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602 mS faST fIRST PRIZE br. f. 4/1/2011 (DMNV Mountable - Fast First Prize, by Heza Fast Man). James Ranch - Repurchase. $50,000
603 JunglE COuRagE s. f. 4/23/2011 (Captain Courage - Jungle Val, by Dashing Val). 6666 Ranch, Agent - Repurchase. $2,600
604 SOnInlaw br. c. 5/3/2011 (Streakin Sixes - My Lady Amber, by First Down Dash). Marcus Smith, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Ed Melzer. $10,500
605 fuRY EYES br. c. 4/23/2011 (Furyofthewind - Joyous Eyes, by Mr Eye Opener). Dolores Hill - Debbie Jebbia. $6,000
606 SPIT CuRl laSSIE s. f. 3/16/2011 (Spit Curl Jess - Bootsie Lassie, by Holland Ease). Pine Ridge Farm, LLC, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Pina Garcia Ranch. $6,000
607 mITIE VIC ch. g. 4/8/2011 (Mighty Invictus - Rosey Rules, by Okey Dokey Dale). JEH Stallion Station, Agent - Joe Rios. $5,200
608 lS EYE On THE PRIZE b. c. 2/5/2011 (Brookstone Bay - First Place Kate, by First Place Dash). Lee & Sherwood Ranch - Brooke White. $9,000
609 BlamEITOnTHETEQuIla br. c. 3/15/2011 (Furyofthewind - BR Sweet Sensation, by Tolltac). Dreams Come True Ranch, Goodfellow & Lucas, Agent - V. Owen Udy. $5,300
610 mCm SaBOTO s. f. 3/5/2011 (Shazoom - Sheza First Episode, by First Down Dash). MCM Farms, LLC, Marty Powers, Agent - Adrian Gonzalez. $5,700
611 C u TamalE br. f. 2/23/2011 (Ivory James - El Streaker, by Packin Sixes). Bobby D. Cox - John E Wolpert. $30,000
612 a SPECIal kaRTEl br. f. 4/10/2011 (Teller Cartel - Special Phoebe, by Special Effort). Vaughn & Jill Cook, Royal Vista Equine, Inc., Agent - Harvey Kendrix. $11,700
613 CaPTaIn wICkED br. c. 4/19/2011 (Captain Courage - Wicked Pamela, by Dash For Cash). 6666 Ranch, Agent - Victoria Galindo. $10,000
614 SCOOTIn THRu THE SnO s. c. 4/17/2011 (Heza Motor Scooter - Peeling The Paint, by This Snow Is Royal). Harold & Joyce Erickson, Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent - Repurchase. $3,000
615 wInDaC mOTORSCOOTER b. c. 2/19/2011 (Volcom - Motorin, by Heza Motor Scooter). Windy Acres Stables - Repurchase. $7,500
616 Ja lOng gOnE gOl s. c. 2/22/2011 (Gol - JA Impetuously, by Mr Jess Perry). Joe B. Allen - Kurt Eck. $5,200
617 a TaC BunnY s. f. 3/4/2011 (Tac It Like A Man - Marys Shadow, by Arrows Request). Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Repurchase. $16,000
618 Ja RED HOT gOl s. c. 4/28/2011 (Gol - Be Bold Baby, by Bold Episode). Jeanne Beales - Angel Martinez. $3,300
619 CaRVIng a ROYal waVE s. f. 1/18/2011 (Wave Carver - Royal Delphias Chick, by Chicks Beduino). Vaughn & Jill Cook, Royal Vista Equine, Inc., Agent - Randy/Sandy Coleman. $17,000
620 JumPn alEgRE br. c. 3/5/2011 (Jumpn - Ribs Babykins, by Sunset Six). Robert Rodgers, Belle Mere Farm, Ltd., Agent - Harvey Baeza. $3,200
621 SPIT CuRl TEn s. c. 1/6/2011 (Spit Curl Jess - Oh What A Perks, by Dash For Perks). James Ranch, Agent - Jeff Strange. $20,000
622 SHEZ gOT COuRagE b. f. 2/15/2011 (Captain Courage - Sheza Achiever, by Easy Jet). Burnett Ranches/Burgess, 6666 Ranch, Agent - Ron Sugamosto. $11,000
623 fIRST PRIZE RIBBOn s. c. 3/26/2011 (First Prize Perry - First Dawn Dash, by First Down Dash). Vista Equine Colorado, LLC - Hershel Cole. $17,500
624 REgaRD THE CaRTEl b. c. 3/14/2011 (Chicks Regard - Tres Cartel, by Tres Seis). Granada Farms, Agent - Jorge Sanchez. $14,500
625 PanCHOlITa b. f. 4/28/2011 (Pappasito - Pancho?s Temptress TB, by Pancho Villa). Richard W. Gonzalez - Repurchase. $625
626 HEEZ wORTHY TOO gr. c. 4/13/2011 (Chicks Regard - Yawl Rakin, by Rakin In The Cash). Laurel Powell, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Leonel Garza. $5,500
627 SmOkIn ZaPPaTOS s. f. 1/18/2011 (Jumpn - Dos Secretos, by First Smart Money).
Bob Moore Farms, LLC, Agent - Brittany Bustamante. $4,200
628 BuRnIngTHEnIgHTawaY gr. f. 2/23/2011 (FDD Dynasty - Lizas Mystique, by White Tie). Dreams Come True Ranch, Goodfellow & Lucas, Agent - LeAnn Burns. $23,000
629 gOlD mEDal STRIDER br. f. 1/3/2011 (Gold Medal Jess - Zoom A Strider, by Shazoom). Walter H. Chaney, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Repurchase. $2,500
630 lITTlE mS TuffY b. f. 1/19/2011 (Its All About Speed - Running Madam TB, by Running Stag). Shady Lane Stables - Ramon R Vega. $1,700
631 mIxED fanTaSY kIng gr. c. 3/3/2011 (Okey Dokey Fantasy - Mixin Sixin, by Streakin
Six). Carl & Luanne Humphries, JEH Stallion Station, Agent - Ervey Balderas. $2,900
632 BaY BIZOOmS b. c. 2/28/2011 (Brookstone Bay - Big Bizooms, by Shazoom). 6666 Ranch, Agent - Jose Rodriguez. $6,000
633 au naTuRal b. f. 1/10/2011 (Gold Medal Jess - My Love My Valentine, by Chicks Beduino). Bob Moore Farms, LLC, Agent - Hector D Chapa. $3,300
634 CElEBRaR s. c. 3/27/2011 (One Famous Eagle - First To Celebrate, by First Down Dash). Bobby D. Cox - Bradbury, Thomas/ Beauprez, Lisa. $53,000
635 fOuR ROYal DIORS B b. f. 3/31/2011 (Foose - Three Royal Roses, by First Down Dash). Oscar Rohne - Carol Robertson. $9,000
636 OuT
637 HOmECOmIng REYna b. f. 2/16/2011
(Inseperable - La Vedera, by Dash To Chivato). Don Apodaca, 7L Bar Farm, Agent - VICTOR JORDAN. $7,500
638 I aZOOmED YOu knEw br. c. 3/3/2011 (Azoom - Dashing Little Reba, by First Down Dash). Henry E. Brown - Carlos M Soto Durazo. $14,500
639 BluE gEnE HaRlEY b. c. 2/17/2011 (Spit Curl Jess - First Prize Corona, by Corona Cartel). William E. Smith, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Reliance Ranches, LLC. $43,000
640 lEaDIng THE fInalE b. c. 2/23/2011 (Special Leader - Yeah Im Flying, by Strawfly Special). Vaughn & Jill Cook, Royal Vista Equine, Inc., Agent - Adrian Aleman. $8,500
641 STOlI CaSE s. f. 1/4/2011 (Stoli - I Rest My Case, by Strawfly Special). 6666 Ranch, Agent - Joe Rios. $4,500
642 all aBOuT PERRI s. f. 3/26/2011 (Mr Jess Perry - All About Ease, by First Down Dash). Bobby D. Cox - Repurchase. $130,000
643 ZOOm In faST b. c. 4/28/2011 (Jess Zoomin
- Shell Eye Your Cash, by Mr Eye Opener). Simmons Racing, Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent - Ramirez, Rudy/Rice,Larry,Michele. $9,500
644 THIRTY SIx BEllES b. f. 2/20/2011 (Tres Seis - JA Desert Evening, by Royal Shake Em). MJF Partnership, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Zory Kuzyk. $25,000
645 OuT
646 OCEana RunawaY s. f. 2/18/2011 (Ocean
Runaway - Call Me Watchful, by Call Me Together). Haskell & Diane Evans, Marty Powers, Agent - Jose Rodriguez. $6,200
647 am gOlDEn gIRl s. f. 3/1/2011 (Gold Medal Jess - Gigis Girl, by Strawfly Special). Alejandro Moya, JEH Stallion Station, Agent - Hector Arreola. $5,700
648 all THE ZOOm s. f. 3/28/2011 (Shazoom
- Nonanon, by First Down Dash). Bob Moore Farms, LLC, Agent - Stephen N. Williams. $18,500
649 El REY mIRaClE s. c. 3/4/2011 (Dean Miracle - First Heart, by First Down Dash). Victory Farms - Repurchase. $8,000
650 fIRST RED CaT s. f. 3/13/2011 (Red Storm Cat - First N Stuff, by First Down Dash). Safari Racing - Repurchase. $2,700
651 RaRE TIDE gr. f. 4/30/2011 (Wave Carver - Rare Encore, by Rare Form). Vaughn & Jill Cook, Royal Vista Equine, Inc., Agent - Ramon R Vega. $7,000
652 STOlIn CREDITS b. f. 2/11/2011 (Stoli - Danika, by Special Leader). Vaughn & Jill Cook, Royal Vista Equine, Inc., Agent - Dan & Louise Jones. $5,000
653 JOHnnY RangO s. c. 3/15/2011 (Stoli - Scrumptiously, by Streakin La Jolla). Corner K Quarter Horses, LLC - Joe Rios. $11,000
654 Tf TaC mY CHICk br. c. 3/10/2011 (Tac It Like A Man - Chicks Blue Dash, by Chicks Beduino). Steve Tate & Ron Habetz, Tate Farms, Agent - V. Owen Udy. $3,800
655 kaTEIllaC gr. f. 3/5/2011 (Furyofthewind - Wildkate, by Royal Quick Dash). Mike Vaughan - Jorge Escalera. $2,700
656 InSEPERaBlE SHu s. c. 4/12/2011 (Inseperable - WW Shubop Shubop, by Osceola Warrior). JEH Stallion Station for Louetta Essary & Chris Mulholland - Jay & Sherry DeBord. $2,200
657 VaRSITY JOCk s. c. 2/25/2011 (Shazoom - Follys Dash, by Dash Ta Fame). Bob Moore Farms, LLC for West Crest Farms/Danny J. Miller - Gabriel Gutierrez. $17,000
658 SmOkEalITTlESmOkE gr. g. 3/20/2011 (Royal Shake Em - Streaking Out, by Heza Fast Man). Tony & Sheri Andrew - Repurchase. $11,500
659 Ja gOlS RaTCHET s. c. 3/14/2011 (Gol - JA Sofisticated Lady, by First Down Dash). Joe B. Allen - Repurchase. $6,500
660 flaSHaBull s. f. 4/23/2011 (First Moonflash - Endaleabull, by Okey Dokey Dale). Royce Rogers - Oscar Solis. $6,000
661 maDE fOR ROmanCE s. f. 3/12/2011 (Azoom - Ima Ramblin Girl, by First Down Dash). Walt & Pat Fletcher, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Repurchase. $18,000
662 SImPlY CHanTEl b. f. 4/15/2011 (Simply Macho - Lady Chantal, by Moolah Wrangler). Curtis Crenwelge, Double S Farm, Agent - Meliton Morales. $2,700
663 nCC RECkOn b. c. 3/5/2011 (Stoli - Runnin For Tasha, by Finding Nemo). Newcomb Cattle Co. - Havid Canez. $4,700
664 OuT
665 JESSaDaSHn b. c. 1/16/2011 (Spit Curl Jess
- Babydashn, by Chicks Beduino). Sunflower Supply Co. - Joe Rios. $11,000
666 mInD ERaSER br. c. 3/26/2011 (Brookstone Bay - Pay Jess Back, by Feature Mr Jess). Debbie Strebig - Jose Rodriguez. $6,000
667 RED STOnE mOunTaIn br. f. 2/28/2011 (Panther Mountain - Red Sticks, by Sticks An Stones). Diamond R Ranch, Inc. (Brenda Reiswig) - Repurchase. $2,700
668 OuT
669 BIg Bang ZOOm b. c. 2/10/2011 (Azoom
- First By Far, by First Down Dash). Azoom Ranch - Repurchase. $11,000
670 JESSa lITTlE SOuTHEn s. f. 4/10/2011 (BP Southern Jess - Fodling TB, by Golden Dodger). Claude Roles, Back Lot & Co., Agent - Pedro Fernandez Moreno. $1,000
671 mOOnwalkIn DYnaSTY s. c. 3/2/2011 (FDD Dynasty - Apollo Moonwalker, by Apollo TB). Connie & Mike Nobles - Carrol A. Durbin. $11,000
678 679
680 681
682 683
684 685
689 690 691 692
fROSTY JOHnnY RaY gr. c. 1/16/2011 (Sixes Royal - Fabulous Strawfly, by Genuine Strawfly). John Thomason/Lesa Copeland - Repurchase. $4,000
PaPPaSIgn b. c. 4/25/2011 (Pappasito - Stylish Sign, by Vital Sign). The Mixer Ranch, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Jackie Kirby. $20,000
SHEZ makIn a SCEnE ch. f. 1/14/2011 (Make It Anywhere - Shez On My Mind, by Heza Fast Man). Curtis Crenwelge, Double S Farm, Agent - Brittany Bustamante. $3,000
fuRIOuS wInD br. f. 2/13/2011 (Furyofthewind - Dash To Friona, by Dash To Chivato). Shamrock Ranch/Tom Maher - Miguel Pineda. $2,000
mISS DESERT aTTITuDE ch. f. 2/16/2011 (Streak And Dash - Miss Desert Chrome, by The Desert Jewel). Dennis & Sherry Babb - Repurchase. $18,000
lEaDER In faSHIOn b. c. 2/17/2011 (Okey Dokey Dale - Yours Till Dawn, by Special Leader). Joe Kirk & Merle Fulton - Jorge Sanchez. $6,200
SIxY ROYal QuEEn b. f. 3/15/2011 (Sixy Royal King - Streakin Patch, by Streakin Jewel). Huitron Homes, Inc. - Repurchase. $3,000
SwEET laDY COROna br. f. 1/19/2011 (Corona For Me - Sweethearts Lady, by Some Dasher). Hazel R. Mulanax/Joy Jordan, Royce Rogers, Agent - Ramon R Vega. $6,500
ValEnTInE RunawaY gr. f. 2/14/2011 (Ocean Runaway - Smokin TB, by Smoke Glacken). Gentry Farms - Maria Garza. $6,500
SummER BuZZ b. f. 4/21/2011 (Carters Cartel - A Special Illusion, by First Down Dash). R
& D Stables, Marty Powers, Agent - Ray & Donna Harvey. $6,000
SnOwBOunD PRInCESS gr. f. 3/27/2011 (Snowbound TB - Separate Debt, by Separatist). Haskell & Diane Evans, Marty Powers, Agent - Gary K. Walker. $2,700
DEmI THE mEnaCE gr. f. 3/30/2011 (Executive Menace - Demi Special, by Strawfly Special). Gary & Linda Potts, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Repurchase. $7,000
PRETTY On fIRE br. f. 3/14/2011 (Fighter On Fire - Pretty Jet High, by On A High). Burns Ranch, Agent - Juan Picasta. $13,000
VIRTual wInnER gr. f. 2/11/2011 (Brookstone Bay - Racing Winner, by Runaway Winner). Jerry Windham - La Feliz Montana Ranch, LLC. $35,500
nO BRaInER b. c. 2/10/2011 (Stel Corona - Ocean Memories, by Leaving Memories). Shamrock Ranch/Tom Maher - Jose Arturo Garcia. $3,000
ROCk SOlID CaSH b. c. 1/22/2011 (Rock Solid Jess - Dimples N Cash, by Royal Quick Dash). Tim & Tammie Potter - Rockin J Running Horses. $8,000
TRI mE On s. f. 2/25/2011 (Mighty Corona
- Trimiga TB, by Tricky Creek). Michael T. Samples, Marty Powers, Agent - Repurchase. $5,000
SISSYSHaRDHITTIngamE s. f. 3/6/2011 (Hard Hitting - Sissy Game, by Game Patriot). Sissie & Bob McClure - Repurchase. $2,500
JESS a lIl EDgY br. f. 1/17/2011 (First Down Mr Jess - Corona Edge, by Corona Cartel). Bobby D. Cox - Joe Rios. $4,200
HESgOT SanD b. c. 4/14/2011 (Separatist - Club Pro, by Walk Thru Fire). Marty Powers, Agent - Nadie I. Ramirez. $5,500
JuST BE gr. f. 4/29/2011 (Wave Carver - Be Peacefull, by Raise A Secret). Flying Fisch Farm, Inc., Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Repurchase. $29,000
laJOllaS ClaSSY JET s. c. 4/10/2011 (Jet Black Patriot - Miss La Jolla, by Streakin La Jolla). W. A. Darling Estate, Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent - Repurchase. $10,000
SPEEDHORSE, October 12, 2012 67
sale results