Page 70 - 12 October 2012
P. 70
694 PanTHER QuICk b. f. 3/14/2011 (Panther Mountain - Quick Katie Streak, by Royal Quick Dash). Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Donald Jackson. $13,000
695 aCCOlaDY br. f. 2/8/2011 (Shazoom - Game Snowlady, by Game Patriot). Bobby D. Cox - Diane M Evans. $5,700
696 maRRIannE br. f. 4/16/2011 (Hard Hitting - Shine N Shake, by First To Shine). Bill
& Marsha Drake, Marty Powers, Agent - Repurchase. $6,200
697 TEa wITH Jam n BREaD ch. f. 3/7/2011 (Fast Prize Dash - Toast Butter, by Toast To Dash). Eddie Cramer, DVM - Marciano LeChuga. $2,300
698 mY TEllERS knuD br. f. 2/9/2011 (Teller Cartel - Magical Knud Chicks, by Chicks Beduino). Gordon Knudsen, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Jose Rodriguez. $14,500
699 OuT
700 SnakE fIgHTER s. c. 2/13/2011 (Fighter On
Fire - Mongoose Shake Em, by Royal Shake Em). Burns Ranch, Agent - Denis & Julie Schoenhofer. $8,000
701 OuT
702 PaInT mE fuRIOuS b. c. 1/23/2011
(Furyofthewind - Paint Me Precious, by PYC Paint Your Wagon). Dean Spears - Dennis D. Haxton. $15,000
703 JuSTSTOlInBuD b. c. 3/18/2011 (Stoli - Nocoronajustbud, by Strawflyin Buds). 6666 Ranch, Agent - Ramon R Vega. $17,500
704 faBulOSa fuRY br. f. 4/22/2011 (Furyofthewind - Lady Jitters, by Raise A Secret). Marshall & Lezlie Wier, Todd Antonuk, Agent - Leonel Garza. $6,500
705 gERnERal lEE b. c. 4/22/2011 (Gold Medal Jess - Taras Streaker, by Rakin In The Cash). Matt Dunn, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Brian Gunder. $6,000
706 PaRT n waYS b. f. 1/22/2011 (Inseperable
- Wait Watch Her, by Mr Eye Opener). Belle Mere Farm, Ltd., Agent - Randy Kristy. $12,000
707 PaRTY BOY STREakIn gr. c. 2/25/2011 (Streak And Dash - Johns Party Girl, by Mr Eye Opener). Teresa & Virgil Weisinger - Irasmo Soto. $3,500
708 THaTS mY fORTunE b. f. 2/23/2011 (Tres Fortunes - Six Thanks, by Sixavike). County Line Runners, Southwest Stallion Station, Agent - Juan M Espino-Tavarez. $1,300
709 Ja gOl STaR b. c. 3/14/2011 (Gol - Zee Ann, by Zevi TB). Joe B. Allen & Dallas Blakley - Juan M Espino-Tavarez. $5,500
710 EYE gOT IT gOIng On b. c. 2/5/2011 (Inseperable - Eye Am Direct, by Mr Eye Opener). Randy McDonald - Kenneth Ruthardt. $11,500
711 mISS PRaIRIE DaSHER s. f. 4/16/2011 (Streak And Dash - Roseanna Silk, by With Great Ease). Bobby C. Howell - Repurchase. $14,000
712 fISTful O DallaRS b. c. 4/21/2011 (PYC Paint Your Wagon - Ladys A Special Star,
by Special Leader). Kathy Runnels, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Bill & Lerae Bolin. $6,200
713 SPECIal ROYal Oak br. c. 1/18/2011 (Oak Tree Special - In The Royal Circle, by A Classic Dash). Jacquie Crenshaw, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Repurchase. $6,000
714 gOOD lOOkS REQuIRED s. f. 1/4/2011 (Look Forward - No Batterys Required, by Hotdoggin). Bill & Julie Pilgrim, Marty Powers, Agent - Don Hall GST. $5,500
715 mOnEY HOnEY k b. f. 3/3/2011 (Carters Cartel - Scared, by Dashing Val). Kent Kleinknecht, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - James Sills. $60,000
716 OuT
717 fuRYOfTHESEa gr. c. 3/22/2011
(Furyofthewind - Fish Account, by Fishers Dash). Kenneth Loomer, Maui Farms, Agent - Gregg Sanders. $4,200
718 OkEYROSaDICE br. f. 3/29/2011 (Okey 741 EYE fOR JODY s. c. 4/3/2011 (Jodys Money Pop 766 Dokey Dale - Playing For Checks, by Check - Ms Eyelene, by Mr Eye Opener). Jim D. Pitts,
Him Out). Lewis J. & Kim M. Stanley - Ramon Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Nancy Burton. $3,000
R Vega. $3,300 742 STOlI BaBY s. c. 3/16/2011 (Stoli - Baby
719 InTEnTIOnalY gOlD s. f. 4/22/2011 (Gold Runaway, by Runaway Winner). Burnett 767
Medal Jess - Intentionaldeception, by Relagate Ranches/Sessions, 6666 Ranch, Agent - TB). Alejandro Moya, JEH Stallion Station, Jackie Sessions. $26,000
Agent - John Thomason. $2,600 743 CY COOl POOl s. c. 4/12/2011 (Pool - Miss 768 720 fInDIng fuRY b. f. 4/3/2011 (Finding Nemo Shawnee Deb, by Shawne Bug). Granada
- Sea Fury, by Ocean Runaway). Taylor & Farms, Agent - James Bratton. $7,000
Taylor, Hunter Creek Farms, Agent - Rodrigo
Norzagaray. $1,300 744 OuT 769
721 BIg DaDDYS BaCk gr. c. 2/16/2011 (Royal 745 TIO nOBlE s. c. 3/6/2011 (Dean Miracle - Bugs Shake Em - Kenzies Sassy Cartel, by Corona Ryan, by Ronas Ryon). Donna H. Noble, Belle Cartel). Sunflower Supply Co. - Larry or Mere Farm, Ltd., Agent - Daniel Crisp. $2,000
Michelle Rice. $31,000 746 EllEnS REgaRD gr. f. 3/15/2011 (Chicks 770 722 SanTaVO b. c. 4/4/2011 (Carters Cartel Regard - Diamonds For Casey, by Heza Fast
- Nadica, by Six Fols). L. Terwilliger & V. Man). Cleo Harlow - Don Hall GST. $14,000 Coldiron, Maui Farms, Agent - D & S Racing,
LLC. $11,000 747 naTuRallY BYE YOu ch. c. 2/20/2011
(Dashin Bye - Naturally Rona, by Ronas 771 723 wInE DOwn br. f. 2/6/2011 (Panther Ryon). Granada Farms, Agent - Gold Streak
Mountain - Wine Snob, by Mr Jess Perry). Ranch Eloy Gonzalez. $4,200
Tyler Ranch, LLC, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent -
Charles R. Leggett. $4,500 748 SECRET wEaPOn s. f. 3/30/2011 (Game Patriot
- Devins Secret, by Dashin Bye). Robicheaux 772 724 anna DElOVElY s. f. 4/7/2011 Ranch, Inc., Agent - Repurchase. $9,000
(Furyofthewind - Pritzi Too, by Pritzi Dash).
Marty Powers, Agent - Repurchase. $4,200 749 JunO Im gOna flY s. f. 4/3/2011 (Fly Jess
Fly - Bound For Winfield, by Junoimgood). Lazy 773 725 Jl EaSY lOVIn s. c. 4/29/2011 (Catalytic E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Jose L. Salazar. $2,000
Larkin - Winters Fire, by A Royale High). 774 Wanda Jo Love - Ramon R Vega. $1,000 750 ICY COuRagE ch. f. 4/16/2011 (Captain Courage
- Peach Ice TB, by Kiri?s Clown). Robicheaux 726 wESTERn CaPTaIn br. c. 5/7/2011 (Captain Ranch, Inc., Agent - Repurchase. $4,000
Courage - Western Squall TB, by Gone West).
Burnett Ranches/Mote, 6666 Ranch, Agent - 751 Tmf gOOD CaRTEl br. f. 3/11/2011 775 Paul Monroe. $10,000 (Streakin Six Cartel - TMF Asgoodasitgets,
by Strawfly Special). Janet W. Hoke, DVM, 776 727 OuT Robert Wood, Agent - Jose C. Angel. $5,000
728 ESPECIallY TRES s. f. 3/25/2011 (Dashair 752 SHEZ fIRST n fROnT s. f. 2/28/2011 (First
- Delightfully Tres, by Tres Seis). Mike Partin - To Shine - Three N Front TB, by Devil His 777 Jim D. Pitts. $6,700 Due). Carla Moody - Teresa Myers. $4,600
729 awB PuRO CORaZOn br. c. 5/8/2011 753 unnamED YEaRlIng br. c. 3/4/2011
(Inseperable - Bullderdash, by Bully Bullion). (Bigtime Favorite - Jess My Heart, by Mr Jess
Arden Butler/S. D. Mitchell, Belle Mere Farm, Perry). Darryl Cripps, Tate Farms, Agent - 778 Ltd., Agent - Bruce Key. $4,500 Avila, Jesus/Cuevas, Jesus. $3,000
730 EYESa SPECIal DaSHER br. c. 3/19/2011 754 BElla TInga br. f. 4/23/2011 (Hard Hitting
(Eyesa Special - Dashin In My Dreams, by - Merry Majorette, by Major Rime). Larry H.
First Down Dash). Triple M Farms, Robicheaux Hughes - Repurchase. $3,200 779 Ranch, Inc., Agent - Jim D. Pitts. $18,500
755 PanTHER EYES gr. c. 3/3/2011 (Panther 731 SwIngIn PanTHER br. f. 1/20/2011 (Panther Mountain - My Ladys Eyes, by Mr Eye
Mountain - Swingin Cartel, by Corona Cartel). Opener). Zory Kuzyk, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, 780 Bird Ranch, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Agent - Cecil O Newberry. $16,000
Roger Girard. $9,000
756 OuT
732 SagES mIRaClE br. f. 2/25/2011 (Dean
Miracle - Sage Is A Lady TB, by Mr Purple). 757 CHamPIOnOfTHEHOuSE s. c. 4/10/2011 781 James Hatfield, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - (Furyofthewind - Teenish, by Pritzi Dash).
Rodrigo Norzagaray. $2,000 Dreams Come True Ranch, Goodfellow &
733 InEVITaBlE SuCCESS b. c. 2/1/2011 (Cartel Lucas, Agent - Josh Devereaux. $3,100 782 Success - Run Kita Run, by Southern Cartel). JEH 758 a ROYal COunTRY man br. c. 3/1/2011
Stallion Station, Agent - Charles R. Leggett. $4,000 (Country Chicks Man - A Royal Goddess, by
Strawfly Special). Abigail K. Kawananakoa,
734 fOOSEBall b. c. 3/20/2011 (Foose - Willshe Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - J Santos 783
Wanta Dash, by Willie Wanta Dash). Safari Espinoza. $16,500 Racing - Repurchase. $3,000
735 OuR PERfECT DElIgHT s. f. 3/3/2011 759 OuT 784 (Inseperable - Instantly Transform, by Rare 760 PInk TRuCk s. f. 2/11/2011 (Volcom - Ill Getcha
Form). Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Jesus Good, by Dean Miracle). P. K. Thomas, Lazy E
Orozco. $2,000
736 Ja SwEET BaBY gOl s. f. 4/4/2011 (Gol - Be Bold Baby, by Bold Episode). Jeanne Beales - Wade Helton. $1,700
737 BP SOuTHERn SuCCESS s. c. 3/5/2011 (Cartel Success - Marys Southernpolicy, by Shazoom). JEH Stallion Station, Agent - Luis Villafranco. $5,500
738 ITSa BREwSTER b. c. 2/4/2011 (Ivory James - Jess Effortless, by Mr Jess Perry). Bobby D. Cox - Leon Hendrix. $29,500
739 THERaPPE br. f. 1/22/2011 (Ivory James - Runaway EZ, by Runaway Winner). Shamrock Ranch/Tom Maher - Pedro Hernandez. $5,700
740 RulIng THE RaCE s. c. 4/3/2011 (This Snow Is Royal - Peppermint Seis, by Tres Seis).
JEH Stallion Station, Agent - Pedro Fernandez Moreno. $3,000
Ranch, LLC, Agent - Los Primitos. $8,000 761 OuT
762 HESa DaSHIn COROna b. c. 4/4/2011
(Copacorona Special - Shesa Dashin O Toole, by
Jody O Toole). Tyler Graham, Southwest Stallion 786 Station, Agent - Nain Hernandez. $10,000
763 DOnT STEl mY magIC b. f. 1/18/2011 (Stel Corona - Shake My Magic, by Pretty Boy Perry). Erin & Dan Knox, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Repurchase. $7,000
764 a COunTRY EffORT s. f. 2/12/2011 (Country Quick Dash - A Perry Effort, by Pretty Boy Perry). Rhonda Mitchell/Al Emfinger, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Harvey Baeza. $1,500
765 COROnaS BEST EffORT s. c. 4/8/2011 (Call Me Corona - Baby Do Us Proud, by Proudest Effort). Sherdon Ranch/Don & Sherry Schnoor - Mauro Mendoza. $4,000
787 awaRD wInnIng gIRl s. f. 3/18/2011
(Winners Award - Imnotthatkindagirl, by Duel Fuel). Dean C. Layh, DVM - Jose Aguilera. $1,800
788 SnOwBOunD COwBOY gr. c. 3/22/2011 (Snowbound TB - Strawberry Cartel, by Corona Cartel). 6666 Ranch, Agent - Benny & Joanna Olvera. $13,000
789 DORIS BORDuEax br. f. 2/18/2011 (Viva La Zoom - Eyebalady, by Mr Eye Opener). L. Joe & Judith O. Chappell Trust - Ivan Falcon. $1,300
flaSH DRIVES s. f. 1/31/2011 (Teller Cartel
- Ms Dashin Bigtime, by First Down Dash). Paris Wixon, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Jose Rodriguez. $39,000
JC DEVIlISH ROSE s. f. 3/15/2011 (JC Wills - Devilish Form, by Rare Form). L. Joe & Judith O. Chappell Trust - Repurchase. $2,100
HOTDOggIn BaYOu blk. f. 1/16/2011 (Hotdoggin - Dashin Bayou Baby, by Dashin Bye). Flat Get It Farm, Inc., Marty Powers, Agent - Eric Rasmussen. $4,200
SEPaRaTIST fIRSTDOwn s. c. 2/2/2011 (Separatist - Shesa Firstdown Jess, by First Down Dash). Narciso Flores, Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent - Repurchase. $5,000
SE lITTlE BROTHER b. c. 4/23/2011
(Royal Shake Em - Hop Kip And Jump, by Kiptys Charger). Jimmy D. Moore - Repurchase. $7,500
PERRYS fIRST flIgHT s. c. 2/28/2011 (First Prize Perry - Hays A Flying, by Strawfly Special). Belle Mere Farm, Ltd., Agent - Joe Rios. $2,500
flICkER n fIRE s. c. 5/23/2011 (Fighter On Fire - Magical Miss, by Leta Dial). Kurt Rahmeier - J Francisco Diaz. $6,000
SR RED STORm ClOuD s. c. 3/13/2011
(Red Storm Cat - First N Stuff, by First Down Dash). Safari Racing - Jacob & Tara Thompson. $2,700
kITkaSH s. f. 2/20/2011 (Red Storm Cat - Ms
Casholene, by Agouti). Superscot Farms - Brian S. Carroll DVM. $4,500
TImaRROnS EYES gr. c. 2/27/2011 (Timarron - Lyon Eyes, by Mr Eye Opener). Alejandro Moya, JEH Stallion Station, Agent - Enrique Amador. $1,800
kRYSTal ClEaR s. f. 1/30/2011 (Gold Medal Jess - Secret Interlude TB, by Tejano). Bob Moore Farms, LLC, Agent - Bob Johnson. $3,500
THE YETI bu. c. 4/3/2011 (Winners Award - Blond Cartel, by Southern Cartel). A & D Racing - Janee Ornelas. $6,000
SElECT OPPROTunITY c. 2/10/2011 (Eyesaspecial Fashion - Imagine If, by Strawfly Special). Joe Kirk & Merle Fulton - Harvey Baeza. $3,100
BC ROSE s. f. 2/21/2011 (Bill Cole - Miz Snow Rose, by Project Cash). Howard Morgan - Repurchase. $2,500
DuIT TuIT s. c. 4/15/2011 (Shazoom - Miss Marquetry TB, by Marquetry). Bobby D. Cox - Rhonda Valdivia. $7,000
Ja gOlS BluE CHIP br. f. 4/7/2011 (Gol - Zee Ann, by Zevi TB). Joe B. Allen & Dallas Blakley - Bruce Salard. $5,000
afTOnS alI b. f. 5/16/2011 (Volcom - Afton Pie, by Pie In The Sky). Rachel Bucholtz - Repurchase. $6,000
785 TRES ZOE b. c. 4/27/2011 (Tres Seis - Zoe Alexis, by Dashin Chico). Alejandro Moya, JEH Stallion Station, Agent - Repurchase.
68 SPEEDHORSE, October 12, 2012
sale results