F.-G2 at Manor Downs (350yds.); 3rd: Sam Houston F.-G1 at Sam Houston (400yds.); Fnl.: Dash For Cash F.-G1 (400yds.), Ntr RET 350yds.
At three: Tx. Hi-Pt. 3-Year-Old Colt. WON: Retama Park D. Trl. at Retama Park (400yds., Qual.), Dash For Cash D. Trl. at Lone Star (440yds., Qual.); 2nd: Retama Park D.-G1 at Retama Park (400yds.), Goodnight trail H. at Lone Star (250yds.); 3rd: Remington Park D.-G1 at Remington Park (400yds.), Remington Park D. Trl. at Remington Park (400yds., Qual.); 4th: Dash For Cash D.-G1 (440yds.).
total Earnings $23,243,4M57ALE LEiaNrEnings/Starter $32,554
*HIniScluSdiResE1, GAAPMHAE sPtAarteRri.Ot si 109: Tx. Hi-Pt. 3-Year-Old Colt. 7 wins to 3to, $ta2l2C5,u0r9re6,nRt Yeteaamr aEaPranrkinFg.-sG1, etc. S$2ir,e3o3f28,15611QH & APHA race age foals, 715 starters, 486 winners, 565 ROM, 88 blacktype horses, with earnings of $23,24G3A,4M57E, fProAmt1R1iOcrtopHs AraSceSdi.RED
BEYONDtHEGAME si 101 [f., Reckless Dash]. 4 wins at 2, $183,100, La. Brds.’ Lassie F.-RG2, 3rd Lee Berwick Mem.S.-RG1.
 Foals of Racing Age Starters
851 Stakes Winners 44 715 Stakes Placed 44 486 total ROM 565
MR GAME si 105 [g., Bully Bullion]. East Hi-Pt. 3-Year-Old Gelding. 6 wins to 5, $182,754, Delta La. Brds.’ D.-RG2, LQHBA Sale Invit S., Mardi Gras D., etc., Ntr DED 400yds.
  JEt BLACK PAtRiOt si 110 [c., dam by First Down Jewel]. 7 wins at 2, $876,921, LQHBA F.-RG1, Lee Berwick Mem. La. F.-RG1, Mardi Gras F.-RG2, 2nd All American F.-G1, 4th SW Juv. Champ., Ntr LAD 300yds.
CAJuNS GAME si 95 [g., Streakin La Jolla]. 7 wins to 8, $152,062, Magnolia S., 2nd Magnolia S., 3rd Grand Coteau S., etc.
GAME si 91 [g., Hotdoggin]. 4 wins at 2, 2014, $488,994, Lee Berwick Mem. LAD F.-RG1, LQHBA Laddie F.-RG2, fnl. Mardi Gras F.-RG2.
JESSAPAtRiOt si 101 [g., Mr Jess Perry]. 7 wins to 6, 2014, $144,257, LQHA Sale Invit. S., 2nd Delta Downs La. Brds. D.-RG2, etc.
GAME SHOW SPECiAL si 101 [g., Special Show]. 10 wins to 5, $383,323, LQHBA Brds.’ F.-RG1, La. Champ. Day Juv.-RG2, Iowa Dbl. Gold F.-RG3, 2nd Valley Junction F.-G3, etc.
HiS SiRE, CHiCKS BEDuiNO si 104: 7 wins to 3, $412,099, Bay Meadows F.-G1, Gov. Cup F.-RG3, 2nd Dash For Cash F.-G1, 3rd Laddie H.-G2, etc. Sire of 2,067 race age foals, 1,713 starters, 1,128 winners, 1,373 ROM, 289 blacktype horses, 10 Champions, with earnings of $35,466,581, from 23 crops raced.
1st Dam:
Fire And Nice si 102 (1991) by First Down Dash. Winner to 4, $11,123,
AB HOPE FOR CASH si 109 [g., Takin On The Cash]. East Hi-Pt. Aged Gelding. 13 wins to 7, $364,842, La. Cl.-RG1, La. Champ. Day D.-RG2, Mr Jess Perry S.-RG3, 2nd La. Champ. Day Cl.-RG1, John Alleman Mem S.-RG3, etc.
BBS FiRSt BEDuiNO si 101 [g., Rocket’s Magic]. 8 wins to 7, $348,613, Delta Downs La. Brds.’ D.-RG2, Harrah’s La. Bred D., Harrah’s Star S., La. Purchase S., Don Cravins S., 2nd La. Champ., Day Cl.-RG2, Vinton S.-RG3, Opelousas Juv. S., etc.
StREAKiN PAtRiOt si 106 [g., Streakin La Jolla]. 5 wins to 4, $346,153, LQHBA Sale F.-RG1, 2nd LQHBA F.-RG1, Mardi Gras F.-RG2, La. Brds. Laddie F.-RG3, Evangeline Downs D., 3rd La. D., fnl. La. Downs Champ. Day D.-RG2, etc.
3rd Wine Country D. Dam of 1 foal/starter/winner/ROM, including GAME PAtRiOt si 109 (c. by Chicks Beduino). Subject Stallion.
GAMEtiME si 109 [g., Runaway Winner]. 6 wins to 4, $344,601, Lee Berwick Mem. S.-RG1, 3rd LQHBA F.-RG1, etc., Ntr DED 300yds.
2nd Dam:
JES A GAME si 111 [f., Mr Jess Perry]. 9 wins to 5, $323,978, La. Champ. Day D.-RG2, Vals Fortune S.-RG2, Flashy Hemp S.-RG3, Billy Montgomery S.-RG3, Mid-City S. etc., Ntr EVD 350yds.
SHORT AND FLEET si 95 (1978) by Sold Short. 3 wins to 4, $17,922. Dam of 6 foals, 4 starters, 3 winners, 4 ROM, including
WORLDS ON HiGH si 105 [g., On A High]. East Hi-Pt. Aged Gelding, East Hi-Pt. Dist. Horse. 15 wins to 8, 2014, $283,613, Magnolia S., Marathon S., Virgil Bond 870 S., 2nd Races And Aces S., 3rd Faubourg St John S., etc., Ntr EVD 870yds.
My Little Trixie si 84 (f. by Strawfly Special). 3 wins to 3, $10,306.
LittLE Bit tRASHY si 105 [g., Streakin La Jolla]. 3 wins to 3, $267,960, Lee Berwick Mem. La. F.-RG1, etc.
Xtreme Game si 102 (g. by Corona Czech). 2 wins to 3, $34,950, fnl. Golden State D.-G1.
tOASt tO PAtRiOt si 106 [g., Toast To Dash]. 6 wins to 5, 2014, $245,368, Mardi Gras F.-RG2, Harrah’s Dash S., 3rd La. Brds.’ Laddie F.-RG2, etc.
Jess Like Sue si 90 (f. by Feature Mr Jess). 2 wins to 5, 2014, $13,678.
DEALAGAME si 102 [c., Strawfly Special]. 4 wins to 3, $230,836, LQHBA Sale F.-RG1, 3rd Mardi Gras F.-RG2, 4th Lee Berwick Mem. S.-RG1, etc. MCM PENNY GAME si 96 [g., Six Fortunes]. East Hi-Pt. Dist. Horse. 10
FLEET ANNE si 94 (1973) by Fleet Kirsch TB. Winner to 4, $3,538. Dam of 6 foals, 4 starters/winners/ROM, including
wins to 8, $221,293, Live Oak S.-RG3, Sunset 870 S., etc.
LEADiNG PAtRiOt si 107 [g., Yesterdays Hero TB]. East Hi-Pt. Dist. Horse.
Toms Champion si 94 (g. by Shirley’s Champion TB). Winner to 5, $9,991.
11 wins to 8, 2014, $210,805, Live Oak S. (twice), etc., Ntr DED 870yds. PAtRiOtS tOASt si 106 [f., Toast To Dash]. 11 wins to 5, 2014, $194,242, Billy Montgomery EVD S.-RG3, Audubon S., 2nd Party Girl S., Flashy
4th Dam:
Hemp S., etc.
PAtRiOtS GLORY si 111 [g., Mr Eye Opener]. W/SW Hi-Pt. 3-Year-
HOPES CLABBERLOU si 85 (1963) by Pajaro Clabber. Winner at 2, $2,672. Dam of 10 foals, 7 starters, 3 winners, 5 ROM, including
Old Gelding, W/SW Hi-Pt. Aged Gelding. 10 wins to 6, $185,129, Turf Paradise Champ. Chal.-G3, Lucille Rowe D., Arapahoe D. Chal., etc.
Another Appeal si 94 (g. by I Appeal TB). 6 wins to 6, $18,650. Action Line si 87 (c. by Lucky Mel TB). Winner to 4, $8,261. Runaround Sue si 80 (f. by Duplicate Copy). Placed to 3. Dam of
CHiCKS CAN StREAK si 100 [g., Sunny Silence]. 4 wins to 4, $172,667, La. Champ. Day Juv.-RG2, 2nd La. Purchase S.-RG3, La. D., etc.
LOGANS GAME si 93 [f. by Streakin La Jolla]. 4 wins to 3, $157,282, La. Brds.’ Lassie F.-RG2, 2nd Mardi Gras F.-RG2, etc.
AWHOLESEPARAtEGAME si 103 [g., Separatist]. 4 wins to 5, $154,036, La. Champ. Day D.-RG2, 2nd Evangeline Downs D., etc.
RiCH JuDY si 116 (f. by Timeto Thinkrich). 5 wins to 6, $25,655, Harrison Cutler S., 3rd Solano D., Ntr SAD 870yds., Ntr FNO 870yds. Dam of
Zapatista si 92 (g. by Chicks Beduino). Winner to 4, $6,417. Fire And Nice si 102 (f. by First Down Dash). See above. Tac Star si 88 (f. by Tolltac). Placed to 3. Dam of
3rd Dam:
Mackenzie Blurr si 86 (g. by Murrtheblurr TB). 2 wins to 3, $6,890.
Rout si 83 (f. by Reb’s Policy TB). Winner to 4, $5,292.

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