Page 217 - October 2016
P. 217

                                Hazel Park raceway
Hazel Park,MI • 08/20/2016 - 09/30/2016
Oak tree at PleaSantOn
Arcadia,CA • 09/25/2016 - 10/01/2016
Sire wins earnings Volcom 1 $8,300
Sweetwater DOwnS
Rock Springs,WY • 08/20/2016 - 08/28/2016
Gainango Bridlewood
Fdd Dynasty
One Famous eagle Dashair
Dmnv Mountable
wins earnings 3 $22,360
takin the cash the royal Jester winners Version coronas Velvet Maknmoves
wins earnings 1 $5,000 1 $5,000 3 $4,650 2 $4,550 4 $4,000
InDIana GranD racInG & caSInO Shelbyville,IN • 04/19/2016 - 10/01/2016
wins earnings 1 $2,600 1 $2,250
Fantastic corona Jr escondido Beach Desirio
chilled corona
la Jollaroid
Pyc Paint your wagon coronas Prospect One Famous eagle One Sweet Jess captain courage
wins earnings 5 $146,025 16 $144,100 5 $123,331
PraIrIe MeaDOwS
Altoona,IA • 08/20/2016 - 10/02/2016
wins earnings 15 $236,078 13 $234,764 1 $137,500
$117,920 $114,815 $98,450 $77,330 $62,480 $61,204 $58,080
Grand Prairie,TX • 09/16/2016 - 10/01/2016
Sire wins earnings
wHIte PIne cOunty FaIr
Ely,NV • 08/20/2016 - 08/21/2016
Sire wins earnings
lOne Star Park
Fdd Dynasty 3 rock Solid Jess 4 coronas leaving you 2 First Down Dash 4 Mr Piloto 1 tinys First corona 1 Pyc Paint your wagon 4 tres Seis 3 walk thru Fire 3
lOS alaMItOS
$51,810 $15,420 $15,180 $14,940 $14,863 $13,274 $11,760 $10,260 $10,260
rOcky MOuntaIn turF cluB
Lethbridge,AB, CAN • 09/03/2016 - 10/02/2016
Voghts Gold 1 Ss Samson 1 walk thru Fire 1 Fit to Fly 2 Ivory James 1 traffic 605 1
$6,798 $4,180 $4,070 $3,575 $2,200 $2,200
Los Alamitos,CA • 12/26/2015 - 10/02/2016
Sire wins earnings
$38,700 $32,708 $17,006 $16,452 $14,672 $13,914 $13,688 $13,402
Favorite cartel 57 corona cartel 25 One Famous eagle 17 walk thru Fire 62 Separatist 20 One Sweet Jess 50 Stel corona 31 tr Dasher 38 Foose 32 Good reason Sa 12
$665,004 $573,150 $429,093 $378,090 $304,739 $233,755 $215,935 $169,478 $156,053 $146,422
One Famous eagle the louisiana cartel Mr Jess Perry Valiant Hero apollitical Jess Good reason Sa Jesse James Jr Jess a chicks
zulu Dragon
wins earnings 34 $1,646,100 3 $1,021,056 22 $693,240
nOrtHlanDS Park
Edmonton,AB • 05/-6/2016 - 09/17/2016
SanDy DOwnS
3 3 4 4 2 2 3 1 2 1
$48,300 $42,000 $40,200 $38,400 $33,000 $32,400 $31,200 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000
Ivory league
First timber
tinys First corona latest Version Jess Magic
wins earnings 2 $20,604 3 $14,076 1 $9,710 1 $8,837 1 $6,344
Favorite cartel carters cartel Separatist
walk thru Fire takin the cash the royal Jester
wins earnings 7 $63,221
5 1 1 1 2 2
$18,500 $11,160 $9,000 $6,650 $6,580 $6,340
count corona
two corona Special
1 1
$8,300 $3,218
3 7 9 3 4 2 3
POrtlanD MeaDOwS
Portland,OR • 09/25/2016
tHe DOwnS at
Albuquerque,NM • 06/25/2016 - 09/25/2016
Jesse James Jr
First Moonflash
zoomin for Bux
Mr Jess Perry
Genuine Strawfly 6 ketel won 9 Pyc Paint your wagon 7 winners Version 5 Valiant Hero 6 Shazoom 4
roman ruler
Fastnfierce 1 $2,150
Pyc Paint your wagon Ivory James
tac It like a Man
Just amazing Jess One Famous eagle corona cartel
lil kool wagon Freighttrain B tempting Dash
Jess louisiana Blue
wins earnings 22 $128,094 10 $82,154 1 $60,828 4 $54,656 6 $42,681 2 $41,936 2 $41,223 6 $39,561 6 $34,490 4 $33,486
$135,259 $89,442 $68,616 $66,900 $57,739 $56,280 $54,686
Pyc Paint your wagon Stel corona
Sizzlin red corona tinys First corona Favorite cartel
tres Seis
wins earnings 7 $48,872 9 $31,225 4 $16,593 2 $13,880 2 $12,085 6 $12,053
wIll rOGerS DOwnS
Claremore,OK • 09/10/2016 - 10/02/2016
apollitical Jess
Pyc Paint your wagon Ivory James
Inseperable 7 Desirio 3 Judys lineage 3 Streak and Dash 3 wave carver 3 tailgunner tom 2 country chicks Man 3
Ruidoso Downs,NM • 05/27/2016 - 09/05/2016
wins earnings 7 $161,578 11 $67,206
Idaho Falls,ID • 08/27/2016 - 09/11/2016
16 18 5 23 4 4
$571,837 $547,860 $465,145 $188,739 $185,612 $160,188
zIa Park racetrack
Hobbs,NM • 09/10/2016 - 10/02/2016
3 3 2 1 1
$16,523 $7,579 $4,600 $3,298 $2,952
First Moonflash
Jesse James Jr
Mr Jess Perry Separatist Gonamakeyoureyesblue chicks regard apollitical Jess
winners Version
Mr Houston
wins earnings
SPeeDHOrSe, October 2016
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