Page 155 - May 2017
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TVMDL Celebrates New Facility
The Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) celebrated the opening of a new 93,000 square foot College Station laboratory and agency head- quarters (pictured at right) in which TVMDL will continue to serve as the backbone of animal disease surveillance systems. The College Station laboratory employs approximately 100 and serves as one of four facilities that comprise TVMDL, which conducts over 800,000 tests annually on almost every animal species from all over the world, routinely identifying com- mon and rare disease agents.
Nominations Being Taken For Champions Of The Cause Award
To recognize the contributions of veterinary technicians and assistants, Boehringer Ingelheim (BI), EquiManagement magazine, and the American Association of Equine Veterinary Technicians and Assistants (AAEVT) are accept- ing nominations for the Champions of the Cause Award through July 14. Technicians and assis- tants with two or more years of experience in the equine field can be nominated by a veterinarian. Winners will be chosen based on their passion for equine health, commitment to furthering their knowledge of equine well-being, and dedi- cation to shaping the future of equine health. Two winners will be chosen with each receiving an expense-paid trip to the AAEVT Conference during the 2017 American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) Annual Convention & Trade Show in San Antonio, Texas.
RTCA Founder Salty Roberts Passes Away
Race Track
Chaplaincy of America
(RTCA) founder
Horace William “Salty”
Roberts, 85, passed
away on April 7 fol-
lowing a long illness.
Roberts began minister-
ing to track workers in
1968. He established
the first recognized
worship services on the backside in 1970, and his efforts to spread services to other tracks led to the formation of the RTCA in 1972. The RTCA today supports chaplains at 39 racetracks and training centers across the United States. Salty
is survived by his wife Dallas, three sons, Mark, Chris and Paul Roberts, three daughters, Lygia Colton, Mary McKeever, and Alicia Gargiulo, and many other family members and friends.
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Can you identify the horse in this picture? Here’s a hint: This horse has more racing Champion titles than any other horse in AQHA history. The answer is on page 154.
SPEEDHORSE, May 2017 153