Page 207 - July 2016
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It Starts with Membership
APHA programs are great,
but you can’t earn rewards
if your membership is out of date. Join, renew or extend your APHA membership at In addition to access to these awesome pro- grams catered to your style of showing, your APHA member- ship gives you:
• Discounts on APHA business like registrations, ownership transfers, stallion breeding reports and more.
• A free subscription to Chrome, APHA’s premier member magazine that celebrates Paint people just like you and a Western lifestyle as unique as the Paint Horse. Discover more at
• Access to APHA-approved regional shows, the APHA World Championship Show, more than $150,000 in Youth scholarships and more.
• Exclusive savings on products for your Paints and lifestyle via the APHA Xtras discount program.
• A new community of friends, via APHA regional clubs.
• Pride as part of the second- largest equine breed association in the world!
Discover PBRIP
Find a jackpot near you and enroll at pbrip. com. Bring PBRIP to your barrel race by click- ing the “Host” tab to learn more.
3. Dual-Approved Events
Double dipping isn’t bad when it comes tohorseshows,anddual-approvedevents give you the best of both worlds. Official APHA classes take place nationwide in conjunction with the Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association, Ranch Sorting National Championships, American Stock Horse Association, National Cutting Horse Association and the American Competitive Trail Horse Association, among others.
at—you’ll find a calendar of events under “Public Access.” Nothing to catch
your eye? Follow the sidebar below to bring dual approval to your favorite competitions.
Your results will help you reap APHA points, achievement recognition and year-end awards at the national and regional level.
Double Dip with Dual Approval
1. LearnmoreaboutAPHAspecialeventsand dual approval in the APHA Rule Book, Rule SC-096; download your copy at forms/rule-books.
2. Contact an event’s show secretary well in advance to express your interest in dual approval. They’ll need to submit a small show approval fee and complete a special event application, available at
3. HelpspreadthewordtoyourfastPaint friends—the more competition, the greater the rewards.
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