Page 18 - Heritage Place Yearling Sale
P. 18
Selling September 20th, 21st & 22nd in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
This colt’s dam is a full sister to Rainbow F.-G1 Winner ZOOMIN WITH EASE SI 104 ($388,299) and a half-sister to Ed Burke Million F.-G1 Winner CHAZAQ SI 104 ($963,664). Hip No. Consigned by Bobby D. Cox Hip No.
712 Mister Mucho Gusto 712 February 9, 2017 Brown Colt
Freighttrain B SI 115
Mister Mucho Gusto
{PYC Paint Your Wagon SI 107 {Corona Cartel SI 97 Dashin Follies
Dianetogetcha SI 108
{Azoom SI 107
All About Ease SI 98
{Mr Eye Opener SI 106 Dianetomeetcha SI 103
{Shazoom SI 102 Crystalinas SI 96
{First Down Dash SI 105 Effortless Again
Zumbaya SI 86 (2011)
By FREIGHTTRAIN B SI 115 (2008). 9 wins, $421,761 [RG3]. Sire of 104 ROM,
This11fillsytiaskaehsawlf-isnisnterrtso, N$o4r,t1h3la6n,d4s55F. iWncinln. eBrVMMIDINDINGIHTTESEUXNPLRIGEHSTSSSI I9398($(1505w,5in7s3),. Her$d7a6m9,3is1R9e, mHienrgitoangPeaPrklaFcuetuFriutyt-.G[1GW1]i)n,nMerOQOUNICIEK BMLOUOENSSSIGI N92S(I$140035(,$34719,,7L8o1s).
Al Wild West Fut.), BYE BYEFREIGHTTRAIN SI 106 ($274,629 [RG3]),
Hip No. Consigned by Bobby D. Cox Hip No. TOMMY THE TRAIN SI 109 ($225,489), BORN TO B BAD SI 103 ($195,820
[G732]),5BS SPECIAL SI 95A($s12t5r,1a90n), oGOmODicJOaB lHONEY SI 95 ($10772,2565).
1st dam
ZUMBAYA SI 86, by Azoom. Winner to 3, $8,275. Sister to ZOOMIN WITH
January 30, 2017 Sorrel Filly
Mr Jess Perry SI 113 {Streakin La Jolla SI 99 EASE SI 104. Dam of 1 foal of racing age– Scoopie Fein SI 99
Chicazum SI 89 (f. by Dominyu{n). Winner in 2 starts atR2u,na2w0a1y 8W,in$n1er3S,4I 14004 .
Dominyun SI 104 Runaway Dee Dee SI 105 { Astranomical
Dashin Dee Dee SI 105
2nd dam
5816486 ALLABOUTEASESI98,byFirstDownDash.6winsin12FsirtsatrDtsowtnoD3a,s$h3S0I 190,503,
Royal Quick Dash SI 101 { RuidQousiockFMuoot.n[SGig1n]S,I31r0d3 WestTexasFut.[G1].Damof2H8arsemtasrCtehrosic,e2S6I 8R5OM–
CHAZAQ SI 104 (g. by Corona Cartel). 7 wins in 14 starts to 3, $963,664, Ed Azure Moon Sign SI 104 {Moon Lark SI 99
Burke Million Fut. [G1], Los Alamitos Super Derby, 2nd Kindergarten Fut. [G3].
Azurtation SI 86
BZyODOOMMININWYUITNHSEI 1A0S4E(2S0I0180).45(gw.inbys,A$z3o3o6m,1)8. 12, w2nindsRtoui4d,o$s3o88D,e2r9b9y, R[Ga1in]b, 3orwd
This filly is a half-sister to Multiple G3 Winner KING BRIMMERTON SI 103 ($348,698) and AlFl Autmureitryic[Gan1]F, 3urtd. [DGa1s]h. HfoarlCf-absrhotDherbtyo[GA2D],OfiWnaNlisRt AIGllHATmRerUicNaAnWDeArYbyS[IG110]8. .
Sire Roefm1i0n3gtoRnOPMar,k7JusvteankilesWwininnenr eCrOsU, N$2T,D15E2M,5O4N5,ETinScIl.96M(I$S2S00F,8E9E4)T. DOWN KATHARSIS SI 98 (f. by American Runaway). 5 wins to 3, $127,622,
FIRST SI 94 ($322,232, SW Juv. Champ. [G1]), NUCKY SI 105 ($114,681, W. Gillespie County Fair Futurity, 2nd TQHA Sires’ Cup Futurity [R] [G3], Hip No. Consigned by Bobby D. Cox Hip No.
Texas Fut. [G2]), TICKLE UR FANCY SI 112 ($92,861), ZENERGETIC SI 107 Texas Twister S. [R], finalist in the Dash for Cash Futurity [G2].
(7$8302,528), Damn StraiCt ShI 10i1c(4kwsinsD, $1o31m,32a6, 2ind Speedhorse Fu7t3. [G23]). ALL ABOUT TORQUE SI 93 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 3, $92,809,
1st Hdoabmbs America Derby [G3], finalist in the Zia Park Champ. S. [G1]. February 20, 2017 Sorrel Filly
QUICK MOON SIGN SI 103, by Royal Quick Dash. 7 wins to 3, $419,781, Algorithmic SI 99 (g. by Ivory James). 4 wins to 5, $319,408, 2nd Texas
Mr Jess Perry SI 113 {Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Remington Park Futurity [G1], Blue Ribbon Futurity [G1], Blue Ribbon
Derby [G3], 2nd Ruidoso Fu{turity [G1]. Sister to Lonely Moon Sign SI 107 Unlymited SI 90 (c. by Corona Cartel). Winner in R2unsatwaarytsWinanter2S,I 12004 18,
Classic Futurity [G1], finalist in the Dash for Cash FSuctouorpitieyF[eGin1S]I.99
Dominyun SI 104
Runaway Dee Dee SI 105 {
Chick($s 9D2om,2a8in4); half sister to YEAH IM BAD SI 94, Azure DMaoshoinnDPeeieDeSe IS9I 1605(dam
$131,765, 3rd Heritage Place Futurity [G1].
58192o57f PIES LIL DASHER SI 97, $117,911). Dam of 38 foals of racing age (three A l l N T h e J e a n s S I 9 7 ( f . b y C o r o n a C a r t e l ) . 3 w i n s t o 3 , $ * 1B e 2 d 0 u i , n 0 o 3 T 6 B , 3 r d K i n d e r -
Chicks Beduino SI 104 {
2-year-olds, 1 started), 31 to race, 28 ROM, 24 winners, including–
MIDNIG(2H00T1) SUNLIGHT SI 93{(f. by Ivory James). 2 Swpeincisal tEoffo3rt,S$I 10045,573, Going Viral SI 93. 2 wins to 3, $45,546, 2nd Prairie Meadows Juv. Chlg.
garRteoynalFDuetluphriiatsyC[Ghic1k]S,Ifi1n0a1listintheEdBurkeMillionFuAtuCrliatyss[yGC1hi]c.kDSIa8m9 of–
Delphia SI 90 {
Northlands Futurity, 2nd Oklahoma Futurity [G2]. DFalomrenotifn–e SI 108 Jeaniologi SI 101. Winner at 2, 2018, $93,691, finalist Okla-Bred Fut. [R] [G2].
A Shade Of Midnight SI 92 (f. by One Dashing Eagle). Winner to 3, 2018, BMyoDuOnMt AINrYarUaNt SII9160(4P(a2n0t0h8e)r.M5 wouinsta,i$n3).336w,1i8n1s, $24n2d,7R7u7id, 2onsdoMDaeprbleyL[eGa1f]D, 3bryd.
This filly is a$3fu0ll,4si3s9te.r to AQHA Juv. Ch. Ch.-G2 Winner CARELESS LIGHTNING SI 103 All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to A DOWN RIGHT RUNAWAY SI 108. Victorease SI 94 (c. by One Famous Eagle). Winner in 2 starts at 2, 2018,
(20S1L8iUr,eM$1oIN6f9A1,30R43O0)R.SOHI 1eMr2,d07a(mcs.tibasykaeShseapwlfa-isnriasnteisrts)to., 5$Cw2h,ia1nm5s2pto,i5o74n,5D$, 4Ein1Ec,L8lI.0SM9H,ICSSIir1cF0le2ECE($iTt6y0DS3O,.6, W723nN)d. ($10,562 USA), in Mexico, 2nd Hipodromo Juvenile Challenge.
Hialeah El Nino Inv, 3rd All American Congress Maturity, Hazel Park Bo-
FIRST SI 94 ($322,232, SW Juv. Champ. [G1]), NUCKY SI 105 ($114,681, W. HAipll NAom. erican Ease SI 90C(ogn.sibgnyedAbmyeBroibcbaynD.RCuonxaway). Placed to 3,H2ip01N8o,.
TexnaussFCuht.a[lGle2n]g),eTSIC.,KQLuEeUeRn CFAityNDCaYsShI S11. 2 ($92,861), ZENERGETIC SI 107 $21,090, 3rd Governor’s S.
(W$78y30ld,952B8l)e,uDaYmondSetraSitIS9I 5A10(1fm. (b4yweIivnrosir,cy$1Ja3a1mn,3e2ns6).,a2nwdiSnspetoed3h,o$r1s3e3F,u57t8.3[G,923n])d. Charleston SI 99 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). 6 wins to 7, $69,565.
Remington Okla-Bred Futurity [R] [G2]. 1st dam
3rd dam January 20, 2017 Sorrel Filly
Intergalactica SI 107 (f. by Separatist). 3 wins to 5, $54,740, 2nd Barnmaster Royal Delphias Chick SI 101, by Chicks Beduino. 2 wins to 3, $59,133, 3rd EFFORTLESS AGAIN, by Special Effort. Unplaced. SisFtiersrt DtowEn LDaAshNSI 1S05PE-
Sprint S. [R] [G3], TQHA FOucetuanriRtyuna[Rwa]y, S3Ir1d05La Vi{llita S., finalist in the Rainbow Futurity [G1]. Dam of 31 foals of racing age, including an unstart-
Harrah’s Futurity [G2].
ed 2-year-old, 18 to race, 13{ROM, 10 winners, including–
CIAL SI 98 ($1,186,540, All American Fut. [G1]; granddam of
American Runaway SI 105
Runaway Wave SI 105
CATCHMEINYOUR- DREAMS SI 106, Champion 3 years, $1,040,929 Allamericandreamgirl SI 103 {
Quintessential Queen SI 97 (f. by Invisible Injun). 4 wins to 3, $26,285, 2nd AKmeINricGanBnaRIMMERTON SI 103 (g. by Brimmerton). 6 wDiansshintgoPh4o,eb$e3S4I 810,4698, [G1]; NEW LOOK SI 98, $256,517 [G2]; Renewed SI 96, to 4, 2018,
58135A5W7nhcitrea GFolorvdeCDlaeslsivicerSy.F[Rut]u[rGity3,],fiBna.Fli.sPt hYiallivpasp,aJir.FHut.u[Rrit]y[G[G33],].TDQaHmAoSf–ires’ $175,037 [G3]); half sister to REACH TOGETHERHSollIan1d0E1ase($S1I 91039,261),
Corona Cartel SI 97 {
FCiruepTSh.e, 2QnudeTehne CSIh9a8mp(f.abtySFuinglhatnedr [OGn1]F,i3rerd).T2exwainssCtloas4s,ic$F1u35tu,7ri1ty0[,G21n]d,
M(o20u0n4)tain Top Futurity [R{] [G3], Sunburst S. [R] [G3], Pelican S. [R]. Refrigerator H. [G1], Remington Derby [G2], Sam HSopuescitaol nEffCorltaSsI s10ic4 [G2], SPECIAL SHADE SI 107, $368,927 [G2]; granddam of ONE VALIANT
Corona Edge SI 89
Corona Chick SI 113
SPECIAL ELAN SI 98 ($100,831), Shades of Perfection SI 91 (dam of ONE
Such An Easy Effort SI 111 {
S D e n a s s u h a f l o Q r u C e a e s n h S J I u 9 v 0 . ( [ f R . b ] , y f Wi n o a o l i s d t b i r n i d t g h e e ) . A 2 l l w A i n m s e t o r i 4 c a , $ n 3 D 5 E , e 3 a r s 3 b y 7 y K , i s f [ i s G n S a 1 I l ] i 9 s . 7 t [ R ] [ G 2 ] .
HERO SI 102, $389,799). Out of DASH AGAIN SI 93 ($254,068). Dam of
Strawfly Special SI 97
122 SPEEDHORSE, September 2018
DBowttnegRaiteSRI 9o5ya(lgS.Ib9y9B(gri.mbmyFerirtsotnD).oPwlancDeadstho).46,w$3in0s,8to245,$39rd1,T3e8x4a,sfinCallaistsiinc
COEsUsNeTntiDalEJaMmOeNsESTI 8S8I(1g0. 1by(gJe. sbsyeBJarimemseJrtro).n2).w4inwsitnos4t,o$351, ,$721010.,894, ByAALMLEARBICOAUNT REUANSAEWSAI Y98S(Ia1b0o5ve(2);0g0r8a)n. dCdhaamopfioEnX2E-CyeUaTrI-VoEld,T$R6U8S6,T35S5I,
CoRsmemoignrgatopnhPSaIrk10J1uv(ecn. ibleyS.e[Rpa],r3artdisHt).er3itawginesPtloac4e, F$u2t0u,r3it1y6[,G21n]d, fiRnaeltiasmt ina R1u0id1o(CsohaFmutp. [iGon1,].$S2i8re1,o5f8359),REOXMEC, $U1T,9IV73E,3B2R6AinScSl.SDIU1P0O7 (N$T3E82S,I29862([cGh1a]m).-
tPhaerRkeJmuvinegntiloenInPva.r[kRO],kflianhaolismtainBthredLDoenrgbhyo[rRn]F[uGtu3r]i.ty [G2]. Sire.
pion, $921,237, Heritage Place Fut. [G1]), CARELESS LIGHTNING SI 103 (4
wins $169,340, AQHA Juv. Chlg. Ch. [G2]), KATHARSIS SI 98 ($127,622, Accredited Oklahoma Bred. RGP 7/18
GCtJhFueFvTeunet.ix)l,eaAsIncCvcl.oa[usRsn]i,tcafibDnlaeylriSbsytI 9i[n6Gt(1h$]e8. 0S,u5n8l4a,n2dndPaErvkaWnginlitneer FDuotwurnitsy F[Gut2.])., Throw BPTrhaimriDsOzicfSeRISo9y8Ia9(lfi2.tyb(Sy2IAw1z0ion8osm(ca).t.b2y,wB2irn0ims1mt8o,e3$r,t4o$9n2,)80.8,3751,w23in.rsDdatoFmi7reo,c$f–r4a4c,k7e0r8.Fut. [G2]).
IvoSrRy KSnHiAghMtBSLI E93S(SgI.1b0y2Iv(go.rybyJaDmeessir)io. )8. 6wiwnsintsoto4,3$,420,185,5$.137,753, Heart- 1st dam