Page 62 - 12 October 2012
P. 62

 Heritage Place
Yearling Sale September 20-22, 2012 • Preliminary Results
  Session I Hips 1-263
1 ItS NOt PERfEct b . f . 2/17/2011 (Vrrroom - Tinys Corona Queen, by Corona Cartel) . JEH Stallion Station, Agent - Larry Sherwood . $8,200
2 MISSIN N ActION s . c . 4/18/2011 (Okey Dokey Dale - Special Effort Miss, by Special Effort) . Belle Mere Farm, Ltd ., Agent - Edward Orange . $5,500
3 DREStu EMPRESSu b . f . 3/28/2011 (Brimmerton - Leading Diva, by Special Leader) . Bobby D . Cox - Luis Romero . $5,700
4 JA GOl DEN DREAMS b . f . 3/16/2011 (Gol - La Passionnee, by Dash For Cash) . Joe B . Allen - V A Ranch . $2,300
5 Out
6 WIND fuRy ch . g . 5/21/2011 (Furyofthewind
- First Down Bully, by Bully Bullion) . Kenneth Cass - Joe & Debbie Meridyth . $1,500
7 Out
8 utElluMlADy s . f . 1/4/2011 (Teller Cartel - Sauza Lady, by Salt Lake TB) . Bird Ranch, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Homar Prieto . $7,000
9 IZ IvORy br . c . 2/28/2011 (Ivory James - Royal Delphias Chick, by Chicks Beduino) . Vaughn & Jill Cook, Royal Vista Equine, Inc ., Agent - Joel Ronquillo . $10,500
10 StOlI OHRANJ s . c . 3/29/2011 (Ketel Won
- Sally Sixer, by Sunset Six) . Robert Rodgers, Belle Mere Farm, Ltd ., Agent - Repurchase . $2,000
11 JA DIAMONDS AND GOl s . f . 2/7/2011
(Gol - Code Love, by Chicks Beduino) . Jeanne Beales - V A Ranch . $1,500
12 RuStIk gr . c . 4/29/2011 (Mr Eye Opener - Rustys Special, by Strawfly Special) . Corner K Quarter Horses, LLC - Swett, David & Becky . $6,700
13 tRES GlORIAS b . f . 3/20/2011 (Tres Seis - Gloria In Red, by First On The Red) . Don Apodaca, 7L Bar Farm, Agent - Rachuan Suarez MVZ . $6,300
14 JA GOlS DyNAMO s . c . 4/6/2011 (Gol - BMS Royal Leader, by Special Leader) . Joe B . Allen - Jesus M Alvarez . $2,500
15 ZOOMIN fOlly gr . c . 4/19/2011 (Jess Zoomin - Seperate Folly, by Separatist) . 6666 Ranch, Agent - Frank Dena .
16 yOu GO SMARt GIRl s . f . 4/26/2011 (First Smart Money - Laurens Lil Flower, by Danjur TB) . Donna H . Noble, Belle Mere Farm, Ltd ., Agent - Jesus M Alvarez . $1,800
17 EyESA cA gr . c . 4/12/2011 (Eyesa Special - La Jolla Ca, by Streakin La Jolla) . 6666 Ranch, Agent - Harvey Baeza . $4,000
18 cAPSHAW PERRy b . c . 1/30/2011 (First Prize Perry - Shawnee Autumn, by Dashing Val) . Walter H . Chaney, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - V A Ranch . $1,600
19 tExAS tAlIA br . c . 1/14/2011 (Jess Zoomin - Bruja Tambien, by Runaway Winner) . Marty Powers, Agent - Post Oak Farms .
20 21
22 23
25 26
27 28 29
30 31 32
ROMANcING SPEcIAl gr . c . 5/10/2011 (Eyesa Special - Romancing The Chicks, by Chicks Beduino) . 6666 Ranch, Agent - Ranch 585 Pedro J Barajas . $3,700
tAlON GONE WIlD br . c . 3/28/2011 (Corona Cartel - First Prize Leesa, by Mr Jess Perry) . James Ranch, Agent - Jesus Alfredo Soto Jr . . $40,000
MOODy Su s . f . 3/21/2011 (Tinys First Corona - Illusions Shadow, by First Illusions) . William T . Herman - Antonio A . Alfonso . $1,700
GIDDyuP GIDDyuP 409 s . c . 4/26/2011 (One Famous Eagle - WCR Rubys Fame, by Dash Ta Fame) . James V . Harris, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Isbell Charolais . $20,000
MS BlAZIN MOON s . f . 4/10/2011 (Chicks A Blazin - Ms Cassady Moon, by Casady Casanova) . Dean C . Layh, DVM - Jose Rodriguez . $2,500
JA StREAk Of GOl s . f . 3/14/2011 (Gol - JA Zoomin Herenthere, by Shazoom) . Joe B . Allen - V A Ranch . $1,700
OcEAN N DIMPlES gr . c . 4/19/2011 (Ocean Runaway - Denim N Dimples, by The Desert Jewel) . Muller Racing, LLC, 6666 Ranch, Agent - Luis Romero . $8,000
AZOOM DIAMOND s . f . 3/13/2011 (Azoom - Hot As Diamonds, by Hot As Hell) . Bollenbach Farms, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Luz Chavira . $3,200
tMf cASH cARtEl s . c . 3/25/2011 (Streakin Six Cartel - Take Dad The Cash, by Takin
On The Cash) . Janet W . Hoke, DVM, Robert Wood, Agent - Jose C . Angel . $8,200
NAuGHt fOR NOtHIN b . c . 2/23/2011 (Tac It Like A Man - Naughty Corona, by Corona Cartel) . Double Bar S Ranch, LLC, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Victor Alday . $7,000
SHEZ vAlIANt s . f . 2/8/2011 (Valiant Hero - Sheza Fast Payback, by Heza Fast Man) . Matt Dunn, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Jason Udy . $3,200
SS ROJO s . f . 4/20/2011 (Shazoom - First Prize Robin, by Mr Jess Perry) . Lazy E Ranch, LLC for William E . Smith & Lloyd Scherwinski - 3 Lloyd A . Scherwinski . $23,000
BP PREtty lIl flING gr . f . 1/14/2011 (Wave Carver - A Cartel Fling, by Corona Cartel) . JEH Stallion Station, Agent - Rachuan Suarez MVZ . $8,500
33 34 35 36 37
43 44 45
StORE fRONt b . c . 3/30/2011 (Teller Cartel - Blazin Fire, by This Snow Is Royal) . Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Crowson Racing . $40,000
IvORy JADE br . f . 3/26/2011 (Ivory James - Newport Lily, by Stoli) . Harold Jeanotte, Vista Equine Colorado, Agent - Thomas H . Bradbury . $42,000
fOuR BEDS IN ONE b . f . 4/3/2011 (Hard Hitting - Our Bettye Gene, by Dash Thru Traffic) . Larry H . Hughes - Jesus Orozco . $2,700
MAcH 5 b . g . 2/11/2011 (Foose - Girl In The Curl TB, by In Excess [IRE]) . Lucas Racing, Inc ., Goodfellow & Lucas, Agent - Gregg Sanders . $5,000
HOtNSPIcycORONA b . f . 2/25/2011 (Pappasito - BCR Really A Doll, by For Really TB) . Marge Hatfield, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Adrian Aleman .
StOl tHE SHOW b . f . 4/29/2011 (Stoli - Special Wave, by Special Leader) . Vaughn & Jill Cook, Royal Vista Equine, Inc ., Agent - Havid Canez . $10,000
HEZA MIGHty EllIOtt br . c . 4/3/2011 (Mighty Corona - Lost Creek Babe, by Shawne Bug) . Carla Moody - Joe & Debbie Meridyth . $6,200
SADIEStAR gr . f . 4/4/2011 (Chicks Regard - Seperatestar, by Separatist) . Gail Bloom Trust, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Salvador Pimienta, Agent . $5,200
kING WASAHI b . c . 5/25/2011 (Jet Black Patriot - Dashs Co Ed, by First Down Dash) . Robicheaux Ranch, Inc ., Agent - Jonathan Barrera . $4,200
fIRSt ROyAl tAc ch . f . 2/5/2011
(Tac It Like A Man - Nueva Princessa, by Corona Cartel) . Abigail K . Kawananakoa, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Tom Maher . $6,700
ZOOMIN fINISH gr . f . 4/17/2011 (Jess Zoomin - Seperate Folly, by Separatist) . 6666 Ranch, Agent - Jesus M Alvarez . $4,000
HIGH cuRRENt gr . c . 4/26/2011 (Ocean Runaway - Its High, by Is It True TB) . Gentry Farms - Homar Prieto . $3,500
fIRSt PRIZE PAtRIOt s . c . 1/1/2011 (Jet Black Patriot - First Prize Diamond, by Fly Jess Fly) . James Ranch, Agent - Judd Kearl . $20,000
47 48 49
51 52
53 54
55 56
57 58 59
60 61 62
63 64
ONE fAMOuS BABE s . f . 3/2/2011 (One Famous Eagle - Thebabeisback, by Splash Bac) . Sissie & Bob McClure - Repurchase . $5,000
BERGONZI s . f . 4/6/2011 (Brimmerton - Heavenly Note, by Special Effort) . Bobby D . Cox - Sam Berger . $4,000
cAutIONSly s . f . 3/10/2011 (Mighty Invictus - Peppermint Seis, by Tres Seis) . JEH Stallion Station, Agent - Mike Joiner . $16,000
EyE N HEAvEN br . f . 2/19/2011 (Mr Eye Opener - Ms B Haven, by Okey Dokey Dale) . Belle Mere Farm, Ltd ., Agent - Larry or Michelle Rice . $5,800
A StORM WARNING gr . f . 4/30/2011 (Wave Carver - A Little Storm, by Check Him Out) . Vaughn & Jill Cook, Royal Vista Equine, Inc ., Agent - Twisted S Ranch Floyd Scoggins . $2,500
IBA JESS s . c . 2/10/2011 (Mr Jess Perry - IBA Special, by Strawfly Special) . 6666 Ranch, Agent - Walt Knorpp - Agent . $54,000
tHE NAtIvE cARtEl br . c . 1/14/2011 (Coronas Leaving You - First Tea Rose, by First Down Dash) . Bob & Jerry Gaston, Todd Antonuk, Agent - Joe M . Flores . $19,500
SExy cOuRAGE b . f . 5/4/2011 (Captain Courage - Sexy Tac, by Tolltac) . 6666 Ranch, Agent - El Porre Nir Moses Diaz . $5,000
WEEDS IN My ROSES b . f . 2/4/2011 (Valiant Hero - Strike A Rose, by Strawfly Special) . Paris Wixon, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Repurchase . $7,500
ONE PHAMOuS PHINEAS br . c . 2/19/2011 (One Famous Eagle - Furby, by Royal Quick Dash) . R . B . & Dox? Stables, Blanchet Farms, LLC, Agent - Ramon R Vega . $8,000
EDDIES fORtuNE s . c . 4/1/2011 (Eddie Stinson - Osceolas Fortune, by Osceola Warrior) . Safari Racing - Kendal Owen . $3,000
ROck StAR lADy gr . f . 4/17/2011 (Wave Carver - One Famous Rock Star, by Mr Jess Perry) . 6666 Ranch, Agent - Jose L . Salazar . $10,000
ZOOMIN lIZZIE BEtH b . f . 1/19/2011 (Pappasito - Signs Zoomer, by Shazoom) . The Mixer Ranch, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Kenneth Ruthardt . $7,000
JA GOlS fANtASy s . f . 4/1/2011 (Gol - Amandas Specialcharm, by Special Effort) . Joe B . Allen - Edward Orange . $2,500
SOutHERN RED JESSIE s . f . 5/5/2011 (BP Southern Jess - Red Temptress, by Rolls Of Romance) . Safari Racing - V A Ranch . $1,700
ROll MODEl br . f . 1/27/2011 (No Secrets Here - Immortal Cartel, by Corona Cartel) . John Andreini, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - David L . Martinez . $6,500
vAlIANt PERRy br . c . 5/7/2011 (Valiant Hero
- Perryphery, by Mr Jess Perry) . Bobby D . Cox - Joe M . Flores . $15,000
PAIN PlEASuRE s . f . 2/8/2011 (Wave Carver - Miss Razz Chick, by Ronas Ryon) . Taylor
& Taylor, Hunter Creek Farms, Agent - Avila, Jesus/Cuevas, Jesus . $1,800
 ToTal Hips CaTaloged-789
Withdrawn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54 Total Offered .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .735 Repurchased  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107 Total Sold  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .628 TotalRevenue(withrepurchases)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$9,778,125 Total Revenue (without repurchases) .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .$8,287,300 Average (excluding repurchases)  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . $13,196 Average(includingrepurchases)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$13,304
60 SPEEDHORSE, October 12, 2012
sale results
   60   61   62   63   64