Page 216 - October 2016
P. 216
Leading Track SireS
race track leading sires reflects wins & first place earnings from the beginning of each meet through October 2, 2016
AjAx Downs
Ajax,ON, CAN • 08/21/2016 - 09/26/2016
Blackfoot,ID • 09/04/2016 - 09/10/2016
EVErgrEEn PArk
Grand Prairie,AB, CAN • 07/08/2016 - 08/28/2016
Country Chicks Man winners Award Corona Cartel
Mr jess Tex Mezoomn sugarman Perry wild Boyz
Mighty Invictus Down Home Dash wave Carver
wins Earnings 9 $72,085 14 $60,982 5 $48,484 11 $48,477
6 $47,262
7 $44,734
8 $38,049
2 $33,934 4 $32,629 6 $31,009
Carters Cartel never Tell walk Thru Fire Volcom
Ivory james
wins Earnings 2 $10,780 2 $7,292 4 $6,419 2 $3,720 2 $3,536
stel Corona
First Timber Favorite Cartel latest Version wave Carver
storm Victory
jess Zoomin
Tres seis
Fantastic Corona jr
wins Earnings 6 $21,801
Cincinnati,OH • 09/11/2016 - 09/25/2016
Tac It like a Man Furyofthewind Maknmoves
Mr Eye opener Brookstone Bay we Have a secret Chase This leader spittin Fire
Mr jesse lee
wins Earnings 2 $16,600
FAIr grounDs
Hard Hitting
rare jet Extremes
wins Earnings
2 3 2 2 2 2 2 1
$8,000 $5,400 $3,810 $3,600 $3,600 $3,600 $3,600 $3,248
New Orleans,LA • 08/17/2016 - 09/03/2016
CAnTErBury PArk
Shakopee,MN • 08/18/2016 - 08/21/2016
sire wins Earnings Apollitical jess 6 $140,745
EMErAlD Downs
Pyc Paint your wagon 9 Ivory james 7 Foose 3 knud with wings 2 Fdd Dynasty 4 Hasta Be Fast 3 one sweet jess 5 Prospect to the Top 2 Triple Vodka 2
$85,000 $48,450 $44,775 $33,850 $32,700 $32,550 $32,350 $31,700 $30,350
sire Brookstone Bay Azyoucansee Mighty Invictus Inseperable stel Corona
wins Earnings 4 $34,990 3 $5,900 1 $2,500 1 $2,500 1 $2,500
FAIrMounT PArk
Collinsville,IL • 08/20/2016
CAssIA CounTy HorsE rACIng Burley,ID • 08/19/2016 - 08/20/2016
EnErgy Downs
Gillette,WY • 09/16/2016 - 09/23/2016
Ivory james Inseperable
game Patriot
Pyc Paint your wagon
wins Earnings 2 $9,600 2 $8,400 2 $8,400 2 $7,800 1 $6,000
Carters Cartel Foose
spittin Fire Freighttrain B
wins Earnings 1 $3,540 1 $2,010 2 $1,890 1 $1,260
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
$8,295 $7,208 $2,650 $2,650 $2,450 $2,450 $2,400 $2,350 $2,250
gIllEsPIE CounTy FAIr grounDs Fredricksburg,TX • 07/02/2016 - 08/28/2016
CEnTrAl wyoMIng FAIrgrounDs Casper,WY • 09/03/2016 - 09/11/2016
sire wins Earnings Favorite Cartel 1 $42,750
EVAngElInE Downs
2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2
$52,302 $17,215 $16,380 $14,295 $12,300 $11,056 $10,500
$8,400 $8,310 $8,250
jess My Moon 2 Maknmoves 1 Brookstone Bay 2 Carters Cartel 1 swingin jess 2 Eyesa special slim 3 jess louisiana Blue 1 Foose 1 First Down Vike 1
$14,040 $13,060 $10,720
$6,561 $5,300 $4,000 $3,000 $2,650 $2,450
Heza Fast Dash stoli
jet Black Patriot game Patriot
sir runaway Dash jess louisiana Blue Ivory james
strong Hope
Tee Cos
wins Earnings 5 $49,500
214 sPEEDHorsE, October 2016
1 1
$5,700 $4,650
Heza Fast Dash
jet Black Patriot
oak Tree special jess louisiana Blue sir runaway Dash Coronas leaving you First Prize Perry game Patriot swingin jess
Tee Cos
wins Earnings 12 $285,996 9 $110,400 5 $63,200 4 $59,400 5 $58,800 4 $53,400 4 $44,300 3 $39,000 4 $37,658 2 $33,000
Elko CounTy FAIr
Elko,NV • 08/27/2016 - 09/05/2016
4 4 2 2 5 2 1 1
$19,205 $18,891 $14,799 $11,909
$9,365 $8,699 $6,992 $6,992
Auburn,WA • 08/21/2016 - 08/21/2016
Eyesa special slim Coronas Velvet
A regal Choice Hard Hitting
Tr Dasher
Brindis Por Cayenne Brookstone Bay Country Quick Dash jesse james jr Cashin Man
wins Earnings 2 $18,014
Canencro,LA • 09/28/2016 - 10/01/2016
4 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1
$18,900 $16,200 $15,900 $13,500 $13,500 $12,000
$9,900 $7,800 $7,800
HArnEy CounTy FAIr
Burns,OR • 09/10/2016 - 09/11/2016
American runaway Fantastic Corona jr jumpn Chic
Apollo by Em
rock solid jess Coronas Fast Dash Time for a god Celeb
x rated Cat
wins Earnings
gol 1 $1,430 Preachinatthebar 1 $1,430
wins Earnings