Page 14 - Heritage Place Yearling Sale
P. 14
Selling September 20th, 21st & 22nd in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
This filly is a half-sister to Dash For Cash F.-G1 Runner-Up THE PRINTING PRESS SI 104 ($259,703). Her dam is a full sister to Champion FIRST TO FLASH SI 106 ($494,835).
Hip No.
Consigned by Bobby D. Cox
Hip No.
{Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Scoopie Fein SI 99
{Runaway Winner SI 104 Dashin Dee Dee SI 105
{Dash For Cash SI 114 First Prize Rose SI 98
{Six Fortunes SI 107 Marcy Dee
Dominyun SI 104
First Fervor (2004)
January 24, 2017 Brown Filly
{Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Runaway Dee Dee SI 105
{First Down Dash SI 105 Marcy Darling SI 100
By DOMINYUN SI 104 (2008). 5 wins, $336,181, 2nd Ruidoso Derby [G1], 3rd
This colt’s dam is a half-sister to Ed Burke Million F.-G1 Winner CHAZAQ SI 104 ($963,664) All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to A DOWN RIGHT RUNAWAY SI 108.
and Rainbow F.-G1 Winner ZOOMIN WITH EASE SI 104 ($388,299).
Sire of 103 ROM, 7 stakes winners, $2,152,545, incl. MISS FEET DOWN
Hip No. Consigned by Bobby D. Cox Hip No. FIRST SI 94 ($322,232, SW Juv. Champ. [G1]), NUCKY SI 105 ($114,681, W.
Texas Fut. [G2]), TICKLE UR FANCY SI 112 ($92,861), ZENERGETIC SI 107 369 All Outt 369
($80,528), Damn Strait SI 101 (4 wins, $131,326, 2nd Speedhorse Fut. [G3]).
February 10, 2017 Sorrel Colt
FIRST FERVOR, by First Down Dash. Placed at 2, $4,30C0o.rSonisa tCearrtteol SFI I9R7ST TO
1st dam
F L AF Sr e Hi g h St t r I a i 1n 0B 6 S, I F1 1I R5 S T T O S H I N E S I 1 0 4 , F i r s t t o A d o r e S I 9 5 . D a m o f 1 5
{PYC Paint Your Wagon SI 107 {Dashin Follies
Mr Eye Opener SI 106
f o a l s o f r a c i n g a g e ( t h r e e 2 - y e a r D- oi a l dn es t , o 2g e st c t ha a r t Se I d 1 ) 0 , 8 1 3 t o r a c{ e , 1 0 R O M , i n c l u d i n g –
All Outt Dianetomeetcha SI 103 The Printing Press SI 104 (g. by Feature Mr Jess). 2 wins to 4, $259,703, 2nd
Streakin La Jolla SI 99
Dash for Cash Futurity [G1], Texas Classic Derby [G1], All American Ju-
All About Perri
Mr Jess Perry SI 113 {
Scoopie Fein SI 99
venile S., 3rd Sam Houston Champ. Challenge [G1], finalist in the All
First Down Dash SI 105 All About Ease SI 98 {Effortless Again
American Derby [G1].
Ardor SI 98 (g. by Ivory James). 3 wins to 4, 2018, $51,959, 2nd Old South By FREIGHTTRAIN B SI 115 (2008). 9 wins, $421,761 [RG3]. Sire of 104 ROM,
Derby, 3rd Harrah’s Ent. Futurity [G3].
This colt’s dam is La Primera Del Ano Derby-G2 Winner REVV ME UP SI 92 ($183,599).
11 stakes winners, $4,136,455 incl. BV MIDNITE EXPRESS SI 98 (5 wins, Imdancinwiththestars SI 117 (f. by Furyofthewind). 4 wins to 6, $45,646, 3rd
His 2nd dam is Kindergarten Futurity-G1 Winner REVV IT UP SI 98 ($277,078). $769,319, Heritage Place Fut. [G1]), MOONIE BLUES SI 92 ($405,379, Los
West Texas Juvenile Inv., Harrah’s Dash S.
HAipl NWoi.ld West Fut.), BYECoBnsYigEnFedRbEyIBGoHbbTyTDR. CAoIxN SI 106 ($274,629Hi[pRGNo3.]), Murcielago SI 88 (g. by American Runaway). 2 wins to 3, $39,951, finalist in TOMMY THE TRAIN SI 109 ($225,489), BORN TO B BAD SI 103 ($195,820
the Dash for Cash Futurity [G2].
391 New Boston 391
[G3]), BS SPECIAL SI 95 ($125,190), GOOD JOB HONEY SI 95 ($107,265).
Taraprashad SI 105 (g. by Foose). Winner to 7, 2018, $14,788.
1st dam February 4, 2017 Sorrel Colt
Definitiv SI 84 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). Placed in 2 starts at 2, 2018.
ALL ABOUT PERRI, by Mr Jess Perry. Unraced. SSistrtearkintoLa JAolLlaLSIA99BOUT
2nd dam
Mr Jess Perry SI 113 {
MARCY DARLING SI 100, by S{ix Fortunes. 7 wins, 2 to 4, $40,429, Bandera Runaway Winner SI 104
TORQUE SI 93. Dam of 2 foals of racing age, both ROM, including–
Dominyun SI 104
Scoopie Fein SI 99
I n d o m i t a b l e I v o r y S I 8 8 ( f . b y I v R o u r n y a w J a a y mD e e e s D ) e . e WS I i 1 n 0 n 5 e r a { t 2 , 2 0 1 8 , $ 1 1 , 0 8 3 . NewDBoswtonns Derby [G2], 2nd Heart of the Hills Derby, 3DradshBinaDneedeDereaSSI 1ix05Flags
2nd dam
5819D26e7 rby [G3]. Set NTR 350y in 0:17.970. Half sister to ASPEN BREEZES SI
Corona Cartel SI 97 ALLABOUTEASESI98,byFirsSttDeloCwornonDa SaIs1h0.56winsin{12startsto3,$309,503, 96 ($72,641), DELIGHTFUL MEMORIES SI 105. Dam of 9 foals to race, 7
w i n n e ( r 2 s0 1, 0 i ) n c l u d i n g – {
Revv Me Up SI 92 Our Lips Are Sealed
Ruidoso Fut. [G1], 3rd West Texas Fut. [G1]. Dam of 28 starters, 26 ROM–
Revv It Up SI 98 {
CHAZAQ SI 104 (g. by Corona Cartel). 7 wins in 14 starts to 3, $963,664, Ed
FIRST TO FLASH SI 106 (c. by First Down Dash). CRhRaLme Mpisiotranl S2I -1Y05ear-Old
First Down Dash SI 105
118 SPEEDHORSE, September 2018
[G2]-NTR, 350y in 0:17.082, 3rd Sam Houston Challenge Champ. J[eGa1n]i,oElodgiBSuIr1k0e1M. WillinoneFr uatu2r,it2y0[1G81, $].9S3,i6st9e1r,tfoinaTlHisEt ODkOlaW-BNredSFIDuEt. [SRI] [1G027],.
Burke Million Fut. [G1], Los Alamitos Super Derby, 2nd Kindergarten Fut. [G3].
Colt, 7 wins to 3, $494,835, Rainbow Futurity [G1], 2nd Los Alamitos By DOMINYUN SI 104 (2008). 5 wins, $336,181, 2nd Ruidoso Derby [G1], 3rd
ZOOMIN WITH EASE SI 104 (g. by Azoom). 2 wins to 4, $388,299, Rainbow Derby [G1], 3rd Rainbow Derby [G1], finalist in the All American Futurity
All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to A DOWN RIGHT RUNAWAY SI 108. Futurity [G1], 3rd Dash for Cash Derby [G2], finalist All American Derby [G1].
Sir[eGo1f].1S0i3reR. OM, 7 stakes winners, $2,152,545, incl. MISS FEET DOWN KATHARSIS SI 98 (f. by American Runaway). 5 wins to 3, $127,622,
FIIRST TSOI 9S4 H($I3N2E2,S2I3120, S4W(c.Jbuyv.FCirhstaDmopw. [nGD1a])s, hN)U. 3CwKYinsSIto1045, $($11414,6,62821,,NWe.w Gillespie County Fair Futurity, 2nd TQHA Sires’ Cup Futurity [R] [G3],
TexMaesxFicuot.D[Ge2rb])y, TCIhCaKllLeEngUeR[FGA3N],C2YndSIR1a1i2nb($o9w2,D86e1rb),yZ[EGN1E].RSGiEreT.IC SI 107 Texas Twister S. [R], finalist in the Dash for Cash Futurity [G2].
G($W80C,5H2I8C),KDSamI 1n0S4t(rga.itbSyIC10h1ic(k4swBineds,u$in1o3)1.,932w6i,n2sntdoS6p, $e9ed6h,8o0r4s,eGFrueta. [tGL3a]k)e. s ALL ABOUT TORQUE SI 93 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 3, $92,809,
1st dSa.,m2nd Keokuk S. [G3], finalist AQHA West/Southwest Challenge [G2]. Hobbs America Derby [G3], finalist in the Zia Park Champ. S. [G1].
RFEirVsVt TMoEAUdPoSreI 9S2I,9b5y(Sf.tbeyl CFoirsotnDao. 3wwn iDnsastoh)3.,3$w18in3s,5to993,,L$a6P2,r0im91e,ra3rDdeGl Aonvoer- Algorithmic SI 99 (g. by Ivory James). 4 wins to 5, $319,408, 2nd Texas
Dneorb’sy C[Gu2p],F3urtduGritoyv[eRr]n[oGr’s1]C, uDpeDniemrbNy [DRi]a[mG2o]n,dfisnaHli.s[tRin].thDeaEmdoBfu–rke Mil-
Classic Futurity [G1], finalist in the Dash for Cash Futurity [G1].
lion Futurity [G1], Golden State Derby [G1], Kindergarten Futurity [G2].
ADORING JESS SI 101. 2 wins to 3, $26,790, Retama Juvenile Chlg. Dam of– UnDlyamitoefd4fSoIal9s0of(rca.cbinygCagoero(ntwaoCuanrsttealr)t.edW2in-ynearr-ionld2s)s,t2artotsracte2., 2018,
ADORE THE HERO SI 95. 3 wins to 4, 2018, $87,217, La Fiesta Derby.
$131,765, 3rd Heritage Place Futurity [G1]. 2nd dam
Marcys Dashin Bye SI 95 (f. by Dashin Bye). 2 wins to 4, $76,117, finalist in R A E l V l NV T I T h e U J P e S a I n 9 s 8 S , I b 9 y 7 F ( i f r . s b t y D C o o w r n o n D a a Cs h a . r t 6 e l w ) . i n 3 s w t i o n s 3 , t o $ 3 2 , 7 $ 7 1 , 0 2 7 0 8 , 0 , 3 K 6 i n , d 3 e r d r g K a i r n t e d n e r -
the LQHBA Futurity [R] [G1], LQHBA Sales Futurity [R] [G1]. Dam of– FguatrutreitnyF[uGt1u]r,ityC[aGlif1o]r,nfinaaBlisreteindtehres’EDdeBburtkaentMeilSlio. n[RF]u, t2unridtyF[Gla1re].fDoramTobfy–
BIG DASHING PERRY SI 107. 5 wins to 5, $350,022, Firecracker Futurity GOovienrgniVghirtaSl .S, I39rd3.W2rawningsletroS3., f$in4a5l,i5st4i6n, t2hnedGPorladierine SMtaetaedMowillsioJnuFvu. tCurhitlgy.
[G2], Sam Houston Derby [G3], finalist in the All American Derby [G1].
Dewars SI 95. Dam of 10 foals to race, 3 winners, including–
Mount Ararat SI 96 (Panther Mountain). 3 wins, $42,777, 2nd Maple Leaf Dby. Perrys Darling SI 109 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 3, $15,745. Dam of HRH
REVV ME UP SI 92 (f. by Stel Corona). Stakes winner, above.
Victorease SI 94 (c. by One Famous Eagle). Winner in 2 starts at 2, 2018,
SI 92 ($44,087).
3 r d d( $ a 1 m0 , 5 6 2 U S A ) , i n M e x i c o , 2 n d H i p o d r o m o J u v e n i l e C h a l l e n g e .