Page 206 - July 2016
P. 206
HAve It YouR WAY
three APHA programs help bring Paint-exclusive awards to your favorite venues.
by Rachel Florman
In a world of customizable everything, taxis available with the tap of a screen and handpicked monthly gifts for every imaginable interest, it just makes sense to enjoy horse showing your way, too.
For riders with fast, flashy horses, this typically means discipline-specific events with the perfect setting, ground, competition and prizes. Competing your way used to mean missing out on top-quality prizes available at traditional APHA shows, lifetime recognition and more. Not any- more! APHA gets it, and we offer three programs to help you earn extra Paint awards and incentives wherever you enjoy competing.
1. Paint Alternative Competition
When the dust settles and the ribbons
or prize money are won, Paint Alternative Competition is like an extra high-five for
a job well done. PAC-enrolled horses earn credits for their performances at non-breed competitions like open circuits, rodeos, mounted shooting events and more. You
can even earn credits for recreational riding. Credits are recorded on your Paint’s official record, and they add up to achievement recognition as well as national year-end titles and awards.
With more than 30 disciplines and categories, there’s something for everyone and every Paint.
Learn more about PAC at programs/pac.
Steps to PAC Success
1. Enroll your Paint in PAC, and learn the rules of the program in the APHA Rule Book, Rule PR-000 (download a free copy at
2. Enjoy competing with your Paint at events that maintain result records.
3. Complete your PAC results form and return it to APHA within 30 days.
4. Reap the rewards!
2. Paint Barrel Racing Incentive Program
Designed by barrel racers for barrel racers, APHA’s Paint Barrel Racing Incentive Program combines the rewards of breed competition with the payouts and specialized division format riders know and love.
PBRIP jackpots are held in conjunction with your favorite barrel races, like the National Western Stock Show and select National Barrel Horse Association events, and they offer exclu- sive payouts for registered Paints in a divisional format. On top of cash rewards, you’ll earn APHA points for your fast times, which are recorded on your Paint’s official record and add up to achievement awards and year-end prizes. Special PBRIP points also earn you awesome year-end cash and prizes in 4Ds.
PRIBP participation also helps you qualify for the APHA World Championship Show, which hosts one of the largest PBRIP payouts annually, ponying up more than $13,000 split between 20 riders in a 4D format at the 2015 World Show.
204 SPEEDHORSE, July 2016
paint horse bulletin