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                stRiving to RePResent tHe HigH qualitY oF YouR consignMents tHRougH ouR PRoFessionalisM and stRong WoRk etHic
From the Breeding Shed to the Sale Ring, We have you covered!
Our Proven Program will assure your horse will shine in the Sale Ring!
    Contact us now to reserve your spot for the Upcoming Sales!
  Ruidoso select YeaRling sale
September 1-3, 2023
HeRitage Place YeaRling sale September 21-23, 2023
#188 Favorite Tyme Sold for $110,000 at 2022 HPYS
Los ALAmitos EquinE sALE September 30 & Oct. 1, 2023
HeRitage Place Fall Mixed sale November 2-4, 2023
#260 Incitatus Cowgirl Sold for $78,000 ay 2022 HPFMS
HeRitage Place WinteR Mixed sale January 18-20, 2024
#494 Fast Dashin Dee sold f
   or $150,000 at 2023 HPWMS
 Royal Vista Ranch LLC
Wayne, OK | 405.449.7575
Cole & Marijo Morehead -Owners Laura Erickson – General Manager Marty Powers – Director Of Operations
April 2023 3

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