Page 13 - Heritage Place Yearling Sale
P. 13

This filly’s dam is a half-sister to G1 Winner FANCYS FIRST AFFAIR SI 97 ($102,745), who is the dam of Los Al Two Million F.-G1 Winner I LIKE THE ODDS SI 90 ($911,606).
Hip No.
Consigned by Bobby D. Cox
Hip No.
Dominyun SI 104
Strictly Taboo SI 87 (2011)
{Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Scoopie Fein SI 99
{Runaway Winner SI 104 Dashin Dee Dee SI 105
{Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Chick SI 113
{Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Demanding Native SI 94
January 2, 2017 Sorrel Filly
{Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Runaway Dee Dee SI 105
{Corona Cartel SI 97 Party Girl Affair SI 102
By DOMINYUN SI 104 (2008). 5 wins, $336,181, 2nd Ruidoso Derby [G1], 3rd
This filly’s dam is a full sister to Los Al Two Million F.-G1 Runner-Up THE AUGUST HEAT All American Fut. [G1]. Half-brother to A DOWN RIGHT RUNAWAY SI 108.
SI 9S3ir(e$4o2f4,190936)RanOdMh,al7f-sistatekreEsd wBuinrkneeMrsil,lio$n2F,1.-5G21,5p4la5c,edinOcCl.EMAINSISK SFIE9E3T($D15O1W,14N3). HFipIRNSoT. SI 94 ($322,232, SWCJounsvig.nCedhabymBpob. b[Gy D1.])C,oNx UCKY SI 105 ($114,6H8ip1,NWo. Texas Fut. [G2]), TICKLE UR FANCY SI 112 ($92,861), ZENERGETIC SI 107
277 Bella Terra 277 ($80,528), Damn Strait SI 101 (4 wins, $131,326, 2nd Speedhorse Fut. [G3]).
1st dam January 15, 2017 Sorrel Filly
Scoopie Fein SI 99
Runaway Winner SI 104
STRICTLYTABOOSI87,byCoronaCartel.Unplaced.DSatrmeakoinfL1afJooallaloSfI 9ra9cing
{Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { age, an unstarted 2-year-old.
Dominyun SI 104
2nd dam Runaway Dee Dee SI 105 { Bella Terra
Dashin Dee Dee SI 105
PARTY GIRL AFFAIR SI 102, by Streakin La Jolla. 8 wins to 3, $219,340,
Shebester Futurity [G3], Louisiana Bred Lassie Futurity [R] [G3], Dixie Stal-
Bovet SI 95
Corona Cartel SI 97 {Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Chick SI 113
lion Futurity [R], 2nd LQHBA Classic [F] [R], 3rd All American Futurity [G1],
Delta Louisiana Breeders’ FuJtuesrsitGye[nRui]n.eSIis1t0e2r to PAR{ TY MAN CAN SI 99
($90,654), Streak On Demand SI 98 ($131,886 [G1]). Dam of 17 foals to
Mr Jess Perry SI 113
Genuine Reward SI 84
By DOMINYUN SI 104 (2008). 5 wins, $336,181, 2nd Ruidoso Derby [G1], 3rd
race, 13 ROM, including–
ThiAs lcloAlt mis earhicalaf-nbrFotuhte.r[tGo 1Te].xaHsaClfl-absrsoicthDe.-rGt1oWAinDneOrWBONDRAICGIHOTUSREUANGALWE ASIY10S4I (12081.8, FANCYS FIRST AFFAIR SI 97 (f. by First Down Dash). 4 wins in 7 starts to 3,
Sire of 103 ROM, 7 stakes winners, $2,152,545, incl. MISS FEET DOWN $884,$03160)2. ,H7is45da, mLaisParhimalef-sraistDeretol ACnhoamDpeiorbnyH[EGA1R]T. SDWamIDEoOf–PEN SI 104 ($1,885,283).
FIRST SI 94 ($322,232, SW Juv. Champ. [G1]), NUCKY SI 105 ($114,681, W. HipI NLIoK. E THE ODDS SI 90.C3onwsiginsedabty2B,o$b9by1D1.,6C0o6x , Los Alamitos Two MHipllioNno.
Texas Fut. [G2]), TICKLE UR FANCY SI 112 ($92,861), ZENERGETIC SI 107 Futurity [G1].
(2$8708,528), Damn Strait SI 101C(4hwiensv, $a13u1,3x26, 2nd Speedhorse Fut2. [7G83]). JAMES FIRST AFFAIR SI 121. 10 wins to 5, $100,992, Bitterroot Derby [R],
1st dam
2nd Les Bois JuveMnialercChh1al,le2n0g1e7, LSeosrBreolisCDoeltrby Challenge, finalist in BOVET SI 95, by Corona Cartel. 3 wins to 4, $63,411, finalist in the Rainbow
the Los Alamitos Winter Derby [G1]. Set NTR at Oneida County Fair,
Tempting Dash SI 112 {First Down Dash SI 105 Futurity [G1], Los Alamitos Winter Champ. S. [G1]. Sister to The August
Heat SI 93, Bogart SI 98, U{ndaunted SI 95. Dam of 7 foals of racing age, HUNKI DORI SI 94. Winner to 3, 2018, ($7,991 USAT)re,sinSeMis eSIx9ic7o, Jesus
300y in 0:14.961. A T empting Chick SI 99
Kiss My Hocks SI 109
Romancing Mary SI 103 {
including a 2-year-old currently racing, 6 to race, 4 ROM, including–
ChevauxNuchi Jimenez Sanchez S. Romancin Ashley SI 102
581C92lo81vis Road SI 89 (g. by Tres Seis). 2 wins to 3, 2018, $17,476.
You N Me SI 89. 3 wins to 4, $68,129, 2nd Rainbow JuHvoellnainldeESa.s,e3SrId10H9 obbs
Corona Cartel SI 97 {
Nicolet SI 91 (f. by Bigtime Favorite). 3 wins to 3, 2018, $14,231.
BAomdaeciroiucsaDFreuamtuSriIty97[G2], finalist [G1]. Corona Chick SI 113
2 n Ed nd dal ems s A f f a i r S I 9 0 . W i n n e r t o 3 , $ 3 3 , 4 4 5 , f i n a l i s t W e s t DTaes xh aF so r FC ua st uh rSi tI y1 1[ 4G 2 ] .
Dashing Phoebe SI 104 {
JESS GENUINE SI 102, by Mr Jess Perry. 4 wins in 7 stPahrotesbea’st M2o,o$n1B9ug5,S1I 7915, One Fancy Eagle SI 88. 3 wins to 4, $25,293, finalist in the Mile High Futurity
Retama Futurity [G1], 2nd Sam Houston Futurity [G1]. Dam of 16 ROM– By KISS[GM3Y], HLaOsCDKaSmSaIs1H09. [(G2031].2). Champion 2-year-old, 9 wins in 12 starts
This filly is a half-sister to Champion WAHOO SI 102 ($166,425). Her dam is a full sister The August Heat SI 93 (g. by Corona Cartel). 3 wins to 5, $424,996, 2nd Los
toT3e,ll$e1rs,1F9i9rs,3t8A5f,faRiruSidIo8s2o. FWuint.n[eGr1a],tR3,ai$n1b7o,5w2D6.eDrbaym[Go1f–],2ndRainbowFut. to CAhlampitoiosn T&wAoll AMmiellrioicnanFDuetrubryit-yG1[GW1in],ne3rrBdRDIMaMshERfoTrOCNaSsIh10F4u(t$u5r1it9y,5[3G8)1.],
[G1]J,efsnsl.OAnlleASmwereitcaaffnaiDrSerIb9y2.[G31w]i.nHsitsof4ir,s$t2f4o,0a6ls7.are yearlings. Son of Golden State Derby [G1], finalist in the Bob Moore Memorial S. [G2].
HicphNaom.pion TEMPTING DCAoSnsHigneSdIby11Bo2b,bysDir.eCooxf 19 stakes winneHrsip, Ninoc.l. Toast Of The Party SI 93 (c. by Toast To Dash). Winner to 5, $41,284, 3rd
292 Uforic 292 Million Futurity [G1].
Oceanik SI 93 (g. by Ocean Runaway). Winner to 3, $151,143, 3rd Ed Burke LOGVEraTnHdECWoAteYaYuOSU. [LRIE]. SI 96 ($456,472 [G1]), TEMPTING DESTINY SI 95
C($o3r0o2n,a69C9a[yGe3n]n)e, FSMI 8IM7 (Af. bZyACTAorNoAnaZ CTOarOtelS).I W95in(naet r2a, t220,1$87, $,811831,,6fi4n0ali[sGt 2in]). Bogart SI 98 (c. by CFoerbornuaCrya1rt1e,l).2301w7inSs otorr4e,l $F1il1ly0,373, 3rd James Isaac
1st dthaemKansas Futurity [R] [G2]. Dam of–
Hobbs S. [G2], finalist in the Los Alamitos Two Million Futurity [G1]. BOBDVACNIEOVUESRDLREETAGMOSSII9979,.b2ywCinosroanta2C, a$r9te5l,.7246w, iOnskStlrtaoehako3inm, L$a2JH6ol,ol0ar7Ss8Ie9,m9fienna’lsist
{Mr Jess Perry SI 113 {
Undaunted SI 95 (c. by Corona Cartel). 4 wins to 4, $Sc1o0op8ie,9F7e8in,S2I n99d Valley H o b D A b o s ms s i n D o y e u c n r . b S F y I u 1 [ t 0 G u 4 r 2 i t ] y , S [ R u n ] l [ a G n 2 d ] . W i n t e r D e r b y [ G 2 ] . S i s t e r t o F U R Y O F T H E W I N D
Junction Futurity, 3rd Rainbow Juv., Corona CartelRDunearwbay W[Rin]n,efrnSlI[1G043]. BSVI P9e6p. pDearmShoafke2r8SfIo9a4l.sW, 2in6nteoRrutrona3cw,ae$y,7D24e1e,0DR7e6Oe,SMfiIn1,a015lis9t Hwe{inrintaegres,PilnacleuFduint.g[G– 1].
Uforic Dashin Dee Dee SI 105 Azoomin With Jessie SI 108 (f. by Azoom). 2 wins to 3, $31,266, 2nd Sam
BBOVDAImCgIuOnUaSbeEsAomGeLbEoSdyI 1S0I41(0g1..b6ywOines Ftoa4m,o2u0s1E8,a$g5le1),.11915.wins to 6, 2018, 5819258
HoustonDerby[G2],finalistSamHoustonDerbyChaDallsehnFgoer C[aGsh3S].ID11a4mof– BV$8M74a,c0h3o6M, TaenxSasI 9C5l.a2sswicinDseFtiorbst5yD,o[2Gw0n1D]8a,s,Lh$eS3oI 41S0,15.5[3G.1]{, Eastex S. [G2], Dash AZOFiOrstMToINCeJleAbraMteIE SI 98. 4 wins to 3, 2018, ($96,2F5ir0st PUriSzeAR)o,seinSIM98exico,
BVfoSr uCgasrhDaDdedrybySI[9G33.3],wHinigshtoea3s,2te0r1je8t,$H2.8[,G7139],fi2nnadlisLtEosasAylJaemtSito.[sRC][hGa3m].p.
AlfredoCastroReaS.-NTR,ClasicothePrize,EaRsoilnyaas RPyonssSuI 1m05Derby.
Fitting Celebration SI 110 {
BV[GW1]h, yEaNsotteMx Se. U[Gn2p]la, 3cerd.RDuaidmosof–Futurity [G1], Remington Champ. [G1],
Miromar SI 102. 5 wins to 3, $34,098, 3rd Picov Derby.
Dream Duck SI 91
finBaVlisHteAllloADmaerlrincaSnI F9u1.tu2rwityin[sGt1o]3, L, $o3s1A,9la5m1,it3orsdTSwteorMlieilBlioenrtrFaumtuSri.ty[R[G]. 1]. By DZOooMmINiliYciUouNsSII19024. 3(2w0i0n8s)i.n55wsitnasrt,s$, 3$3264,12810, 2finadliRstuKidinodseorgDaertrebnyF[Gut1. []G, 32r]d.
BEamdnmeannt SOIf9T3he(gB. brayzDosomSiIn9y1un(g).2bywWinsavtoe3C,a2r0v1e8r),.$47w4,i8n9s,33, 2tond5F, $ir6e8c,r1a5c5ke. r
A E l n l A c o m r e e r S i c I a 9 n 2 F ( c u . t b . y [ G C 1 o ] r . o H n a a l C f - b a r r t o e t l ) h . e 2 r w t o i n A s t D o O 4 , W 2 0 N 1 R 8 , I G $ 2 H 5 T , 2 R 4 U 9 , N 2 A n Wd B A r Y a d S f o I 1 r d 0 8 S . .
ParFtyutIunrPityow[Ge2r ]S.I 95 (f. by First Down Dash). 2 wins to 3, $41,411, finalist in
Sire of 103 ROM, 7 stakes winners, $2,152,545, incl. MISS FEET DOWN Howbad Do Youwantit SI 94 (f. by FDD Dynasty). Placed to 3 in Mexico3rd
T a n t h g e o R I n u i Cd o a s s o h D S e I r 8 b 9 y ( [ c G . 1 b ] y . F D D D y n a s t y ) . 2 w i n s t o 3 , $ 4 3 , 2 9 1 , 2 n d A R a n - FIRST SI 94 ($322,232, SW Juv. Champ. [G1]), NUCKY SI 105 ($114,681, W.
Clasico Chirina Glorys.
som S., Cypress S., finalist in the El Primero Del Ano Derby [G3].
ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge. RGP 7/18 Texas Fut. [G2]), TICKLE UR FANCY SI 112 ($92,861), ZENERGETIC SI 107 Carburator SI 97 (Azoom). 6 wins to 6, $83,915, finalist Kindergarten Fut. [G1].
Shangrilalala SI 101 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). Winner to 3, 2018, $37,807, finalist ($80,528), Damn Strait SI 101 (4 wins, $131,326, 2nd Speedhorse Fut. [G3]).
Jess Makin Waves SI 91 (f. by Wave Carver). 2 wins to 4, $40,914, fnl [G2]. in the Robert Adair Kindergarten Futurity [G3].
1st dam 3rd dam
Dreamin Dynasty SI 92 (g. by FDD Dynasty). 2 wins to 5, $32,420. FIRST TO CELEBRATE, by First Down Dash. Unraced. Sister to
GENUINE REWARD SI 84, by First Down Dash. Placed in 2 starts at 2, finalist Kontemporary SI 89 (f. by American Runaway). 2 wins to 3, $29,740, finalist in
BRIMMERTON SI 104. Dam of 17 living foals of racing age (two unstarted in the Kansas Futurity [G1]. Sister to Fabulous Results SI 98. Half sister to
the Oklahoma Futurity [G3].
2-year-olds), 11 to race, 9 winners, including–
Ms McDreamy SI 96 (f. by American Runaway). 3 wins to 3, $22,420. WAHOO SI 102 (g. by Feature Mr Jess). Champion Distance Horse, 8 wins ($145,761 [R] [G3]), Mitzi Lee Dash SI 104 (dam of MIRANDA FAME SI
Senor Sueno SI 90 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). Placed at 2, 2018, $4,346.
to 6, $166,425, Pauls Valley H. [G3], Remington Distance Challenge [G3],
106, $132,362). Dam of 9 foals to race, 6 ROM, including–
2ndMdasmterSallsS.,Governor’sCupMarathonS.,2ndRemingtonDistanceH. JESS GENUINE SI 102 (Mr Jess Perry). Stakes winner, above.
Mike Turner, Assistant Manager Leslie Turner, DVM, Resident Veterinarian
Bill Melson, General Manage
DAS[HGI3N]GtwPicHe,OPEaBuEl’sSVIa1ll0e4y,Hb.y[DGa3s],hLFoonreCSatasrhD. CishtaanmcepiCohna2lle-Ynegaer,-fOinladlisFtiilnly, Genuine Botticelli SI 97 (Special Task). Winner to 4, $164,182, 2nd
Peaster, Texas • (817) 594-83
CtheamAQpHioAnD3i-sYtaenacre-OCldhaFlliellnyg;eACQhHaAmpD.aSm. [Gof1]D. istinction; 11 wins in 20 Remington Futurity [G1], finalist in the All American Futurity [G1]. Sire.
AusntatirtUs,p$S6I0190,525(3f.,KbyanIvsoarsyFJuatm.[eGs1).],3etwci.nDsatmo 4o,f$1379R,7O8M7,(31rAdPTHQAH)A,inScilr.e–s’ Special Rewards SI 94 (Strawfly Special). Placed at 2, $11,419, 2nd
H E C A u R p T F S u Wt u I r D i t Ey O[ R P ] E [ GN 2 S ] , I 1 A 0 Q 4 H ( F A e Ma t e u mr e b M e r r J P e l s u s s ) . S C . h a m p i o n 2 - Y e a r - O l d , C h a m - Oklahoma Juvenile Challenge [G3].
Celpeibornar3S-YI 1e1a1r-(Ogl.db,yCOhnaemFpaiomnou2s&E3a-gYle)a.r3-OwlidnsFtiloly4,, $1312w,1in6s0i,nfin1a3listta[rGts3t]o. 3, AQHA Challenge, All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut.
Opt$im1,y8s8t5ic,2S8I38, A4ll(Af. mbyerIivcoarnyFJuat.m[Ges1)]., RPulaidcoesdotFou3t. [DGa1m], Roaf–inbow Derby [G1].

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