Page 16 - Heritage Place Yearling Sale
P. 16

Selling September 20th, 21st & 22nd in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
This colt is a half-brother to West Texas Futurity-G1 Winner NO DICE SPECIAL SI 98 ($162,610) and Firecracker Futurity-G1 Placed THROW TH DICE SI 92 (2018, $49,885).
Hip No.
Dominyun SI 104
Consigned by Bobby D. Cox Hip No. Unequivical 557
February 14, 2017 Brown Colt
{Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Runaway Dee Dee SI 105
{Strawfly Special SI 97 Fodice SI 101
{Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Scoopie Fein SI 99
{Runaway Winner SI 104 Dashin Dee Dee SI 105
{Special Effort SI 104 Fly In The Pie SI 99
{First Down Dash SI 105 Zipp Zoro SI 112
Modice SI 93 (2000)
By DOMINYUN SI 104 (2008). 5 wins, $336,181, 2nd Ruidoso Derby [G1], 3rd
This filly is a half-sister to Heritage Place D.-G2 Finalist WOLFGANG JAMES SI 102 ($35,167). All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to A DOWN RIGHT RUNAWAY SI 108.
HSeiredaomfi1s0a3haRlfO-siMste,r7tosMtaulktipelseGw1inPnlaecresd,T$H2E,1A52U,G54U5S,TinHcElA.TMSISI9S3F($E4E24T,9D9O6)W. N FIRST SI 94 ($322,232, SW Juv. Champ. [G1]), NUCKY SI 105 ($114,681, W.
Hip No. Consigned by Bobby D. Cox Hip No. Texas Fut. [G2]), TICKLE UR FANCY SI 112 ($92,861), ZENERGETIC SI 107
5($9860,528), Damn StraGit SrIa10n1 (d4 weinsC, $e13n1,3t2r6a, 2lnd Speedhorse5Fu9t.6[G3]).
1st dam
February 24, 2017 Brown Filly
MODICE SI 93, by Strawfly Special. Placed at 2. Dam of 22 foals of racing age
{PYC Paint Your Wagon SI 107 {Corona Cartel SI 97
(two 2-year-olds, 1 started), 17 to race, 14 ROM, 11 winners, including–
Dashin Follies NODICESPECIALSI98(g.byEyesaSpecial).2winMsr Etoye3O,p$e1ne6r2S,I611060,West
Freighttrain B SI 115
Grande Central Dianetogetcha SI 108 {Dianetomeetcha SI 103
5821048Texas Futurity [G1], finalist in the Ruidoso Futurity [G1].
ThrowThDiceSI92(f.byAmericanRunaway).2winFsirsitnD4owsntDaarstsh SaIt120,52018,
Brimmerton SI 104 { $J4e9ss,8B8ri5m,m3inrTdoFGiorecrackerFuturity[G2].
Fitting Celebration SI 110 Aeropodium SI 88 (c. by One Famous Eagle). WinnerMtroJe3s,s2P0er1ry8S,I$1813,890, fi-
Jess Genuine SI 102 {Genuine Reward SI 84 nalist in the Ruidoso Futurity [G1].
ByFlRigEhItGFHoTrcTeRSAIIN87B(Sg.I 1b1y5O(2n0e0F8a).m9owuisnsE,a$g4l2e1).,726w1i[nRsGto3]3. S, 2ir0e1o8f,1$046R,0O6M5,, fi-
This colt’s dam is a half-sister to Rainbow F.-G1 Winner ZOOMIN WITH EASE SI 104 11 stnakliesst iwn itnhneeRrsa,in$b4o,1w36D,4e5rb5yin[Gcl1. ]B, VHoMbIbDsNAITmEeEriXcaPRFEutSuSritSy I[G982](.5 wins,
($$38786,92,9391)9a,nHd earhitalfg-seisPtelratcoeEFduBtu. r[kGe1M])i,lliMonOFO.-GN1IEWBinLnUerECSHSAIZ9A2Q($S4I 01054,3(7$96, 3L,o66s4). Eye Conic SI 91 (g. by Mr Eye Opener). 3 wins to 5, $45,460.
Al Wild West Fut.), BYE BYEFREIGHTTRAIN SI 106 ($274,629 [RG3]),
HipTaNrora.nt SI 94 (g. by CoronCaonssiLgeneadvbinygBoYbobyuD)..2Cowxins to 3, $26,824, TOMMY THE TRAIN SI 109 ($225,489), BORN TO B BAD SI 103 ($195,820
West Texas Derby [G3].
[G630])9, BS SPECIAL SI 95 ($1E25x,1p90e), GdOyODteJOB HONEY SI 95 ($10670,2965).
Arolla The Dice SI 85 (f. by Ivory James). 2 wins at 2, $23,782, finalist [R] [G3]. 1st dam
Throckmorton SI 86 (Jga.nbuyaCroyro3n1a,s2F0a1s7t DBaroswh)n. WCionlnter to 4, 2018, $17,785. JESS BRIMMIN TO GO, by Brimmerton. Unraced. Dam of 7 living foals of racing
Fast And Furious SI 87 (g. by Corona Cartel). WinnerCotoron4a,C$a1rt3el,S6I3947.
PYC Paint Your Wagon SI 107 {
age (her 2-year-old is deceased), 6 to race, 5 ROM, 4 winners, including–
Freighttrain B SI 115
Wolfgang James SI 102 (g. by{Ivory James). 3 wins to 3M,r $Ey3e5O,1pe6n7er,SfiIn1a06list in
Unintymidated SI 89 (g. by Dominyun). Winner to 3, 2018, $9,964.
2nd dam Dianetogetcha SI 108 { ExpetdhyeteHeritage Place Derby [G2].
Dashin Follies
FODICE SI 101, by First Down Dash. 5 wins to 3, $119,841, Chicks Beduino H.
Gottaneau SI 82 (f. by American Runaway). Winner to 3, $17,258.
Takin On The Cash SI 109 [R], 3rd California Derby ChaSllheanzgooem[SGI 310],2 finalist Los{Alamitos Million Futurity
ZIPUINO SI 96 ($230,080 [GA1ll ]A)b,oZutIPEasDeASIS9H8 SI 98 {($211,522 [G1]), ZORO
Dont HSehazziutamtbea SII980 6 (f. by Ivory James). 3 wins to 3, 20K1e8e,p$O1n0S,h4in8in2g.SI 103
[G1], Rainbow Futurity [G1], Dash for Cash Futurity [G1]. Half sister to
Takin Kara Biznez SI 82 (f. by Jumpn). Winner to 3, $6F,4ir5st0D.own Dash SI 105
2nd dam
JET SI 98 [G3], LAZBUDDIE SI 93, ZZ Special SI 105 ($79,984), Zip Cash SI
Dianetomeetcha SI 103
Effortless Again
120 SPEEDHORSE, September 2018
ZOOMAIlNfreWdoITCHasEtAroSREeSaIS1.-0N4T(Rg.,bCylaAszicootmh)e.P2rwizien,sEtaos4il,y$a3P88o,s2s9u9m, RDaeinrbyo.w nalist in the Rainbow Futurity [G1], Rainbow Derby [G1], Southern Califor-
JBEySFSRGEIEGNHUTITNREASINI 1B0S2I, 1b1y5M(2r0J0e8s)s. 9Pweirnrys., 4$4w2i1n,s76in1 7[RsGta3r]t.sSairte2o, f$10945R,1O7M5,, 102 ($50,492 [G3]), Zip Zima SI 89 (dam of ZZ DYNASTY SI 91, $108,943;
11RsetakmeasFwuitnunrietyrs[,G$14],123n6d,4S55amincHlo. uBsVtoMnIFDuNtuITriEtyE[XGP1R].EDSaSmSoIf9186(5ROwMin–s, ZIMALUE SI 104, $86,124). Dam of 14 foals to race, 11 ROM, including–
$769,319, Heritage Place Fut. [G1]), MOONIE BLUES SI 92 ($405,379, Los The August Heat SI 93 (g. by Corona Cartel). 3 wins to 5, $424,996, 2nd Los
FOVEE SI 97 (f. by Cuvee TB). 5 wins to 5, $380,385, Mildred Vessels H.
Al Wild West Fut.), BYE BYEFREIGHTTRAIN SI 106 ($274,629 [RG3]), Alamitos Two Million Futurity [G1], 3rd Dash for Cash Futurity [G1],
[G1], Los Alamitos Distaff Challenge [G3], 2nd Vandy’s Flash H. S. [G3],
TOMMY THE TRAIN SI 109 ($225,489), BORN TO B BAD SI 103 ($195,820 Golden State Derby [G1], finalist in the Bob Moore Memorial S. [G2].
Secret Card S., 3rd Los Alamitos Two Million Futurity [G1], Distaff Chal-
[G3]), BS SPECIAL SI 95 ($125,190), GOOD JOB HONEY SI 95 ($107,265). Oceanik SI 93 (g. by Ocean Runaway). Winner to 3, $151,143, 3rd Ed Burke
lenge Champ. [G1], finalist Champion of Champions [G1]. Dam of– 1st dMailmlion Futurity [G1].
Billionaire Boy SI 95. 2 wins to 4, 2018, $75,260, finalist in the Los Alamitos
SHAZUMBA SI 90, by Shazoom. Winner to 4, $9,810. Dam of 1 foal of racing Bogart SI 98 (c. by Corona Cartel). 3 wins to 4, $110,373, 3rd James Isaac Two Million Futurity [G1], qualified to Los Alamitos Super Derby [G1].
age, a 3-year-old (ROM).
Hobbs S. [G2], finalist in the Los Alamitos Two Million Futurity [G1].
Run By You SI 89. 4 wins to 4, $73,307, finalist Los Alamitos Super Dby [G1].
2Unndddaaumnted SI 95 (c. by Corona Cartel). 4 wins to 4, $108,978, 2nd Valley FUNNY MUNNY SI 101 (g. by Munnings TB). 6 wins to 6, 2018, $116,555,
ALLJAunBcOtioUnTFEuAtuSrEityS,I39r8d,RbyaiFnibrsotwDoJwuvn.,DCasohro. 6nawCinasritne1l 2Dsetrabryts[tRo]3, ,fn$l3[0G93,5].03, King Rick Rack S., 2nd Sunray Park Marathon S., 3rd Sunray Park Mara-
AzRoouimdoinsoWFiutht. [JGe1s]s,i3erdSIW1e0s8t(Tf.ebxyasAFzuoto.m[G).12].wDianms tof32,8$s3t1a,r2te6r6s, 26ndRSOaMm– thon S., finalist in the Los Alamitos Champ. Challenge [G3].
C H H A o Z u A s t Q o n S D I e 1 r 0 b 4 y ( [ g G . 2 b ] y , f C i n o a r l o i s n t a S C a ma r t H e l o ) . u 7 s t wo n i n D s e i n r b 1 y 4 C s h t a a r l l t e s n t o g e 3 [ , G $ 3 9 ] 6 . 3 D , 6 a 6 m 4 , o E f – d Scatmandu SI 98 (g. by Scat Daddy TB). 4 wins to 4, $268,256, 2nd Los
AZBOurOkeMMINillioJnAFMuItE. [GS1I ],9L8o. s4AlwaministotsoS3u,pe2r0D1e8r,b(y$, 926nd,2K5i0ndUeSrgAa)r,teinFMute. [xGic3o],. Alamitos Super Derby [G1], 3rd Los Alamitos Champ. Challenge [G3], fi-
MiFruotmuraityr [SGI1]0,32r.d5DwaisnhsftoorC3,a$sh34D,e0r9b8y,[3Gr2d],PfincoalvisDtAelrlbAym. ericanDerby[G1]. nia Derby [G1], Los Alamitos Winter Champ. S. [G1].
KZAoToHmAiliRciSoIuSs SII992.83(wf.inbsyinA5mstearitcsa, n$2R4,u2n8a0w, fainya)l.is5t Kwinidnesrgtoart3e,n F$1u2t.7[G,62]2., Zadice SI 99. Winner to 3, $9,115. Dam of Jess Do It Girl SI 96.
E n c G o i r l l e e s S p I i 9 e 2 C ( c o . u b n y t C y o F r a o i n r a F C u a t u r t r e i t l y ) . , 2 2 w n i d n s T t Q o H 4 , A 2 0 S 1 i r 8 e , s $ ’ 2 C 5 , u 2 p 4 9 F , u 2 t n u d r i t B y r a [ R d f ] o [ r Gd S 3 ] . ,
ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge, All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut.
Texas Twister S. [R], finalist in the Dash for Cash Futurity [G2]. Howbad Do Youwantit SI 94. Placed to 3, 3rd Clasico Chirina Glorys.

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