Page 33 - April 2017
P. 33
$2 Million
• The $2 Million Sires represent 16.53% of all Million Dollar Sires.
• Eightofthe$2MillionSiresareThoroughbreds.
• 15ofthe$2millionSireswereborninthe
2000’s – Freighttrain B (2008), One Sweet Jess (2008), The Louisiana Cartel (2007), Inseperable (2006), Winners Version (2006), Pappasito (2005), Gold Medal Jess (2002), Mighty
Invictus (2002), Special Crown Royal (2002), Fredricksburg (2001), King Corona (2001), First N Kool (2000), First To Flash (2000), Granite Lake (2000) and The Corona (2000). The oldest sire in this category is Rebel Cause, born in 1958.
• PacificBaileyistheonly$2MillionSirewith more than 1,000 race age foals (2,942), while First To Flash and JJ Shot Glass have the fewest at 57 each.
• PacificBaileyistheonlysirewithmorethan 1,000starters(1,326)andheistheleadingsire by winners (655), while JJ Shot Glass has the few- est starters (42) and winners (21). Pacific Bailey also has the most stakes winners (58) and stakes wins (91), with Rebel Dasher the fewest (1 stakes winnerwith1stakeswin).
$1 Million
Freighttrain B
One Sweet Jess
Winners Version
The Louisiana Cartel
• The$2MillionSireswiththehighestaverageearningsperstarterareFirstToFlash($49,977)andJJ Shot Glass ($49,832).
• Three $2 Million Sire have money earners who have earned over $1 million – Pine’s Easter Jet (Higheasterjet, $1,633,035), The Louisiana Cartel (EC Jet One, $1,370,385) and JJ Shot Glass (By By JJ, $1,207,274).
• Thereareno$2MillionSiresintheAQHAHallofFame.
• $1 Million Sires represent 42% of all Million Dollar Sires.
• There are 30 Thoroughbreds in this group, accounting for 13.9% of all $1 Million Sires.
• There are 41 sires in the $1 Million Sire group that were born in the 2000’s, or 18.9%. American Runaway and Dominyun are the youngest sires, both born in 2008.
As of Feb. 16, several stallions born in the 2000’s were near the million-dollar mark. Although there may be more than listed here, stallions born after 2000 and with more than $900,000 in earnings include Capo De Capi ($984,883), Hadtobenuts ($972,118), Sea Horse Corona ($947,817), Jet Cartel ($944,878, deceased), First Timber ($943,853), Scrutinizer ($931,244) and Chilled Corona ($930,861).
• Top Deck TB is the oldest $1
Million Sire, born in 1945, and he also has the most number of stakes wins with 77.
• The only $1 Million Sires with more than 1,000 race age foals are The Ole Man (1,878), Jet Of Honor (1,148) and Dash For Perks (1,034). Sum Fun To Bet and Jess A Chicks have the fewest race age foals (each with 56). Sum Fun To Bet has the fewest winners (13). The Ole Man has the most starters (554), while Jess A Chicks has the fewest (34).
• Three Chicks has the most stakes winners of any $1 Million Sire with 39, while three $1 Million Sires don’t have any stakes winners at all – First Weapon, Look Forward and Strong Hope.
• Rabbits Rainbow has the largest average earnings per starter among $1 Million Sires at $36,026.
• The only $1 Million Sire with a leading money-earner that made more than $1 million is Daddy Hold On (SLM Big Daddy, $1,013,550).
Capo De Capi
First Timber
SPEEDHORSE, April 2017 31