Page 66 - NMHBA_Fall2022-NEW.indd
P. 66

 Request Form for Broodmares In Foal to Leave the State of New Mexico
  The application form for Broodmares In Foal to leave the State of New Mexico must include: $500 fee postmarked no later than Oct. 1 of the year bred OR $1,000 fee after Oct. 10.
• Covering stallion must reside in New Mexico and be registered with the NMHBA.
• Mare must be covered in New Mexico and be a registered New Mexico Broodmare no later than Sept. 1 of the year bred. In the event of an Embryo transfer, please ensure that both the donor and recipient mare are registered New Mexico Broodmares by Sept. 1 of the breeding year.
• Should the mare leave the state after being bred, a $500 fee must be postmarked by Oct. 1 of the year bred OR $1,000 fee after Oct. 10.
• Resulting foal from said breeding must be born in New Mexico to
be considered a New Mexico Bred foal.
• For embryo transfers, donor mare must be bred to a stallion regis-
tered with the NMHBA. “ET” embryos must be flushed, and the re- sulting embryo must be implanted in New Mexico. The donor mare may leave the state, but will be subject to a $500 fee postmarked by Oct. 1 of the breeding year. The recipient mare may leave the state, but will be subject to a $500 fee postmarked by Oct. 1 of the year bred. The resulting foal must be born in New Mexico in order to be eligible for New Mexico Bred status.
 Have Your Veterinarian Complete The Stallion EVA Booster Certification Form
 And Return By
• Mail: 4836 Hardware Dr. NE, Suite B, Albuquerque, NM 87109 • E-mail:
• Fax: (505) 265-8009
The EVA Booster Certification must be received in our office by FEBRUARY 1, 2023, or your stallion’s status will be changed to INACTIVE for the New Mexico Bred program, and any resulting foals will NOT be eligible to be registered until he is reactivated.
If your stallion becomes inactive in the New Mexico Stallion Registry, there will be a
$200.00 reactivation fee. Your stallion must also have a negative EVA test and vaccinated for EVA within ten (10) days of the negative test. Once all the above has been completed and we have received all the appropri- ate documentation in the NMHBA office, any 2024 foal(s) may then be registered as New Mexico Bred.
   Contact the New Mexico Livestock Board at (505) 841-6161 for requirements and any questions regarding the isolation of your stallion.
                    64 New Mexico Horse Breeder

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