Page 32 - April 2017
P. 32

                                  $4 Million
  • The$4MillionSiresrepresent8.56%ofallMillionDollarSires.
• Nineofthe$4MillionSireswereborninthe2000’s–FavoriteCartel
(2007), Tempting Dash (2007), First Prize Perry (2004), Tac It Like A Man (2004), Volcom (2003), Jumpn (2002), Corona For Me (2001), Southern Corona (2001) and The Down Side (2000).
• Theoldest$4MillionSireswereborninthe1950’s–RocketBarTB(1951) and Alamitos Bar (1959).
• Sixofthe$4MillionSiresareThoroughbreds.
• The only $4 Million Sire with over 1,000 starters is Kitaman at 1,270.
Favorite Trick TB has the fewest starters at 86. Kitaman also has the most
• Two $4 Million Sires have average earnings per starter exceeding
$50,000 – Favorite Trick TB ($50,362) and Real Runaway ($50,275).
Tempting Dash
Tac It Like A Man
  Favorite Cartel
They are also the only two $4 Million Sires to have fewer than 100 starters,
Favorite Trick with 86 and Real Runaway with 95.
• Five$4MillionSireshavemoneyearnerswhohaveearnedover$1million
– Volcom (JM Miracle, $1,501,962), Favorite Trick TB (Good Reason SA, $1,446,727), Duck Dance TB (Merganser, $1,373,704), The Down Side (Double Down Special, $1,211,934) and Tempting Dash (Kiss My Hocks, $1,199,385).
• Three$4MillionSireshaveawinners-to-startersratiogreaterthan70% - Rocket Bar TB (78.3%), First Down Express (71.5%) and Three Oh’s (71.1%).
• Four$4MillionSirestohavemorethan10%stakeswinners-to-starters- Rocket Bar TB (12.2%), First Place Dash (12%), Meter Me Gone (10.7%) and Real Runaway (10.5%).
• Twoofthe$4MillionSiresareintheAQHAHallofFame–LadyBug’s Moon and Rocket Bar TB.
  $3 Million
• The$3MillionSiresrepresent8.56%ofallMillionDollarSires.
• Fiveofthe$3MillionSiresareThoroughbreds.
• Ten$3MillionSireswereborninthe2000’s–GoodReasonSA
(2007), Captain Courage (2005), Swingin Jess (2005), No Secrets Here (2004), Sir Runaway Dash (2004), Zoomin For Bux (2004), Desirio (2002), Executive Menace (2001), Fly Jess Fly (2001) and Coronas Prospect (2000).
• ThreeBarsTB,whoistheoldestofthe$3MillionSires(bornin 1940), has the most stakes stakes wins at 187. Three Bars also has the most stakes winners with 64, while Achievement and Sir Runaway Dash have the least stakes winners at 4 each.
• TexasDancerTBistheonly$3MillionSirewithover1,000raceage foals with 1,060, while Good Reason SA has the fewest race age foals with 78. Texas Dancer and Good Reason SA also have the most and least number of starters – Texas Dancer with 712 and Good Reason SA with 59. Good Reason SA has the fewest number of winners in the category with 43.
• Four$3MillionSireshavemorethan1,000wins–ThreeBarsTB (1,654), Tiny Charger (1,454), Game Plan (1,050) and Murrtheblurr TB (1,018).
• GoodReasonSAhasthehighestaverageearningsperstarterat $58,820, with Celadon coming next at $34,418.
• Six$3MillionSireshavemoneyearnerswhohaveearnedover$1 million – Rare Jet (Refrigerator, $2,126,309), Good Reason SA (Jess Good Candy, $2,014,703), Light On Cash (Winalota Cash, $1,952,848), Texas Dancer TB (Eastex, $1,869,406), Heza Motor Scooter (Rylees Boy, $1,567,264) and Captain Courage (Wicked Courage, $1,132,848).
• Three$3MillionSireshaveawinners-to-startersratioofgreaterthan 70% - Three Bars TB (76.3%), Ought To Be First (72.9%) and Good Reason SA (72.8%).
• ThreeBarsistheonly$3MillionSiresintheAQHAHallofFame.
Good Reason SA
Sir Runaway Dash
      30 SPEEDHORSE, April 2017

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